Chapter 52 The strongest posture, the king who can’t look directly at (3 more! Seeking flowers, evaluation)

Although the water vortex is the forward of their fleet.

Not the core member of the entire fleet.

However, his understanding of many civilizations is not weaker than others.

not to mention.

Holy light civilization, a family of angels.

That is the most famous existence in the entire universe.

They are also the only powerful existence in the dark forest that never hides their civilized position.

Because it is powerful, it has no scruples.

“Captain, what do you do now?”

“Is civilization going to run?”

“Release the hydration bomb, maybe we have a chance to escape!”

A subordinate of Water Vortex made a suggestion.


The water vortex backhand is a water bomb that directly knocks the compatriot of the Shuiyun clan into the air.

Then, he knelt down directly to the front.

He shouted loudly: “I am the upper water clan of Shuiyun civilization, I am willing to surrender!”

That’s when he finished shouting this sentence.

The angel with thirty-six wings in front disappeared in the next second.

The unknown Shuiyun tribe, after seeing this place, thought that the other party had left.

“Huh? Is this leaving now?”

“Because of the captain’s surrender, let this angel see our sincerity?”

“Huh! It looks like it was just a false alarm.”

Except for the water vortex, the other members of the Shuiyun clan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But they just finished speaking.

Suddenly’s complexion became extremely ugly.

In his whole body, countless water and light soon loomed.

“Shut up all to me!”

“Kneel all to me, pray that this great king of angels can spare us a little life!”

Water Vortex scolded his compatriots very loudly this time.

But at the same time, he also knew that his compatriots were not to blame.

Because everyone knows the civilization of light.

Also know that the angel family.

I also know that the angel family is the main family of the civilization of light.

But they don’t know the specific divisions within the angel family, and the meaning of the wings.

Because the civilization of light is too far away for them.

Also, that is the high-level of the Shuiyun clan.

Nor did it disclose more detailed information.

Among the forward battleships of the entire Shuiyun clan, the only people who knew the situation of the thirty-six wings were the water vortex.


The water vortex was terrified.

And directly said the title of ‘King of Angels’.

Prevent your subordinates from speaking irretrievable words.

His subordinates were also shocked after hearing the four words “King of Angels”.


Puff! Puff!

Without saying a word, all these people knelt directly to the ground.

Even if you don’t know the horrible meaning of the wings of the angel family.

But everyone knows the strength of the angel family.

As for the king of the angel family, this meaning is even more terrifying.

Therefore, kneeling and praying is indeed the only big thing they can do.


That is after the water vortex has finished shouting.

The innermost part of this warship with a sense of science fiction and rich in the characteristics of the water and cloud clan.

An extremely conspicuous spatial fluctuation appeared out of thin air.

As soon as this fluctuation appeared, the entire body of the water vortex trembles.

It’s not just a water vortex.

The same goes for the other Shuiyun clan.

“It’s terrible and powerful!”

“What a terrifying energy fluctuation!”

“As expected to be the king of angels at the thirty-six wings level!”

“The pressure of this breath alone represents the level of fourth-level civilization.”

“It’s just such a great existence, why is such a remote opponent.”

“Could it be that……”

Suddenly, Shui Guomao made up a terrible news.

“Could it be that the angels finally don’t plan to continue to maintain order!”

“For countless years, maintaining the order at the core of the universe makes them tired?”

“So, do they want to unify many civilizations in the universe, or eliminate all other civilizations!”

The water vortex is always considered from the perspective of interests.

This is actually the most normal way of thinking.

Because he knows a lot of information.

Therefore, it is clearer that the angel family, even if they like to maintain order, are not purely kind.

Because maintaining order can bring a certain kind of power to the angels.

Just like this, the angels finally created the Holy Light Civilization, drawing in and conquering many civilizations to join the Holy Light Civilization.

“damn it!”

“I won’t be a big move that broke the Holy Light Civilization.”

“A King of Angels is dispatched in person, this is not an ordinary tour at all.”

“I must be prepared to sacrifice.”

“If it’s time to sacrifice, then I must try to use all means to record what the angel civilization has done.”

“Finally, it will be passed to the senior leaders of our Shuiyun clan, I hope they still have time to prepare.”

The brain of the water vortex is spinning fast.

He thought about a lot of things, but so many things, for him, it was only a second.

At this moment.

In the place where the spatial fluctuations just appeared, endless golden light had already emerged from the void.

“Ah! Eyes! My eyes!”

“Everyone, close your eyes!”

“Is this the power of the angel family!”

“Quite your anger! Quiet your anger, the great king of angels!”

“We didn’t mean to offend you!”

Metatron’s body hasn’t been fully condensed yet, and these people of the Shuiyun clan can no longer stand it.


This time Metatron showed her strongest posture.

The true king of angels pose.

The essence of the King of Angels is the upper god.

As for the essence of God, it transcends all living beings.

Gods are one of all beings to God. *

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