Chapter 27 One thought of nuclear weapons, creation of the void (seeking flowers, evaluation!)

When Yang Xuan was analyzing space.

The special incident response bureau has already exploded.

Because the live broadcast is still going on.

So everyone here clearly saw a weird thing.

That is.

In front of Yang Xuan, a new messenger of peace appeared.

This messenger of peace is exactly the same as the messenger of peace that exploded before.

“Play back the picture before!”

“Check it carefully!”

“Contact the situation in Dongdu, a small island nation, to confirm whether the previous peace messenger really exploded.”

The people of the Special Event Response Bureau saw a peace messenger appear out of thin air.

The first thought.

It was the messenger of peace that exploded before, an illusion.

Since the other party had even made a huge angel projection, it was not impossible to make a false explosion scene.

But after a short while.

When many confirmations have been communicated.

Even if they don’t want to admit it anymore, they have to admit it.

The former peace messenger exploded.

The new peace envoys now appearing look exactly the same as before.

But not the previous one.

“In other words…”

“Does this great existence turn back time?”

“And it’s just for the back flow of the messenger of peace!”

After confirming the previous peace messenger, it did explode.

The analyst immediately reached a conclusion.

This conclusion is based on the appearance of Yang Xuan confining the hive base before.

Now the Special Event Response Bureau has confirmed that Yang Xuan has the ability to freeze space and time.

So through this association.

They guessed that Yang Xuan has the ability to turn time back.

“Do not!”


“It’s not going back in time!”

“Although he may also be able to do this, the ability to create a messenger of peace is not going back in time.”

Just when the recorder was about to record Yang Xuan back in time and let the peace messenger reappear.

Yi Yun walked out of her independent office.

And as soon as she came out, she denied the analyst’s analysis.

“Master Chief!”

“If it’s not going back in time, could it be creation?”

Being able to become an analyst here is naturally a person with strong brains.

So when Yiyun denied the other party’s first analysis, he immediately gave the second analysis.

This second analysis is exactly what Yiyun thought.


“This great existence is growing!”

“In my opinion, he is like a newborn baby!”

“In the beginning, there was an instinct to breathe, drink, and eat.”

“But I can’t use it!”

“Now with the passage of time, he has become familiar with his abilities.”

“Even, I’m still studying how to use my abilities!”

“And increase your own ability, expand the application of ability!”

Yi Yun made a metaphor.

“Master Chief!”

“Is it really appropriate to compare this great being to a baby?”

“This is too underestimating the other party!”

An analyst couldn’t help but gave a wry smile.

In their eyes, Yang Xuan is not a baby.

It’s a god!

An extremely powerful god.

“Look down?”

“In your opinion, when I compare the other person to a newborn baby, am I underestimating each other?”

Yi Yun also gave a wry smile.

Then she took a few steps forward.

Came to the very center of this war room.

“No! I’m not underestimating this great existence!”

“I compare him to a newly born baby, imagining the strength of each other without limit.”

“Think about it carefully.”

“If the other party is still just a newborn baby.”

“Then how terrible it will be when he grows up!”

“A newborn baby can freeze time and space!”

“A newborn baby can create such a large projection out of thin air.”

“A newborn baby can control the top of the umbrella company through holographic projection.”

“A newborn baby can endow strangers with powerful superpowers.”

“If he were a teenager, how terrifying would he be?”

“If he is an adult, how terrifying would he be?”

“If he is fully acquainted with his own abilities, is it possible that in the end the birth and death of the entire world are just between his thoughts?”

Yi Yun spoke word by word, speaking out his knowledge of Yang Xuan.


“Master Chief, you meant this!”

“And if you use this metaphor to explain it, it’s really appropriate.”

“The opponent is very strong, super strong!”

“And the other party is still growing, fast and normal!”

“If this continues, we humans…”

“It’s simply vulnerable!”

After thinking of this.

Everyone in the entire war room was silent.

The strength of the enemy is now in a real sense, beyond their ‘imagination’.

They could not confirm how powerful Yang Xuan would show in the future. *

Chapter 28 I said: Let there be light (2 more! Seeking flowers, evaluation!)


The previous analyst couldn’t help sighing.

He finally realized the smallness of human beings.

“So, pray!”

“Pray that the other party does not want to destroy mankind!”

“Otherwise, we are all over!”

Yi Yun sighed, then set his gaze on Yang Xuan.


Small island country, sky above.

“The analysis was successful!”

“It turns out that this is the essence of space!”

“Fortunately, this time I have gained enough power of faith.”

“Otherwise, there is really no way to directly condense a kingdom of God.”

“No! Not the kingdom of God, just the prototype of the kingdom of God!”

Yang Xuan slowly lowered his head, then opened his mouth.

Immediately afterwards.

He said a word that made the world couldn’t help it, completely linking him to the identity of God.

“Let there be light!”

Yang Xuan said: Let there be light!

Even if it is night.

But when Yang Xuan said this sentence.

The entire sky was illuminated in an instant.

Endless light burst out from the dark night.

It was a soft golden light.

It is very bright.

It’s dazzling.

But it will not give anyone an uncomfortable feeling.

Even when people are in the rain under the holy light.

Those who have the power of faith in Yang Xuan have also received certain benefits.


People who are in their own sub-health state are cured in a flash.

Secondly, it is even more powerful.

Some people who are sick, but have devout beliefs.

The disease has been cured.

This is not over yet.

If it is a fanatic.

Then rebirth with severed limbs is no longer a problem.

The power of Yang Xuan’s faith is naturally consumed rapidly.

The power of 300 billion faith.

When the power of omniscience analyzes the space, a full 100 billion is consumed.

Now, Yang Xuan said that there should be light.

When directly using the sacred light to illuminate the whole world.

The power of his faith was once again consumed 100 billion.

However, these are investments for Yang Xuan.

Because next.

Not only did his power of faith be rewarded, but it was greatly improved.

When Yang Xuan’s power of faith was consumed, there were only 80 billion left.

His divine light is still healing the believers.

However, the power of faith began to skyrocket.

Just less than two minutes.

It went from 80 billion to 200 billion.

After half an hour, it skyrocketed to 500 billion.

The number of believers has also skyrocketed from the previous five billion to 13 billion.

A lot of people in the world of traversers.

At this moment, I began to believe in Yang Xuan.

This belief.

It is not a brainwashed belief.

It is a belief that one actively chooses after seeing the divine light.

Of course, most of them are shallow believers.

And 90% of all people who have faith in Yang Xuan are ordinary people.

For example, Wang Qiang in the World of Travellers.

The existence of this little superman level.

Even when he discovered that he was a fanatic and could recover his body, he did not become a believer of Yang Xuan.

Because it is difficult for people who have gained strength to believe in others on their own.

“Five hundred billion faith power!”


“It’s consumed in one go!”

“Let me condense, the prototype of the kingdom of God that belongs to me alone!”

“Holy heaven!”

After gaining enough power of faith.

Yang Xuan’s whole body burst into a powerful light instantly.

The divine light.

This time, it was more than just illuminating the entire Blue Star.

Even in the entire universe, it appears extremely dazzling.

So much so that other civilizations have noticed this matter.

Above the blue star, this is even more true.

at the same time.

A message was engraved on this world.


It was engraved on this world, not just on this blue star.

It’s the universe where the entire Blue Star is located.

At this moment, the entire universe condensed its own prototype of the Kingdom of God because of Yang Xuan, and a period of Zunming appeared.

He is a great existence higher than the universe and longer than eternity.

He is also the Lord of Light and the Father of Heaven.

He is the omniscience and omnipotent master, the master of all things and all living beings.

His kingdom of God is the home of the soul!

Hometown of Angels!

The kingdom of gods!

This is the honorable name given to Yang Xuan by the entire universe.

When this name appears.

It also means that the whole universe has recognized Yang Xuan’s divine kingdom.

“Holy heaven, success!”

Yang Xuan whispered in his heart.

Immediately afterwards.

Above the entire blue star, the illusory kingdom of God previously transformed by the fire cloud.

It became real in an instant.

That mysterious country.

In the eyes of the Blue Star sentient beings, it was as if it had shone into reality from an untouchable distance.

Let people have a feeling that they can touch as long as they reach out their hands.

People on the blue star.

It’s even boiling over for this.

This is heaven coming! *

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