Chapter 58 God’s Trial·Doomsday Redemption


As Sinoe pressed a button.


A real-time live broadcast picture appeared in front of everyone.

This live broadcast also has a title.

God’s Trial·Doomsday Redemption.

In the picture.

In a church that has been abandoned for an unknown period of time.

A pair of siblings are struggling to survive.

When everyone first saw this place, they didn’t think there was anything.

Just subconsciously thought.

This may be a promotional video.

It is a promotional image of the Umbrella Company’s doomsday salvation.

But when the ghoul appeared, it attracted the attention of many people.

Because they know that ghouls don’t know how to participate in promotional films.

Ever since, there were people on the Internet suddenly, thinking of something.

“This is the stick country!”

“Blood Angel is in Stick Country at this moment!”

“Umbrella Company, why is it broadcasting the situation in the country at this time?”

“This title is even more bizarre, and it’s called the Trial of God.”

“Could it be…this brother and sister are our hope of salvation?”

For a time.

Someone on the Internet finally realized something.

Gather the sand into a boat.

Until now, no one has been able to complete this test.

The beach is now even more impossible to go.

Because it has been raining heavily, now everyone is trying to build the Ark of Doom with dry sand.

Those who moved the sand into the house.

It’s the kind of place that will never be disturbed by moisture, water droplets, etc.

There are even relevant departments who suspect that the Ark of Sand that the Holy Spirit said requires pure sand.

So I actually created a vacuum chamber and used a completely clean robot to filter the sand.

Then it took him three full days to get completely pure sand.

Then use pure sand to build the ark.

But in the end it failed.

That is, with this last experiment, it ended in failure.

The native inhabitants on the blue star, as well as the believers of the traversers on the blue star.

Everyone would think that the key point of the Ark of Doom should not be sand, but a certain person.

“Is it possible that our previous guesses are true?”

“I remember someone said it on the first day of the Holy Spirit’s coming.”

“The key is not the sand, but the people!”

At this moment, people finally remembered the first guess.

But the situation in the live broadcast room was unremarkable.

During the four hours of being broadcast live.

The brother and sister He Tian and He Mei are just resting.

Time is slowly passing away like this.

Four hours passed by in a flash.

Because it is too boring.

In the first hour, many people watched the live broadcast.

But the second hour, the third hour, the fourth hour.

There are less than one in ten who can stay and continue watching.

But because the population base of viewers is very large.

So even if among ten people, only one is watching.

That is also an extremely large number.

“The sleep quality of these brothers and sisters is extremely poor.”

“Because the church they were in was never too dilapidated.”

“So as long as there is a little bit of wind and grass, they will be awakened.”

“Moreover, because I have been suffering from heavy rain now.”

“I’m afraid that the clothes on their bodies are also difficult to keep out of the cold.”

“What’s more, there is a stick country, which is attacked by ghouls.”

“So, can they really last for two days?”

In these four hours.

Numerous voices of doubt and worry appeared on the Internet.

There are also many people praying for the two brothers and sisters.

All you can do is nothing more.

That is when everyone is talking about this.


The live video is quickly stretched upwards.

The viewing angle of the live broadcast was instantly magnified many times.

Then, everyone saw the horrified picture.

That is a ghoul.

A ghoul appeared in the live broadcast.

It was a terrifying ghoul.

The body size of a ghoul is at least twice that of an ordinary person.

In other words, this is a monster nearly four meters tall.

“Damn it!”

“This is a mutant ghoul!”

“I have seen the Umbrella Company’s introduction about the sky ghosts.”

“Normal ghouls are about the same height as humans, but they usually walk on four legs.”

“However, mutant ghouls will be anywhere from 3 meters to 10 meters in height.”

“Ten-meter ghoul, one punch can smash the tank.”

“This four-meter-high ghoul is not actually the strongest among mutant ghouls.”

“But even so, considering the situation of the siblings, I’m afraid it will end… it won’t be too good.”

In the live broadcast room, everyone can send barrage to chat.

So when they saw the current situation, the faint hope that was originally born soon faded again.

In the live broadcast room.

After everyone learned that the ghouls that appeared this time were mutant ghouls, they sweated coldly for the two brothers and sisters.

The number of people in the live broadcast room.

Also because of the appearance of ghouls, it has rapidly increased.

From the ghouls appearing in the live broadcast room, to the ghouls walking towards the broken Holy See step by step.

This period is about five minutes.

In just five minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room reached a new record.

Three billion people!

At this moment, there are three billion people watching the live broadcast.

But the two brothers and sisters didn’t know.

In this way, everyone was watching nervously.

This mutated ghoul finally came outside the church.


Immediately afterwards.

The deafening roar was delivered. *

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