Chapter 126 Plan a battle

The other elders on the Yaozu Temple are all there. Discuss how to face the rising human race now!

And these demon gods who did not obey the management of the temple always felt that they were very remarkable, just such a small human race, as for the elders in the temple to discuss this way?

These monsters and gods who thought they were great, secretly communicated with them using their spiritual knowledge below.

“It’s just such a small human race. As for how many elders are like this?”

“In a moment, let’s join forces to attack this human race and snatch their territory!”

“I don’t know the elders of our monster clan’s temple, what’s the matter?”

“It looks like the sky is going down!”

“Don’t let them discuss it. I’ll come to the front of the temple. Let’s attack the human race.”

At this moment, I saw the Xuanhu Demon God, stood up and said to the elders on the temple.

“Several elders! Don’t worry, just such a small human race is nothing great.

“I’m taking the Vermillion Bird Demon God, the Dapeng Bird Demon God, and the Qilin Demon God, let us attack this human race!”

“It’s just a small human race, I don’t think it should be so powerful!

“It’s just a small human race, there should be nothing wrong with us, we can all settle for it!”

“But say it in advance, this group of human races can be regarded as ours!”

At this moment, the demon gods next to them mentioned the results of this group of human races, and suddenly stood up and said.

“Then if this is the case, we will also join the war!”

“The human races in this world are the common food of our monster races. In this case, whoever wants to fight will fight, and the results of the fight belong to ourselves!”

31 The Azure Dragon Demon Emperor saw these monsters and gods, and they all fought against this group of human races, thinking secretly in his heart.

“I blame myself for being reckless. If I wait for a while and send out with these monsters, can I also grab some fruit?”

“Unexpectedly, I underestimated the enemy, so it would be destroyed like this!”

But fortunately, he recruited troops and established a monster clan.

As a demon emperor, he is not qualified to participate in the demon clan temple.

But this time the matter was caused by him, so he was also at the meeting of the Demon Race Temple.

At this time, the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor stood up and said to the elders on the Demon Race Temple.

“Since this matter happened because of me, elders! I suffered such a big loss in front of that group, so this time I will definitely lead my monster race to participate in this battle.

The elders on the demon temple saw that these demon gods were worried about the achievements of this group of human races, and several people discussed each other with their spiritual knowledge.

I saw the great elder on this demon clan temple, speaking to the many demon gods below.

“The Azure Dragon Demon Emperor came to us to say that this group of human race has disrupted our current world of the monster race, and also hurt his monster race.”

“We are discussing and seeing how to eliminate this group of human races in any way!’

“Since you already have your own plan, go by yourself!”

“Still according to the old rules we require, whoever wins the battle will go to whoever wins!”

“Our Demon Race Temple does not participate in this matter with you!’

Many demon gods saw that the demon clan holy shop had already said so, they knew what to do in their hearts.

However, among the many demon gods, there are also some more introverted demon gods who want to watch their changes.

Because among these many demons and gods, they have lived in this world for so many years, and in this world where demons are king, in their eyes, they feel that they are the gods of this world.

But I didn’t expect that the rise of this human race would have caused the demon race to lose several demon emperors.

Moreover, the demon god who had watched the battle between monsters and monsters before, also secretly hid in the corner without saying a word, wanting to watch the changes.

Because of this demon god, I went to watch the battle before and met Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun.

This demon god could deeply feel the super coercion of Shangqing Lingbao’s naivety, and this demon god knew very well in his heart.

If he was asked to compete with this race, he would definitely not be sure of winning.

So this demon god is very clear in his heart, and now the human race is powerful, but he is also very clear in his heart that so many demon gods are going to attack this human race together.

Even if the whole army cannot be destroyed, they will lose half of them. When the troops led by other demon gods are almost damaged, they can take advantage of the danger to attack this human race.

So this demon god has been hiding in the corner, quietly watching the demon god here, everyone’s decision.

The elders of the Temple of the Demon Race saw that these demon gods began to cause controversy again for this human race.

The elders of the Demon Race Temple knew that these demon gods had never paid much attention to the participation of the elders of the temple, so these elders saw these demon gods like this, so they turned and left the hall.

At this time, the Qinglong Demon Emperor, seeing these demon gods going to attack the human race, hurriedly moved closer to these demon gods and said.

“Xuanhu Demon God, I have fought against this group of human races before, and I have very rich experience in combat with this group of peoples. Why don’t I join you, let’s fight together!”

The Demon God Xuanhu couldn’t help but give him a blank look when he saw the Demon Emperor Qinglong.

The Qinglong Demon Emperor has been very self-righteous in recent years. Although he is the identity of the Demon Emperor, his martial arts are not inferior to the ordinary Demon God.

But these demon gods in front of them were not ordinary demon gods, so the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor had to bow down in front of these demon gods.

But these demon gods didn’t put the Qinglong Demon Emperor in their eyes at all.

Xuanhu said with a glance at the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor.

“Just relying on you as a demon emperor who wants to talk to us, what can you do?”

“Didn’t you attack this human race before? You have been defeated by them, this time you just want to use our momentum to attack the human race again?

“I think you still don’t want to participate with us. You just recruited a new monster to buy the monster clan who is coming soon. The fighting power is not very good. Don’t let the clan extinguish it again!”

The Vermillion Bird Demon God, Dapeng Bird, Demon God and Qilin Demon God, hearing the Xuanhu Demon God say this, couldn’t help laughing at the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor.

Then the four demon gods left the demon clan temple, leaving only the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor. Looking at their backs alone, they saw the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor screaming and said.

“What’s good to pretend is not to have more monsters? I see how you will end up attacking the Humans this time?”

“Look at the few of you who returned without defeat!


Of these four demon gods, a few people returned from the temple of the demon clan to the hall of the black tiger demon god, because the hall of the demon gods of them is only the hall of the black tiger demon god, and your human clan is relatively close.

Although Xuanhu Demon God is very powerful, he knows that this human race is not an ordinary human race, so it is really impossible for him to monopolize this achievement.

Therefore, he communicated with the demon in the demon clan temple, and the other three demon gods who are better than others, they fight against this human clan together.

So Xuanhu used the other three human races to attack this human race together this time, so the mysterious tiger demon god invited several demon gods to his hall, and treated the other demon gods very warmly.

A few great abilities, to enjoy the wine, after three rounds of wine. I started to feel a little bit unable to sit still.

“It’s really boring to drink this wine. If it is a bit of human flesh? How good it would be!”

“Isn’t it! The human races under our territory have all gone to the human race led by General Nanhe!”

“Isn’t it? The human races I kept in captivity didn’t know when they all ran away secretly, and they also ran to General Nanhe!”

“We demon races, if there is no human race’s essence and blood for cultivation, this demon technique and Taoism will not be improved!”

“Otherwise, let’s go now! Go grab some Human Race and come back to eat!!

“Okay! OK! I haven’t eaten this fresh human flesh for a long time, and I feel panicked!”

“Yeah! Yeah! Let’s go, or let’s go now, just such a small human race, what waves can it make, how about our four great abilities, leading some people to attack the city?,”

On the side of General Nanhe, during the previous Monster Race Temple meeting, human spies sent a message saying that the Monster Race Temple was discussing the crusade against their human race.

But in the end they broke up. The Black Tiger Demon God, the Vermillion Bird Demon God, the Dapeng Bird Demon God, and the Qilin Demon God were ready to attack their human race together.

So this meeting of the Demon Clan Temple ended in this way, and several demon clan powers returned to the Xuanhu Demon Clan tribe. 377

General Nanhe had already expanded his spiritual knowledge after this practice on Lingxiao Mountain.

Although the Demon Race Temple was in a meeting, he could not explore with his spiritual knowledge, but this solution Demon Race can return to the tribe of the Black Tiger Demon God.

General Nanhe could use his own spiritual knowledge to spy on what they were doing, so the power of these monster races had been around for three times, and these words were all heard by General Nanhe.

At this time, General Nanhe hurriedly mobilized the leaders of the various tribes, Gurna, Li Haonan, and the leaders of the Strongman tribe, so that they could come to their hall as soon as possible.

After several tribe leaders came to the hall, General Nanhe sat on the high hall and said to the leaders of the human tribes below.

“I have insight into the Black Tiger Demon God, the Vermillion Bird Demon God, the Dapeng Bird Demon God, and the Qilin Demon God. They will soon lead the Demon Race to attack our Human Race.”

“So we must be prepared for defense. This time, the main attackers are the four monster gods of the Monster Race. Their martial arts and mana are very powerful.”

“Even with my current strength, I may only be able to draw a tie with one demon god, and the other three demon gods need to be dealt with by all of us together.

“Furthermore, this time the four monster gods brought the power of the monster race, so this time our human race must rely on wisdom. If we work hard, we are definitely not the opponent of the monster race.”

“This time I will lead you to arrange some formations and use some of the weapons I developed.

“The leader of the strongman tribe, you led the human races in your jurisdiction and quickly evacuated out of the city, hiding all the human races in the mountains next to the city.”

“Li Haonan, you led some ordinary human races in your jurisdiction and quickly evacuated out of the city, hiding all the human races in the mountains next to the city.

“Gurnali leads many traversers, all hidden on the top of the mountain or in the clouds. For these four monsters, we must practice a group fight.

“These ordinary monster races on the ground, they will definitely attack the city. This time we hide out and use the empty city plan to lead them to the city.”,

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