Chapter 182 Everyone discusses

In the next period of time, Yang Xuan told everyone not to neglect himself as usual.

Maybe when the bad guy will attack them again, because after these two lessons.

All the people of the human race obeyed his words, and none of them said anything against it, because they knew it was for their good.

It would have been going on like this, suddenly one day Yang Xuan received an order from the Jade Emperor and the others.

Let him go to the Heavenly Court, saying that there is an important thing to discuss with him. This time he did not bring General Nanhe Gurna.

I went alone and came to the palace in the sky. I saw all the fairy houses in 167 were frowning.

After seeing this scene, they felt very strange, and then they asked the ancestor Hongjun next to him.

Because he had a close relationship with the other party, he asked him what happened. I didn’t expect Hongjun ancestor to talk about it.

“Today they discovered that the guy Mo Tongtian was going to come out of the gate of hell, and he was going to rush out of the seal.

So everyone is very worried about finding someone to do him like this again, but we couldn’t find this person after all deliberation, so we wanted acquaintances to come here to find a way.

When Yang Xuan heard the name of this familiar person, don’t mention how surprised it was.Isn’t this the guy who has been scheming with the patriarch of the monster race?

“Didn’t he be suppressed by the ancient gods at the gate of hell, the capital of hell?”

“It’s true, but I don’t know who removed the seal recently. It’s not so easy to get rid of this seal.

It’s not that someone can quit, but we have sensed the feeling that he is about to emerge from the ground.

So we are very worried and want to find this person to see who can accept this task.

While they were discussing, suddenly the Jade Emperor focused his attention on Yang Xuan.

Then after Yang Xuan saw his eyes, he suddenly felt a feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake. As expected, this (dbfc) guy hit his idea on him.

“Yang Xuan, I didn’t expect you to be here, but I hope you can help us solve this difficulty.

I will be very grateful to you. ”

When the other party heard this, he couldn’t help but smile.

“Why do you think I will help you? Where do you come from? What if I am not prepared for this? What should I do?”

When the other party heard this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Don’t forget, you are also one of the three realms. If he appears, you will not be better off. If I remember correctly, the other party should have already forged an enmity with you.

It is because of the patriarch of the demon clan, so you have to come forward, for you, and for everyone. ”

In fact, what the other party said is not false at all, and he has already forged an enmity with the other party.

And it can’t be solved in a day or two, but when the other party utters these words in the public.

Especially it made him feel uncomfortable, but he couldn’t refute it. In the end, he had no choice but to accept it.

He is not a greedy person who is afraid of death, but the tone of the other party’s words is not agreeable at all.

But there is no way, after all, people are the boss of the three realms of humans, gods and demons, and there is one person who dares not listen to him, including Yang Xuan.

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