Chapter 54 Divine Creation Raphael (5 more!)

This celestial master was created.

Although it is a perfect angel in human form.

But the Shuiyun people were extremely shocked.

Because the body of this newborn angel is the essence of the Shuiyun clan.

And her physical strength far surpasses these real Shuiyun tribes.

The Shuiyun clan on the battleship.

At this moment, in everyone’s heart, Metatron’s previous description of Yang Xuan appeared.

“The Creator!”

The first time I heard this title.

People of the Shuiyun tribe thought it was Metatron who was exaggerating.

Although the opponent is the King of Angels, as the master of the King of Angels, he is definitely stronger.

But if it is the creator of the entire universe, they still don’t believe it.

Because the creation of natural creatures is still out of thin air.

It is impossible for all civilizations.

Even the angels are impossible.

The birth of life has always been the law of the universe.

Many civilizations can be copied and cloned, but they can never create a natural creature.

However, this law was broken.

In front of Yang Xuan, this one with twelve wings on his back.

A beautiful angel with blue hair and blue eyes.

It was declared that beings can be created.

Moreover, the creatures that are created are natural creatures.

More than that, the nature of the opponent’s blood is very powerful.

The Shuiyun tribe is a race with a bloodline class.

The powerful Shuiyun clan has extremely high bloodline nature and will naturally suppress the ordinary Shuiyun clan.

Therefore, although the Shuiyun clan has a strong civilization, it is an imperial civilization.

“The powerful Shuiyun clan who surpassed the royal bloodline!”

“Although the form is in human form, the breath is said to be the ancestor of our Shuiyun clan, and some people will believe it.”

The water vortex was unbelievable, looking at the blue sky envoy floating in the center of his battleship.

“Unexpectedly, the Creator is real.”

“It’s just that if the creator is really that powerful, why not just reclaim all civilizations.”

“Is it possible that the Creator is not invincible?”

“Is it impossible…”

As a member of the third level of civilization, the water vortex is not yet the lowest level of civilization.

The boldness of thinking far exceeds that of human beings.

But just when the water vortex thought of this.

A frightened him, even the body shrank into a twisted message, appeared in his heart.

“That’s right, it’s what is difficult in your mouth!”

“God has enemies too.”

“A powerful enemy you can’t imagine!”

“It’s just that I won, but the serious injury did not recover.”

“The world is not unique.”

“God is not the only one.”

“You just don’t know how many times you have experienced the catastrophe that almost destroyed the entire universe.”

“It’s just that, in a contest at my level, you won’t feel it at all when the disaster strikes.”

Yang Xuan explained it lightly.

If he wants to spread his beliefs, he is still in the interstellar world of this world.

Therefore, it is natural to have a reasonable excuse.

What is said now is enough.

It’s just a brief explanation, and the rest is left to their own imagination.

“I see!”

“No wonder the whole universe remembers your honorable name!!”

“Great God, I will be your faithful believer from now on!”

Water vortex directly chose to believe and offered his faith.

And he who worships blood and the water of life directly became a mad believer.

On this spaceship.

There are a total of three hundred people from the Shuiyun clan.

They all became believers at this moment.

Among them, two hundred are directly fanatics.

The other one hundred, because they were too weak, fainted when Yang Xuan appeared.

When I woke up later, my consciousness was also vague.

So just ordinary believers.


“elder sister!”

At this moment, the envoy of the blue sky spoke.

She flapped her wings and looked around curiously.

Because Yang Xuan gave her a certain cognition, she knew the world, not a newborn.

But even so, she was full of curiosity about the world.


“Angel of the Water Walk!”

“The Brilliant Messenger of Healing”

“Guardian of Life!”

“Your name is Raphael!”

Yang Xuan spoke her name to the envoy of the blue sky.

“Thank you father!”

“From now on, my name is Raphael!”

Raphael said his name happily.

The wings on the back radiated a soft holy light in an instant.

That is the light of healing.

At the same time, a golden-blue dagger appeared in her hand.

Name: Origin of Life

Grade: Artifact


A powerful dagger containing life force. After being hit by this dagger, you can choose to heal the opponent or absorb the opponent’s life force according to the user’s will.

Note: Inserting the origin of life into the planet’s land can deprive the entire planet of vitality.


Powerful artifact!

An artifact with a single attribute, but extremely powerful.


“Follow this group of believers back to their fleet and become their leader.”

“Back to their civilization.”

“Guide them to find the way to salvation!”

“In three days, I will come in person!”

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, the avatar disappeared completely.

“Raphael, don’t let my father down!”

Metatron nodded to Raphael, his body directly turned into light and disappeared completely.

Raphael clenched the origin of life in his hands.

“I will not disappoint God Father!”

Raphael nodded heavily.

Then, she said to the water vortex: “Go, target the water cloud galaxy.”*

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