Chapter 170 Make a comeback

At this time, Yang Xuan couldn’t help smiling after hearing the other party’s words.

“Don’t worry, although the Yaozu has lost weight, you believe that they will make a comeback in the near future.

So before they come, we must be fully prepared, don’t neglect, and practice as well as before.

Don’t let the loser be lazy, otherwise the “one six zero” will be us unlucky at that time. ”

After hearing Yang Xuan’s words, General Nanhe felt that what he said was very reasonable, as if it was impossible to go missing for no reason.

If they are missing, then where they might have gone to practice, this is immeasurable.

If one day they come back, they are stronger than their strength, won’t it be worth the loss by then?

So Yang Xuan’s statement is correct, they must work harder than before in the following time.

Only in this way can the Yaozu not cause any danger to them, although they will always have a hunch that the Yaozu will soon come back.

At that time, it may be another scene.

After thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile.

Don’t worry, this kind of thing will definitely happen, so we must be fully prepared before that.

We won’t be able to fight back until they come, otherwise we will only be beaten after hearing this,

Everyone thinks what he said makes sense, so starting today, although they no longer have complaints.

They began to practice harder than they used to be.

Just be them. While the preparations were in full swing, one day they suddenly received news that the monster army had returned.

Although I don’t know where they came from, it is strange that each of them has no expression on their faces.

It’s not like in the past there were emotions, sorrows, sorrows, fears and joys, but now they all have very stiff expressions.

After seeing this, Yang Xuan felt that they must have gone somewhere to experience it, so it became like this when they came back.

However, he was very interested to see what was going on, and then, he sneaked into the holy land of the demon race.

Sure enough, the news they received is not wrong, they have returned, but this does not mean that they can fight back.

So, they began to study slowly to see what is going on with these people and whether they are really like what they said.

Sure enough, when he saw the little soldiers here, he found that they were as stiff as they didn’t have any thoughts.

Just when you greeted him in front of him, he ignored you. He felt very strange after seeing this scene.

What happened to them and why did they become like this?

It was as if there was no soul, so he felt that they were more and more weird.

Then he told the matter to his good friend, the original 5.2 Tianzun in Sanqing, and after seeing this, the original Tianzun also came to the demon holy land.

Look at what happened to the people of their monster race, what happened, it was exactly the same as Yang Xuan said.

He also frowned, and suddenly there was a very bad feeling spreading in his heart, preferably not as he thought.

If that’s the case, what can you do? .

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