Chapter 189 Start negotiations

He was thinking that this matter must have been released by them, otherwise, how could there be such a legend?

So that one day they can hide in and save themselves.

After thinking about this, don’t mention how angry he was, he can tell what lies these guys really are.

He couldn’t help but smile after thinking of this.

“One seven zero” “Today I will let you two say nothing.”

He stretched out his hand neatly and ran into this death forest, not to mention when he walked into this forest.

Suddenly the sky seemed to be dark all of a sudden, because the towering old trees here have blocked the sky outside, and there is no sunlight at all.

Occasionally, a little bit of sunlight can be seen, which is like the dawn in the dark, giving people an extraordinary feeling. After seeing this, he couldn’t help saying.

“Today I will let you two walk in the neat grass after you have finished talking, because his eyes are special and can shine bright like animals in the dark.”

So it looked like an animal from a distance, and its eyes glowed green. ”

But in order to be able to hide his identity, he kept his head down and walked.

Don’t let others find out, otherwise they should run away, and the two guys hiding not far from them saw Yang Xuan also broke in.

But I don’t know why it disappeared all of a sudden. Is it too dark inside that they can’t detect it, but Mo Tongtian is different.

He knew that Yang Xuan was standing not far from them, so he said to each other carefully.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I tell you, especially since he is not far from us.

“If your voice is loud and he hears you for a while to clean up you, I don’t care. After hearing this, the other party will become energetic, and he won’t make a loud noise anymore.”

To be able to prevent the other party from finding himself so quickly, to be honest, he is really afraid of Lingbao Tianzun now.

He didn’t expect this guy to be so powerful.

He defeated himself with two moves. Knowing that he had never had an experience before, it seems that he himself is still far from them…

Fortunately, those guys from Hongjun Ancestor Protoss didn’t come.

If they came together, maybe he would have died today. After thinking of this, he wouldn’t mention how lucky he was. Thank God for giving him such a chance.

He vowed that as long as he didn’t die this time, he would study assiduously and absorb all the things he hadn’t understood in the past.

Let everyone not be too far behind.

Of course, all of this is his own thinking, can it be realized?

It depends on Yang Xuan’s opinion. If he really killed the other party, he would have no such opportunity at all. Therefore, all decisions are in Yang Xuan’s hands.

At this time, Yang Xuan seemed to have felt the breath of the other party for 5.2 times, so he looked around but found that there was no trace.How could it be possible?

He never felt wrong, maybe they were invisible after thinking about it here.

He opened his heavenly eyes, and then Acacia glanced at them. As expected, there were two people standing not far from him, without guessing who these two guys were. .

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