The undead monarch gritted his teeth and roared: "When are you two idiots going to watch the show on the sidelines? I have just arrived, and my realm has not yet stabilized.

"Are you still waiting to see me dead before taking action?" His voice was full of anger and impatience.

The Skeleton King and the High Priest seemed frightened and nodded in agreement, like chickens pecking at rice.

"As you command, Your Majesty."

The roar of the undead monarch echoed on the battlefield. The Skeleton King and the High Priest flew over in a hurry, and their targets were locked on Zoe.

A gust of wind blew.

"Wrath of the Undead"

The giant sword in Thoros' hand burst into flames, and a strange red and green sword light struck Zoe fiercely.

He waved the long sword in his hand again and again, spitting out dirty words from his mouth, crazily teasing Zoe's nerves.


"Woman, I want to dedicate you to the great monarch, let you kneel beside him, become his loyal attendant, and be willing to lick everything for him."

Zoe waved the staff in her hand indifferently and said disdainfully: "You are the only one who is not qualified for this?"

"Guardian of Light!"

The man on the side cast a powerful protective skill on Zoe without even looking.



The light successfully resisted the invasion of darkness, but the violent energy caused a wave of sand to block the sight of several people.

The two of them secretly thought something bad and looked ahead with all their concentration.

As the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, a ghostly eye without pupils suddenly appeared right in front of the two of them!

At this moment, Zoe felt as if she was being stared at by an evil ghost from hell. A chill surged rapidly along her spine toward Tianling Gai, and goosebumps spread all over her body.

Without any precautions, Zoe's spirit was shattered.

The thread of fate that originally tightly bound Lazarus loosened a gap.

Just this stupid effort.

"not good!"

Zoe exclaimed.

The face of the man beside him also became ugly.

Because just now the undead monarch had successfully broken free from Zoe's restraints.


"Hahaha, stupid humans, you will pay the price for your stupidity!" The undead monarch made a mocking voice, full of ridicule and malice.

"The Mist of the Undead!"

"Touch of the Undead!"

"The bad luck is gone!"

Various interplays of light and darkness are constantly taking place in the small fourth outpost.

Thoros and Seral worked together to contain Zoe. They did not attack fiercely, but only used long-range skills to continue to harass.

The purpose is to prevent her from using her magical control skills.

Once the male mage unleashed his skills on them, they immediately hid far away.

This is a mage who can cast magical spells, and they don't have the guts to confront them head-on.

The scene fell into a state of anxiety for a moment.

Suddenly, a gray-black mist quickly covered the battlefield.


The two of them were breathing heavily, leaning against each other back to back, looking around warily for possible attacks.

"Damn it, Charles." Zoe said angrily: "I told you we shouldn't act too hastily, what should we do now?"

"Don't worry. After all, the opponent's only remaining combat power is Lazarus. That undead bone dragon has been seriously injured by me."

"Those two little skeletons are nothing to be afraid of."

"It's just that my magic can only be used once a day. Without the magic, it would be difficult for my other skills to cause serious damage to him."

"If it doesn't work, just use that trick, and then I'll get the bone dragon's soul and we'll leave immediately."

"Lazarus will let him live for now. After all, the Lord's request is a ray of soul fire above the peak of myth. We don't need to fight with them here!"

Hearing Charles' words, Zoe looked a little hesitant, and he knew what Charles was referring to.

As the Destiny Weaver, her ability can be said to be very powerful, but the corresponding price is also very heavy.

And if she uses that move, she herself will be unable to move.

If someone attacks her at this time, she will have no power to fight back.

Seeing Zoe's hesitation, Charles hurriedly said: "Zoe, you have been a member of our Church of Light and Shadow for a long time, and you have become a saint of our church at a young age."

"Is it possible that you don't want to go further?"

"The Lord is satisfied."

"The position of the saint is within your reach, isn't it?"

"What's more, with me here, what else do you have to worry about?"

"Or are you unwilling to make a small sacrifice for the Lord?"

Speaking of this, Charles' tone became a little harsh.

Immediately, Zoe made a decision.

She snorted coldly and said in a cold tone: "Charles, you don't need to provoke me."

"My loyalty to the Lord is unquestionable. I can give my life for the Lord, but this is absolutely no excuse for you to abuse my ability!"

"Now that you've decided, let's act quickly."

After saying that, she broke through the fog and flew straight into the sky.

Zoe, soaring in the sky, looks like a dancing elf under the moonlight, elegant and agile.

Her long brown hair fluttered in the breeze, as if blending into the starlight in the night.

But her eyes were as cold as icebergs.

She spread the palm of her right hand, slowly raised it, and said coldly.

"I can't decide life, I can't decide death."

"However, the relationship between life and death will be controlled by me personally."

"Gods are no exception!!!"



A huge golden round door appeared in mid-air, with various mysterious symbols engraved on it.

For just a moment, except for Charles, everyone on the field seemed to be firmly grasped by an invisible hand and unable to move.

Including the Void Wanderer hiding in the shadows.

Chen Tianming was shocked. He didn't expect Zoe's ability to be so terrifying, that she could even affect the Wanderer hidden in the void.

Thinking of what happened in the frozen snowfield, he felt a little emotional.


One drop after another, tiny beads of sweat appeared on Zoe's forehead.

As the gap continued to grow, her face gradually became pale.

"Check... Charles, hurry up." She gritted her teeth and said with difficulty.

Charles doesn't ink either.

With a flash, the figure appeared directly in front of the magic dragon.

His appearance startled the undead monarch.

Lazarus was immediately stunned.

He didn't expect how the humans in this human realm could be so powerful. He was a true god-level powerhouse, but he was imprisoned in place by a small Shattered Void Realm human, unable to move!

And twice.

If other undead monarchs knew this, they would definitely laugh at him for ten thousand years!

But now, he has no choice but to let the other party slaughter him.

He looked at the man in front of him and the woman in the sky fiercely, and wanted to say harsh words, but he couldn't even open his mouth.

I could only stare at them, trying to remember their appearance firmly in my mind.

Unexpectedly, the man just glanced at him lightly and ignored him.

Then he took out a black bottle and pulled out the cork.

Suddenly, a shadowy gray mist filled the air from the bottle.

Lazarus immediately lost his composure when he saw this shadow. He seemed to recognize the function and use of this small bottle, and said in horror: "Who are you?"

"This...this is not..."

"How come you have such a thing?"


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