Chapter 124 The Azure Dragon Demon Emperor Strikes

After a few months, the two cities were neatly built by the human race.

Looking at the two cities at a glance, there are densely packed thatched houses, tile houses, and small palaces in the city, and the spatial layout is orderly, and the streets crisscross and neatly.

Various trees stand on both sides of the street. In the most central position of these cities, there is a huge, majestic and extremely majestic palace.

This palace was originally the main hall of the Demon King in the city. Now the Human Race has cleaned up this main hall and placed a statue of Shangqingling-Bao Tianzun in the main hall.

All human races will come to this hall, bow down to Qing Lingbao Tianzun, thank Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun for leading-their human race rises.

As the incarnation of Yang Xuan, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun has been enshrined by more human races, and also received more human true spirits.

Yang Xuan also felt the power of these war orders in the spirit recovery world, and his body continued to recover.

All the human races in this little thousand world have heard that there is a superior immortal in the strongman tribe, leading everyone, working hard to resist, the demon race’s infringement, leading the demon race’s city and opening up their own city.

It has been heard that the human race here leads a very good life, and can also practice martial arts and Taoism.

Therefore, the human races who were persecuted by the monster race in other monster race territories migrated here in large numbers.

Because the area of ​​these two cities is too limited, there are many human races who later migrated here.

The leader of the strongman tribe, Li Haonan, and Gurna, seeing the human races that continue to join them, until they are placed outside the city, they will suffer from the demon race.

So some of them discussed and led some. They practiced better and were very motivated. They wanted to strengthen some human races with a strong desire to kill the monster race, and follow them to form a circle around to protect these human races.

When a large number of human races migrated, many small tribes of monster races had no food for them and the blood of the human race they had cultivated.

Suddenly it made the monster races of these small tribes very uncomfortable. Although they had also heard that this human race was very powerful, they, as the monster race, always believed that they were the mighty power of this world.

After all, they have never seen a very powerful human race, so there are some small tribes of demon races, leading their little demons to frequently attack this city and some surrounding human races.

Li Haonan and Guerna also set up a high protective wall around their dispute.

Li Haonan and Guerna were on this high protective wall, watching the attacks of the little monsters on these human races.

Once some human races are unable to do what they want, Li Haoran and Gurna will give their strength to help this human race defeat the opposite monster race.

Li Haonan and Guerna looked at the human race being a little stronger, and they were very comforting in their hearts.

On this day, I heard the animal’s mouth roaring through the world, and then the dust was flying. The Terran warriors on the ground saw this scene and quickly prepared their weapons for defense.

At this moment, I heard a very domineering voice from a large group of monster beasts rushing in.

“What is your human race? You dare to fight the city of our demon race, that flying demon emperor is also a ghost who is afraid of death!”

“I don’t believe what you can do with this human race?”

It turned out that as the number of people continued to expand, the human races from other demonic territories moved here, making other demonic territories lacking human races.

In this way, the demon races lack a lot of labor and their meals, as well as the blood of the human race that they are improving by practicing the demon technique.

This time it was the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor who came to fight today, and the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor is also a very heavy demon emperor in this world.

His martial arts and his men and horses are much taller and stronger than the Flying Demon Emperor. Although the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor had heard that the Flying Demon Emperor once brought two demon emperors to fight against the human race, they did not eliminate the people.

Moreover, the Qinglong Demon Emperor had also heard that one party wanted to be a god, the Temple of the Monster Race, but the Temple of the Monster Race did not take this matter seriously.

Therefore, the Demon Emperor Qinglong felt that the Demon God and Demon Emperor on their side were really too bad. As the most powerful Demon Emperor in this land, the Demon Emperor Qinglong really sneered at their weakness.

So this Azure Dragon Demon Emperor wanted to see how powerful this human race was, and it could scare the Flying Demon Emperor into that way.

I saw the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor continue to shout loudly outside the city wall.

“The leader of your human race? Which one came out to see me!”

“Your leader will not come out again, be careful that I level your city!”

Gurna and Li Haonan were standing on the city wall, and when they heard the blue dragon yelling outside the door, they quickly stood on top of the tower.

“Where are you evildoers, you dare to come to our city and yell, just because our human race has no demon pill to refine spirit pill recently, you will send it to the door!”

The Azure Dragon Demon Emperor saw two human races standing on the tower, and the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor could feel the coercion of these two human races, it was indeed very powerful.

However, the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor didn’t take them seriously. In this world, the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor hadn’t been afraid of anyone in the domains of many monster emperors. Even if there were some figures of the Demon God level, they were not necessarily his opponents.

The reason why the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor still stays in the ranks of the Demon Emperor is because the person is arrogant and arrogant and offends many people. Therefore, in the Demon Race Temple, the popularity is indeed very bad.

The Qinglong Demon Emperor has not been able to obtain the title of Demon God or a larger domain, but the Qinglong Demon Emperor defeated many demon emperors by himself, occupied their cities, and opened up a large territory by his own ability.

Therefore, the Qinglong Demon Emperor heard rumors in the demon race that such a human race was particularly powerful, and was able to beat two demon emperors and kill one demon emperor.

However, the Qinglong Demon Emperor dismissed these ordinary demon emperors, thinking that they were just some timid demon masters.

At this time, I saw that the Demon Emperor Qinglong heard Li Haonan and Guerna’s chants and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Your humans are just pets of our monsters, our monsters’ plate Chinese food.”

“I didn’t expect the human race to stand in front of me so rampant today, but I like it. It is estimated that after you swallow the blood of a human race, it will definitely increase my demon power.”

This demon emperor does have a bit of martial arts, so Guerna and Li Haonan decided to go together.

And the many monsters brought by the monster emperor on the ground, seeing these human races in front of them, couldn’t help but drool.

Because these monsters have migrated in large numbers of human races in their territory, there is no human race in their territory, so they have not eaten the flesh and blood of human race for a long time.

Seeing so many human races gathered in front of them, they couldn’t help but start hunting human races.

But when these monsters took action, they found that they were wrong. They didn’t expect these humble and lowly human races to become so powerful before.

At this time, these monsters did not dare to vaguely start confronting these human races.

The descriptions of Yaodi, Li Haonan and Gurna who flew in mid-air to fight were also happily fighting in the sky.

At this time, he saw the Demon Emperor Qinglong spit out water and fire constantly from his mouth, and constantly attacked Li Haonan and Gurna.

…Seeking flowers 0…

Both Li Haonan and Guerna had learned and practiced the Vajrayana Dao from General Nanhe. At this time, both of them opened the golden steel cover to protect their bodies.

Moreover, the two people cooperated very tacitly and attacked the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor.

I saw this blue dragon, the gas that it spit turned into a vent, the sound that it uttered turned into thunder, and the lightning in the eyes entangled, and the dragon’s body of millions of feet was stirring high in the sky.

This blue dragon demon emperor stirred the heavens and the earth to tremble, and the leader of the strongman tribe in another city also knew that Li Haonan and Gurna were attacked by the powerful demon emperor.

So the leader of the strongman tribe led many human races in their city to help.

This is because the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor does have some martial arts, and Li Haonan and Guerna attacked him, which can only be said to be reluctant to parry.

The human race led by the leader of the Qiangren tribe came here and saw the huge blue dragon in the sky could not help flying up to the sky, helping Li Haonan and Guerna attack the blue dragon.

At this time, I heard the author Qinglong Demon Emperor laugh out loud in the sky.

“Hahahaha I thought that there are two human races of such a high level. After eating, they will definitely increase their demon power. I didn’t expect this to send another one.”

“Hahahaha, let’s make you all my dinner tonight!”

This is the blue dragon shouting frantically and loudly in the sky, and swinging the dragon’s tail, constantly spitting out water and fire.

Guo Erna, Li Haonan and the leader of the strongman tribe, this time they adopted the three-three marching system of Nanhe generals.

The three of them stood in three positions, always attacking the blue dragon demon emperor unexpectedly.

After a while, he got the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor a little anxious.

At this time, I saw the dragon body of the Qinglong Baiwang Station walking through the clouds, a huge dragon head opened its mouth in the blood basin, and it was ready to bite the leader of the strongman tribe.

The leader of the strongman tribe saw Qinglong leaping towards him. There were huge teeth in his mouth, gleaming with cold light, and all the clouds where the dragon head passed by were swallowed into his stomach.

The leader of the strongman tribe thought that it would be over this time. Unexpectedly, at this moment, General Nanhe suddenly appeared with a sword and slashed towards the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor.

At this moment, I saw the body of the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor slowly shrinking, falling to the ground with a thud.

The Azure Dragon Demon Emperor kept groaning after falling to the ground. This Azure Dragon Demon Emperor had a Jade Dragon Demon Emperor. Seeing that their Demon Emperor was hit on the ground, he hurried over to rescue the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor.

The other monster races were surprised to see that their monster emperor was knocked to the ground by the human race, but because they were all under the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor, they were similar in character to the Azure Dragon Demon Emperor.

They saw that their demon emperor was attacked, so they were starting a powerful and powerful attack, because they knew that this group of human races were really not good, and if they did not rise up to resist, they might be destroyed here.

The Qinglong Demon Emperor and his subordinates are not the kind of monsters who are greedy for life and fear of death, but they are often the kind of monsters who are foolish, but always self-righteous and feel that they are very powerful.

At this time, I saw that the monster team became more and more courageous, and they showed their beast bodies one after another. At this time, the human race began to suffer casualties.

The many traversers led by Gurna are the most powerful martial arts among this group of people. Seeing that some ordinary human races are beginning to get injured, they also intensified their attacks on the monster races.

Here, the Jade Dragon Demon Emperor attacked Li Haonan, Gurna and the three members of the Strongman Tribe. The Dragon Demon Emperor adopted a strategy of one rain, and the sound of the rain was heavy and the rain was small. three.

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