A few minutes later.

A vast swarm of insects roared towards them.

He was fiercely entangled with the druid at the front.

These druids transformed into powerful monsters, including brown bears, giant apes and rhinos.

Build a solid line of defense to withstand the impact of the insect swarm.

The elf archers and elf mages at the rear are releasing various archery skills as well as gain and debuff skills.

Through mental arithmetic and unintentional calculations, these elves gained a small advantage.

But this small advantage only lasted for a minute before...


Under the precise shooting of Ember of the Void, the dark elf mage was the first to eat the peanuts.

"No, this is the sound of firearms, there are snipers on the other side."

"When did humans possess such powerful firearms that they could easily kill epic elf mages?"

"Also, why are these monsters with humans? Could it be that these are human summoned beasts?"

The well-informed elf elders heard the sound of firearms and mistakenly thought it was a human army.

When she attacked the fifth post before, she had fought against the human army stationed there, so she was particularly familiar with this sound.

But he didn't expect that the sniper this time was so terrifying. He took away an elf mage with just one shot. Although the elf mage was fragile and thin, he was still a strong man in the epic realm!

It’s not like cats and dogs on the roadside are killed when asked.

But what really frightens the elf elders is why humans attack with these monsters?

She realized that if she continued to stay here, she might end up in a bad situation. She was not sure...

If it had known that it was like this, it should have just followed the druid's words and packed up and ran away.

Now that we have engaged the enemy, we have no chance to escape at this time.

"Don't panic." The charming elf elder commanded: "Use the shadow shield to resist the attack of the opponent's sniper."

And she summoned a machete that was three meters long.

Before she became an elf elder, the weapon she used was a long bow. Later she discovered that although she was an elf with bows and arrows, her understanding of archery was very poor.

On the contrary, close combat in a wide range of situations is more suitable for her.

Over the years, countless lives have died under her hands!

Today, she will use the big knife in her hand to defend her glory.


One hundred and fifty meters in the air.

Three hundred void wanderers gathered here, looking down at the battlefield below with cold eyes, calmly assessing the strength of this army.

This is a safe distance. Standing here, they can serve as the overlord's vision, allowing it to have a better grasp of the battle situation.

"The strength of these dark elves is not weak. They have fought back and forth against the insect swarms."

Chen Tianming looked at the picture in his mind and praised it.

These same images were also transmitted to the minds of the Queen and the Devourer.

This is an elite army of elves. All the dark elves are above the epic level, and the leader has reached the legendary level.

And the elf elder at the front has reached a terrifying ancient level of strength.

But when they saw that the other party only had five thousand people.

The Queen said indifferently: "The fallen dark elves, become the nourishment for the great Zerg revival!"

On the way, the druids stood up to resist, and countless arrows and skills flew towards it...

At this time, the Queen's body was suddenly covered with a layer of frosted armor. The flying arrows and skills only left a faint white mark on the armor, and then disappeared.

At the same time, the wanderers in the sky also used magic-forbidden skills and began to silence the opponent's spells.

The dark elves didn't expect that the opponent actually had aerial combat capabilities. Suddenly, the elves and mages became mute and could only stand there and stare.


Gaza waved the machete in her hand, jumped up suddenly, and slashed towards the Queen.

"Before I kill you, I want to know one thing. Why did you attack us with the human army?"

"The human army?" It didn't understand why the other party said this, and it dodged the opponent's sword, "We only have one master, and you don't deserve to know our master's name."

Then the queen jumped up high and stomped towards the elf elder.

"What a great opportunity!" Gaza roared angrily when she saw the opponent leaping in mid-air, unable to dodge, "Shadow Wing Slash."

The sword's light was like a shadow, and it suddenly slashed towards the soles of the Queen's feet.

Her knife is very fast and powerful.

Realizing the power of this blow, all the void shields instantly rushed to the queen's legs, covering them with a thick layer of armor to resist the attack of the elf elders.


There was a violent metal collision, and fierce sparks filled the air.

Gaza's powerful offensive finally cut off most of the armor attached to the Queen's feet.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the elf elder was about to dodge, but suddenly found that he seemed to be imprisoned by something, and was unable to move for a moment.

Looking at the soles of her feet that were enlarging in her pupils, an idea suddenly appeared in her mind.

"Oops, the opponent's skill comes with imprisonment, but I didn't dodge it."


In desperation, she held the sword across her chest to resist the coming attack.

The Queen stamped her foot hard.

She was dizzy and her brain was confused.

Upon seeing this, the surrounding elves rushed forward to rescue their elder.

The Queen, who had lost her Void Shield, could not resist the concentrated fire attack from the opposite side. She saw the elves surrounding her surrounding her, and under the cover of the Wanderer, they retreated to the swarm of insects behind them.

It is ready to cooperate with the Zerg army to first clear out the druids in front and then further encroach on the opponent.

At this moment, a large number of insect swarms began to circle behind them, and after a while, the other party would have no chance of escaping.

Seeing the opponent turning around and running away, these elves did not pursue him and hurriedly carried the elf elders back to their position.

This also gave the elf elders some breathing room.

Gaza was panicking now.

She knew that the Queen was definitely not weak, because when the insect swarm army just arrived, she felt two extremely evil auras.

One of them came from the Gene Queen in front of him, and the other one was hidden among the insects and was not found by him.

That smells like a death threat!

Her instinct told her that if the owners of these two breaths joined forces, it would definitely die.

But what she didn't expect was that she would be suppressed by the other party when facing just one. If the other party hadn't escaped from the insect swarm, she would have been torn into pieces by the other party's next attack when she was just dizzy.

The opponent's strength was obviously close to the peak of the extraordinary, but it gave her the pressure of facing a mythical powerhouse.

Her realm is as high as ancient times, but the opponent's skills can imprison her in place.

What does this mean? It means that the other party has the appearance of a myth.

At this moment, the elf elder understood why the other party dared to say those words that became the nourishment of the Zerg.

Whose bugs are so fierce?

The reproductive capacity of the Zerg itself is extremely terrifying. With such a large number and such strong individual strength, if they were developed by the other party, I'm afraid...

Although Gasha was protected by a large number of elves at this moment, she did not feel the slightest sense of security.

Looking at the swarms of insects that were constantly coming around her, she felt only deep despair.

She was very unwilling.

Her fate shouldn't have ended here.

She finally climbed from a low-level dark elf to the position of an elf elder step by step, relying on her bravery and skills.



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