Chapter 111 Black Scale Fishmon

The cold wind is bleak, the cold wind is biting, there is a dilapidated ancient city, withered grass is reborn, and the wall is ruined.

Under the broken wall, in a secluded place, you can occasionally see small stone houses standing upright.

There is a square outside the stone house. A group of people, men and women, old and young, all carry on the daily indispensable display under the piercing cold wind.

The old man sat cross-legged, practicing the method of vomiting, faintly visible bursts of golden light and shadow on their bodies, looming.

Young people waved various swords, swords, spears and shields in the cold wind.

And some younger teenagers are also holding stones in their hands to refine their strength.

The tribe of this human race seems to be more united and powerful. Everyone is practicing all kinds of Taoism and martial arts in order to change their destiny.

General Nanhe used his spiritual knowledge to search for the human races in other areas on the Golden Immortal Continent.

Because only find other human races, cooperate with them, multiply as soon as possible, and teach them to practice alchemy.

Only the human race continues to prosper, improve their Taoism, and unite against the monster race.

Only in this way can the human race have the hope of rising.

It is really very difficult for the human race of such a small tribe to rise in this small world.

General Nanhe used his spiritual knowledge to explore the entire vast land and found that there were many human tribes in the entire vast land, all over the corners of the Cangfan land.

But on the opposite continent across a sea, there is a human tribe, which seems to be more powerful than other human tribes.

General Nanhe discovered that this powerful human race was not only much more numerous than the current human race tribe.

And this 31-strong human race should have known a long time ago that only by practicing Taoism and becoming an immortal can it be qualified to compete with the monster race in this world.

It can be said that in this human tribe, all people from old to young are practicing Taoism.

General Nanhe was going to take a look at this human tribe.

At this time, General Nanhe called Gurna, one of the traversers, and Li Haonan, the leader of the human race, and called the two of them to the front.

“Gurna you, take this group of human races, find a cave here to create an enchantment, and protect the tribe of this human race.

“You lead them now in addition to strengthening their own Taoism, but also lead them to practice the method of ascension.

“I have found a powerful human race at the other end of the sea. I’ll find out.

“If this human race absorbs the human tribe in our hands.”

“I use my spiritual sense to contact you, and you flew to that human tribe with this group of people.”

“This human race has made up for it, and the remaining power is too weak. Because of our participation in today’s mainland, the monster race is now gaining momentum.”

“I don’t know when the Demon Race will launch a powerful attack on the Human Race.

“So I need to unite all the human races in the vast land, teach them to practice Taoism, and let their human race become stronger, in order to dominate this golden immortal continent.”

“Li Haonan, I now need to go to another human tribe to check the situation.”

“If that human tribe doesn’t exclude you, I will let Guerna take you to another human tribe as soon as possible.”

“Li Haonan is the most powerful cultivator in this human tribe, so I hope you will bring the human race to cooperate with Gurna to practice Dao Fa well.”

“If you really encounter something, call me with God’s consciousness as soon as possible.”

Li Haonan and Guerna heard that General Nanhe was leaving here temporarily, they said in front of General Nanhe.

“General Nanhe, please rest assured that we will protect us here.

After General Nanhe explained these things, he turned around and soared to another human tribe.

The entire Golden Immortal Continent looked like a small thousand world, very wide, but for General Nanhe and others who had already possessed powerful Taoism, it was just a matter of ascension in an instant.


The clear river was surging, with white waves. A group of human races stood on the bank of the river.

“The patriarch, the monster beast in the river, don’t know if he will attack us again today.

I saw the patriarch of this human tribe standing by the river, quietly gazing at the clear water.

“Since we are here, we are here to fetch water, Xiaoyi, you guys quickly get the bucket and get water.

“With me staring at the river surface, if this monster in the river comes out to harass us today.”

“We just caught it and went back to cook a barbecue!”

At this moment, I saw a few strong men, holding their homemade bamboo tubes, and quickly fetching water from the river to the shore.


Suddenly the water surface burst into a huge black monster and jumped out of the water, looking like an ugly big fish with black scales on its body and its mouth wide open.

“The monster beast has come out, the monster beast has come out.”

I saw this group of people fetching water and hurried to the shore.

At this moment, I saw their patriarch, who thumped and jumped into the water.

I saw this patriarch wielding a sword in his hand, slashing like this big fish.

The big fish with black scales opened its blood-red mouth and rushed directly to the head of the human race, trying to swallow the head of the human race into his stomach.

At this moment, seeing the water trembling, the patriarch punched out.

This black scale fish was punched and flew by the patriarch, but it did not cause any harm.

I saw this black fish shook its head and grinned. Because of a fish, the fish tailed one hundred and flew towards the patriarch as quickly as a human.


I saw the patriarch use his own internal force to push the entire river surface forward, forming a curtain of water waterfall, blocking the black scale fish.

Unexpectedly, this black scale fish was blocked by this powerful water curtain waterfall. Using its powerful internal force, it passed through this water curtain waterfall and attacked the head of this human race.

General Nanhe saw this situation on the shore, and an internal force quickly attacked the black scale fish.

The patriarch of this human race immediately bit him when he saw this black carp, but he did not expect to be stunned by a powerful force and fell into the river.

“Brave, brave, this is what the human race should look like.”

At this time, I saw General Nanhe clapping his hands, boasting about the patriarch of this human race, slowly walking out of the grass on the shore.

The patriarch of this human race was surprised when he saw a strange man wearing a Taoist robe came here, and asked General Nanhe.

“Who are you? How did you come to our strongman tribe?”

“Why is your tribe called a strongman?”

General Nanhe looked at the patriarch’s fortitude face and couldn’t help asking him.

The patriarch saw this strange man wearing a Taoist robe, and didn’t know what his purpose was for him to come here, so he said to the General Nanhe.

“Yes, we are the human race of the strongman tribe. Although the demon race is in charge in this world, our strongman tribe has the confidence to destroy the demon race and dominate this vast land.”

General Nanhe couldn’t help being applauded by the bravery of this patriarch.

Just before General Nanhe was talking with the patriarch of the human tribe of this strongman tribe.

Several very powerful black scale fish monsters popped out of the river and rushed toward the human race fiercely.

Unexpectedly, these black fish flew into the sky, and when they reached the ground, they grew wings.

This black scale fish demon is very local, and a member of a strongman tribe was bitten by this black scale fish.

I saw the human race of this strongman tribe shouting in pain.

When General Nanhe saw this situation, he saw General Nanhe’s hand lightly, and a turbulent fire light shot at the black lin rain monster.


An explosion sounded that ugly black-scaled fish monster beast was directly shot on the ground by the flame, fluttered a few times, and burst into blue smoke.

The human races of other strongman tribes couldn’t help clapping and cheering when they saw that General Nanhe was so powerful.

“Awesome, it’s simply too powerful.”

“I don’t know if this hero can teach us your Taoism.”

The patriarch of this strongman tribe saw that General Nanhe’s Dao Fa was so powerful, he couldn’t help asking General Nanhe.

General Nanhe looked at the patriarch of this strongman tribe and said to the patriarch.

“These are just some ordinary Taoism, you can teach you what you want to learn.”

“But I have a requirement here?”

The patriarch of this strongman tribe heard General Nanhe say that he had a request, and he couldn’t help but feel a suspicion in his heart. He looked at General Nanhe suspiciously and said.

“Request? What kind of request do you have for me to listen to?”

General Nanhe could see that the patriarch of this strongman tribe seemed a little skeptical when he said he had a request, and patiently had a lot of suspicion of General Nanhe 363.

General Nanhe smiled and said to the patriarch of this strongman tribe.

“There are many human tribes in this Golden Immortal Continent, but in this demon origin world, the demons are in charge, and the human tribes are a vulnerable group in this world.”

“Many of the human tribes I have seen have been very miserable, but your strongman tribes seem to live better than them.”

“I know a human tribe. Because I was bullied by monsters and fought with monsters several times, the people are not very prosperous now.”

“This human tribe is now practicing Taoism with me. I want to find a human tribe for them and let them settle here.”

“Because I think if your human race in the Golden Immortal Continent wants to rise, you must unite with each other and resist the monster race together, so that you can win.

“So I hope that our ninja tribe can come to you and form a tribe with you.”

“At the same time, I also hope that your human race can multiply as soon as possible. Only by increasing the number of our human race can our strength be stronger. When fighting against the monster race, we can have a chance to win.

The patriarch of this strongman tribe understood what General Nanhe meant, but just wanted to bring their human race here.

What is this requirement? For them, they hope that more human races can come to them and live with them.

After all, in this world where the Monster Race is in power, the Human Race can only be stronger if there are more people.

The patriarch of this strongman tribe laughed uncontrollably when he heard General Nanhe say this.

“You are really interesting! What do you think you want?”

“For us, we hope that more human races and more capable people will come to us.”

“Only we ourselves are stronger, Yaonuo will not come to bully us.”

“I really welcome you to our strongman tribe with both hands!

General Nanhe heard about the patriarch of the strongman tribe and welcomed them very much. At this time, General Nanhe used his spiritual knowledge to contact Gurna, which was far away in Lingxiao Mountain.

Gurna received the connection from General Nanhe and knew that General Nanhe had found it, and it was more suitable for these human races to live in. .

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