Chapter 152 Flee

To know what 1/5 of the land means, they are not ignorant.

I thought that this matter had come to an end, but only one or two bugs wanted to stir up this pot of soup.

Demon moths have appeared again on the other side of the demon clan, why do you say that?

On this day, the Nanhe General Gunnar and the others are feeling the fruits of victory in their future land.

Pointing at them.

And after seeing this scene, how could Yang Xuan tolerate it?

So I ordered General Nanhe and Gunnar to fight each other.

The two men were beaten by them and returned to the demon lord.

Soon this matter was discovered by the people of the monster race and reported to the patriarch to be the group leader. Seeing that these two people were beaten like this, I felt distressed for a while.

Then I asked them about their history. Who knew that these two people had said the ins and outs and did not conceal any, but who knew that the patriarch at this time said to them.

“It deserves it, this is all because of your own reasons.

It has nothing to do with me, if it is repaired by the other party because of such a thing in the future.

I tell you not to say that you are my person, otherwise I will expel you from the Yaozu. 々.

After hearing this, don’t mention how depressed these two people are. Isn’t he able to say that is just for the demon clan?

But he got the favor of the monster clan and revenge, and their hearts were very sad after arriving here.

Then they left the Yaozu, where the two were discussing where to go.

Suddenly a voice rang in their ears at this moment.

“Do you two want revenge? Follow me if you want revenge.”

The two of them don’t know who the other party is, but if they can get revenge, the two of them are still willing.

Just followed the sound, suddenly came to the North Sea, stopped here,

Then they will ask a question.

“Who are you? Why are you here? Who knows what the other person said at this time.

“Do you know where this is?”

The two of them took a look and said, isn’t this Beihai? I have long wanted to go to haha. Some counseling departments are not Beihai. Although it looks similar to Beihai, it is not Beihai.

This is my hometown, and of course it is also the place where the most vicious spirits gather.

When the other party said this, the two of them suddenly remembered what this place was.

However, it was really unexpected for them.

Why do you say that?

Because at this time they suddenly discovered that there were indeed many monsters in it.

But it was a fatal danger for them, so the two of them left Zhu without even thinking about it.

But this time, the guy who was talking to them showed up. It turned out to be a unicorn beast (Honuo Zhao).

After seeing this scene, he didn’t mention how angry I was.

“々, you guy actually brought us to this place, why not let us leave this matter.

If I find out that you have other purposes, I will definitely not spare you.

After hearing this, the other party said not to mention how angry it was.

“I brought you here for a purpose. I want you to be my puppets, and I want to be my container in the future.”

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