Chapter 31 Glory ladder, honored in the kingdom of God (6 more!)

Under the public eye.

In Yang Xuan’s heart, the point of faith was madly burning.

Consume one’s own spirit, will, and divine mind.

This is the time.


A sound of the door opening appeared above the entire Blue Star.

This voice.

The sound of opening the door.

Not only appeared on the entire blue star, but also directly penetrated into everyone’s heart.

It seems that it is not a simple door to open.

But the entire Blue Star, the entire universe, the entire world has a certain shackle opened.

Even those deaf and mute, even animals.

In their hearts, they all heard the sound of opening the door.

“Something has been opened!”

“Huh? Why do I suddenly feel an inexplicable sense of relief!”

“Me too, the whole body is light!”

“I feel a burst of clarity in my mind!”

“I found that my perception has become more acute.”

“It must be a great God, he blessed all of us!”

The believers directly counted the credit for this matter on Yang Xuan.

In fact.

This matter does have something to do with Yang Xuan.

Because the sound that just appeared was the sound of the opening of the door of heaven.

The moment the door of the kingdom of the day opened.

It also means that the principle of idealism is thoroughly recognized by this world.

This is the power of omniscience, which directly affects the entire world.

Even if Yang Xuan evacuated this world now.


In the future, this world will no longer be an ordinary world.

Especially Blue Star here.

Because the gate of heaven is opened here.

Therefore, Blue Star has become the birthplace of idealism.

Some extraordinary people will often be born here in the future.


on the ground.

Everyone is looking at the situation above the sky excitedly.

The sound of the opening of the door of the kingdom of heaven appeared on everyone’s hearts.

The huge door in the sky.

The huge door where the three holy spirits were located finally slowly opened.


The moment the Gate of Heaven opened, another golden tide appeared.

Immediately afterwards.

Numerous phantom angels appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, there is a huge angel.

It was a female angel with a height of at least 100 meters and holding a sword of flame, walking out of the gate of heaven.

As soon as this angel appeared.

Everyone felt a sudden rush of breathing.

The terrifying coercion directly covered the entire Blue Star.

Especially the flame sword in the opponent’s hand, seems to have the power to destroy the world.


As soon as the huge angel appeared, he directly swung a sword at the three holy spirits.

This is the angel of judgment!

She is appraising whether the three holy spirits are qualified to enter the kingdom of God.


The one-hundred-meter-high Judgment Angel, swinging a huge one hundred and forty-meter long sword, directly drowned the three holy spirits.

But when the judgment angel finished swinging the sword and put away the long sword.

The three holy spirits still stand in place.

It seems that the slashing of the sword just now is completely illusory.


Blue Star at this moment.

No one will think that everything they have just experienced is an illusion.

Because of the hot breath, everyone felt it.


When the long sword drowned the three holy spirits.

They all have a clear understanding in their hearts.

That is, if you cannot bear the flames of the long sword, then you are not a qualified Holy Spirit.

Fortunately, the last three holy spirits passed.

This is also the final test.

With the huge angel, he returned to the gate of heaven.



Another burst of strong golden light passed from the gate of heaven.

That is the ladder.

It is the ladder to the kingdom of God.

There are 18,000 ladders!

The Holy Spirits must walk up personally.

Even for the holy spirits who have been deified.

If you step by step.

Then this is an extremely long journey.

But under the watchful eyes of the Blue Star sentient beings, they had just stepped onto the first step of the ladder.

The ladder disappeared.

Only the gate of heaven is left open.


“There are three people who have entered the kingdom of gods!”

“That’s the kingdom of God, I want to go too!”

“Have you just seen it? There were at least thousands of angels at the moment the gate of heaven opened!”

“Those angels are so beautiful!”

Everyone at Blue Star couldn’t see the process of climbing the ladder.

Because when I stepped onto the steps of the ladder.


It is equivalent to having entered the kingdom of Yang Xuan.

But at this time, although the ladder disappeared, the gate of heaven has not disappeared yet.

The people of Blue Star also turned their eyes to the gate of heaven because they couldn’t see the three holy spirits.

There are many people who try to pray.

I hope to withstand the test, and I want to enter the kingdom of God.

But no one got a response.

This is the time.

Yang Xuan’s figure appeared.

He came directly to the gate of heaven from the sky above the small island nation.

When he appeared, the whole world became quiet.

Everyone didn’t even dare to make a sound.

That feeling, like the sound caused by breathing, is a kind of blasphemy to Yang Xuan.


6 more over.

Tomorrow 5 will be guaranteed, and we will continue to strive for 6 more.

The author of Xiaopujie went to eat first, and was so hungry.

Big guys have a good dream! *

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