Chapter 25 Humanity was a complete failure! (5 more! Guiqiu flowers, evaluation!)

The little sun transformed by the angel of peace after the explosion.

In the beginning, it shined on Dongdu and became the brightest boy here.


When the huge angel is projected out.

The light of the messenger of peace began to diminish in an instant.

Its terrifying power began to be compressed by the angel’s projection.

The dazzling light was also directly bound by the pale golden divine light.


The little sun transformed by the peace messenger turned into a little fireball in the hands of the angel’s projection.

not only that.

The angel projection also squeezed lightly, and then tossed it towards the top.

In a flash.

The fireball turned into a cloud of fire.

Huo Yun has evolved a phantom of the Kingdom of God.

This time.

It’s not just the people of Dongdu.

All the people on the Blue Star, as long as they raise their heads.

You can see one

It was supposed to be a weapon that caused a devastating disaster to the eastern capital of the small island nation.

At this moment, it became a small fireball of supreme elegance.

Such a weird scene made the people cheered.

Can be at the same time.

However, all those in power, as well as Yiyun’s side, are extremely heavy.

They seemed to see that there were invisible shackles tied to themselves.

They know that times have changed.

Someone once said that the end of technology is theology.

But now, Bluestar’s technology is still a thousand miles away from the end.

But theology has come.


United States, Special Incident Response Bureau.

Yi Yun’s thin body trembled suddenly.

The whole person sat down on the ground uncontrollably.

Even if her heart is extremely strong.

But when he saw, that great existence named ‘God’.

He didn’t take any action personally, just let the angel project the void to hold it.

After turning the terrifying ‘peace messenger’ into an ordinary fireball.

She knew that the enemy was invincible.

Although, I already had such an idea in my mind.

But as long as it is a human being, who wouldn’t imagine that there is a little bit of hope.

It is a pity that wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

When the angel was projected, the peace messenger was easily settled.


After also showing a divine heaven.

Yiyun knew that mankind had lost.

Humanity was a complete failure!

This is a war that has been lost before it has started.

“Humanity, there is no hope anymore!”

“Soon, this world will become his pasture.”

“Humanity will lose the last freedom.”

Yi Yun couldn’t help but think of this.

Her brain is still thinking fast, calculating fast.

After a while.

Her eyes regained their look.

“Perhaps! I should go directly inside!”

“Send the entire’special incident response bureau’ in exchange for the opportunity to become the other party’s messenger.”

“Then, seek the last paradise for mankind.”

Yiyun knows that things have reached this point.

Can only fight to the death.

But what she never thought was.

In fact, I have been fighting wits and courage with the air.

Yang Xuan wants to believe, but he doesn’t want to brainwash everyone.


The reason why things developed like this.

It was simply because Yang Xuan was too powerful to be controlled by the nations.

They are imagining what Yang Xuan will do.

And, what step can Yang Xuan do.

But at the same time, this also shows one thing.

That is……

Yang Xuan has never put the nations of this world in his eyes.



Following the live broadcast, the “little sun” is held from the angel projection.

Then, fire clouds appeared in the sky.

Finally, after the fire cloud revealed the projection of the divine heaven.

The entire online world is boiling.

Countless netizens have expressed their surprises.

There were even a lot of people who walked directly out of the door, jumping and jumping to express their excitement.

“What did I see! What did I see!”

“Heaven! That is heaven!”

“That is the kingdom of God, it is the sacred heaven! It is also the sacred heaven!”

“It turns out that heaven really exists!”

“My lord, I am your faithful believer. I am willing to offer everything I have. Please allow me to enter your kingdom after I die.”

When the projection of the divine heaven appeared.

A large number of people began to believe in Yang Xuan.

The blue star of this world.

The original population was around 20 billion.

Plus the 5 billion people who travel through.

The total population here is 25 billion.

I have to say that this is an auspicious figure.

And now.

Among these 25 billion people.

The followers of Yang Xuan have soared from one billion to five billion.

A full five billion believers.

In an instant, Yang Xuan’s power of faith reached a whole new level.

This is the time.

Located above the eastern capital, the core part of the angel projection.

Yang Xuan standing quietly above the void.

There was a burst of golden light in his eyes.

He upgraded.

This is the first upgrade of the God template.

At the same time, it is also a qualitative change.


All-knowing, LV1.

Start advanced.

Advanced success, omniscience, LV2.

Almighty, LV1.

Start advanced.

Advanced success, Almighty, LV2.


PS: Add more today! Around 10 o’clock, there is 1 more!

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