Chapter 194 Disagree at all

At this time, the head of the demons was very angry. He didn’t expect that the head of the orc and the head of the barbarian did not agree with their behavior.

Are they not greedy? Don’t they want to dominate? This is really something he can’t figure out.

Then he contacted the clan leader of the Yu clan and the group leader of the anti-feng clan, but they all refused.

Then he said “One Seven Three”.

“Don’t think about it if it’s not your own thing. We don’t need to talk about your behavior, but from now on there will be such a thing, please don’t call us.

Because we are not interested in these. ”

When the head of the demon clan received such a message, let alone how angry he was.

These guys really don’t know good or bad, until one day he dominates the Three Realms.

He must make them look good. After thinking of this, his eyes showed a vicious mind.

And this time when the patriarch of the barbarian tribe and the patriarch of the orcs were walking on the road.

The two of them began to discuss that the patriarch of the demon clan was really interesting, why did he dive under his nose like this? It was not his thing.

Actually wanting something from the Kaijian family, if we really help him this time, wouldn’t it be a lot of danger?

Over the past few hundred years, hasn’t the relationship between our ethnic groups been very harmonious?

Why do you have to stir up trouble? I can guarantee that this guy will never be honest.

He will contact the patriarchs of other ethnic groups.I wonder if the patriarchs of other ethnic groups will agree to this matter.

And the patriarch of the orc has spoken at this time, isn’t it? This guy is too ambitious.

“Let’s just keep talking with him. If something happens, it’s not good for us.

He will rarely come here in the future.

After speaking, the two of them went back to their homes, but they didn’t know that a gray-haired old man appeared after they left.

All the conversations between the two of them have been invited, who is this person?

This is a good friend of Lingbao Tianzun, and his name is Yunzhongzi.

He had passed by here, but he didn’t expect to hear these two patriarchs.

Because they also have a relationship with each other, he wanted to come up to say hello.

But he didn’t expect to hear them unintentionally, so he became invisible. He didn’t expect to hear such a big news.

It seems that this human race has already been remembered, and it is still a demons.

He had already realized that the head of the demon clan was not a good thing, and it didn’t take long for him to show his feet.

This time he would definitely not let the opponent be harmed. After thinking of this, he immediately came to the human race, and it happened that the patriarch of the human race was not here.

Only Li Haonan’s most coincidental is that the ancestor Hongjun is also here, he has heard the news before.

The ancestors of Hongjun will help Yang Xuan take care of their human race.

After seeing this, he really felt very fortunate, and then the other party felt very strange about the arrival of Yun Zhongzi, and then asked him.

“What wind brought you to 5.2 today, but you have never been here before.”

After hearing this, the other party was a little embarrassed, and said.

“Isn’t it? I passed by today and heard a news, so I wanted to tell you here.

Let you prepare early. ”

When the other party heard this, he suddenly became cautious. .

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