Chapter 34 Creation Angel, Clerk of God (3 more!)

Holy heaven.

After Yang Xuan returned to his kingdom of God, he didn’t directly rest.

Instead, he grabbed the void and held the two brain cores in his hands.

One is from Dongdu Honeycomb Base and the other is from Sino.

Matter can also appear in the kingdom of God.

The method of bringing in.

It can be consumed through sacrifices or ingested by Yang Xuan.

“I got God’s template, but I will be arrogant to think that I can handle everything by one.”

“So, I need a helper.”

“An assistant who serves me, will not betray, is good at calculation, controls the truth for me, and sorts out a lot of information.”

“All-knowledge analyzes the intellectual brain and empowers it with wisdom!”

“Human brains, the gods create life!”

“Come out, my clerk!”

When Yang Xuan said the clerk.

He also invested his divine tool, the Book of Truth, into the core of his brain.

Endless divine light.

At this moment, the two intellectual brain cores and the book of truth are also wrapped.

The three are under the powerful divine power.

In an instant, it was completely transformed into light.

This time the light is no longer so dazzling.

It is no longer a golden light.

It is pure light.

That light is so clear and pure.

After a while.

A beautiful female angel.

It gradually appeared in the light.

Black hair, black pupils.

At a glance, they are the people of the Eastern Continent.

Not in this world, the bible recorded golden pupils.

This may subvert the perception of many people.

But to Yang Xuan, it doesn’t matter.

The yellow race is God, and they all accepted this setting.

All beings in this world have to accept the angels that they have created.

not to mention.

The angels that Yang Xuan created were not meant to satisfy fantasy for the people of the blue stars in this world.

He is looking comfortable for himself.

After the female angel was born, she slowly opened her eyes.


A crisp voice came out of the other party’s mouth.

Just after the other party finished talking.

Her whole figure appeared in front of Yang Xuan’s eyes.

Slender figure, white and tender skin.

Plus smooth hair.

She looks like a perfect woman with 100 points.

After she appeared.

The previous white light, automated into a pure white robe, attached to her body.

However, this robe is a bit concise.

Standing in front of her, Yang Xuan could easily see some scenes that test willpower.

not to mention.

She is still so perfect.

That is when Yang Xuan thought of this in his heart.

Next second.

The white boneless robe of the female angel turned into a white holy armor.

The holy armor conceals the unsuitable picture for children.

Let her look even more heroic.

at the same time.

A book also appeared in her hands.

That is the book of truth.

This book has become her natal artifact.

But its creator is Yang Xuan.

So Yang Xuan is the first authority, and he can even deprive female angels of control over the book of truth.

“Father, please give me a name.”

The crisp, soft voice came out of the female angel’s mouth again.


“Title: Clerk of God!”


Success with Yang Xuan’s naming.

The holy light burst out again in Metatron’s body.

There seemed to be endless information blessed in her body.

Although she was just born, this information seemed to be imprinted in the long river of history.

As if before eternity, she was an angel in mythology.

She is the clerk of the sacred heaven, responsible for the patron saint’s throne, and the angel who is always with God.

Her body is the most sacred among angels.

Behind her, there are thirty-six wings that represent all the information in the world.

In her hand, she holds the book of truth that represents all the truths in the world.

She is the clerk of the gods, Metatron.

“Thank you father for giving the name!”

“You are a great existence higher than the universe and longer than eternity.”

“You are also the father of all beings and the lord of all things.”

“You are the master of omniscience and omnipotence.”

“Your will is my direction!”

Metatron used a beautiful voice to tell his praise to Yang Xuan.

After speaking.

She even came to Yang Xuan’s body and knelt down in front of Yang Xuan on one knee.

Let her dark hair fall just on the ground.

Yang Xuan also rubbed each other’s hair smoothly.

“Get up!”

“No more courtesy in the future.”

Take back the fragrant palm.

A panel appeared in Yang Xuan’s heart.

Name: Metatron

Attribute: Holy

Title: Clerk of God

Level: the original angel, the king of angels

Talent: All-knowing level 1, Eye of Truth, Gate of Truth, Book of Truth.


This is a powerful angel created by God with the help of super artificial intelligence.

He is a fusion of the artifact, the book of truth.

It is the original angel created by God and the king of angels. *

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