Chapter 56 Special brothers and sisters (2 more! Seeking flowers, comments!)

Stick country.

Among the abandoned churches.

Because of the sister’s persistence, the elder brother could only gritted his teeth and began to arrange various defenses around the small church.


But the room leaks in the night rain.

Just when the two brothers and sisters He Tian and He Mei set up defenses.

Suddenly, a ghoul discovered the evil thoughts here.

The ghoul went straight to He Tian and attacked, obviously because of his evil thoughts, which attracted the other party.

This time, for He Tian, ​​it was another struggle of life and death.

But fortunately.

Although He Tian has sat down a lot of selfish things during several journeys across the world.

Can be at the same time.

It also allowed him to develop a strong combat instinct and combat experience.

A ghoul who is irrational and always guarding suffering.

Even if He Tian was seriously injured, it was not his opponent.

This ghoul was finally ended by He Tian.

The price this time is that one of his legs is already difficult to move.

Lost a hand, this time it was a leg.

He Tian has given up hope.

It’s just that because my sister didn’t run away, she was always by her side.

Even if He Tian is desperate, he must struggle to death.

He must at least guarantee that his sister will live until the end of the disaster and the day when the blood angel will not be transformed into a ghoul.

“Three days! Only three days!”

“As long as I persist for three days, my sister can be saved.”

This night.

He Tian is very tired.

The rain outside is still getting heavier.

The occasional lightning and thunder will make He Tian and He Mei shocked.


At night.

That is when the night appears.

Outside the broken church.

Suddenly, ten ghouls appeared.

Although, they are the most common ghouls.

But these ten ghouls were enough to bring a devastating attack on the two brothers and sisters in the church.


The pace of these ten ghouls was very slow, and they didn’t make any noise when they walked.

In addition, the rain at this time is a downpour.

The huge sound of rain concealed the breath and voice of ten ghouls.

Just when one of the ghouls was about to rush into the ruined church.


The body of the ghoul stopped.

A powerful breath came from the void.

The blood-red light directly caused an area of ​​heavy rain to plunge into stillness.

If someone sees this scene in front of them, they can definitely call out the person’s name.

Blood Angel Song Sisi.

Now above the entire Blue Star.

No one does not know Song Sisi.

Whether it’s a traveler or a native of Blue Star, they all know Song Sisi’s existence.

after all.

This is relying on one’s own power to annihilate the existence of a small country.

the most important is.

The first time God appeared before everyone, it was because he saved her.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Except for the ghoul who was anchored.

The other nine ghouls all screamed after seeing their masters coming.

The voice was also very soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing Blood Angel Song Sisi.

“Change the battle plan!”

“The people inside are very special. You can only hunt them one by one.”

“Every four hours, attack once.”

Song Sisi gave orders to the ghoul he had created.

Naturally, the ghouls dare not disobey her order.

Ever since, the nine ghouls who had not launched an attack all retreated into the darkness.

The ghoul who was about to launch an attack also regained his mobility at this moment.

“One more thing, every ghoul who wants to attack this pair of brothers and sisters must scream before attacking, announcing his arrival.”

Song Sisi added another sentence.

Faced with her request, of course the ghouls can only accept it.


The ghoul who was about to invade the church suddenly roared.


The loud sound directly awakened the two brothers and sisters He Tian and He Mei in the church.


Inside the church.

“Damn it! Is there finally another ghoul here!”

“But listen, there is only one!”

“This will be easier, our trap, there is absolutely no problem with dealing with a ghoul.”

Relying on his own experience, He Tian quickly determined the number of ghouls.

Under his calculation, a ghoul is not difficult to deal with.

In fact, the same is true.

This deliberately exposed ghoul only persisted for ten minutes before he died in many traps arranged by He Tian.

In this way, they got four hours of respite.

It’s just that the two of them don’t know it.


The outside of the dilapidated church.

Song Sisi expressionlessly, watching the ghoul die on Hetian’s fairyland.

He didn’t feel any irritation because of the failure of the ghoul.

But there is no happiness at all.

Only after the first ghoul was strangled by a trap, he couldn’t help but said a word to the empty front.

“Master Metatron, IMHO!”

“Although the relationship between the brother and sister is very touching, I don’t think they have anything special.”

“What’s more, that brother is not a believer at all, and her sister has not reached the level of a fanatic.”

Blood Angel Song Sisi was actually talking to Metatron.

That’s when she just finished speaking.

Metatron walked out of the void.

Of course, this time it is an incarnation, not an ontology. *

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