National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 84 Infernal Affairs! The monster's lair reappears

"Sister, forget it, don't be angry."

Sui Jinhua was really afraid that Yingxiao would make a move, so she whispered.

"Family affairs will affect the judgment of government affairs. Although Qianjin is as beautiful as a flower, I still feel sorry."

Jiang Yang shook his head. He thought for a moment and continued: "But there are a few things I want to tell the city lord about Ling Qianjin."

"What's the matter?"

The city lord was puzzled.

Jiang Yang gave a signal with his eyes, and the other party immediately understood and asked all his followers nearby to leave the hall.

Although Sakura Xiao knew the participants in the incident, she still followed him out of the hall to avoid suspicion.

"What I say next may make you a little suspicious, City Lord, but it is all true."

Jiang Yang lowered his voice and continued: "Chen Song is standing on the opposite side of you."

"Has he secretly colluded with the nobles?"

The city lord has been the boss for so long, so he is certainly not a fool. He has long noticed that the nobles under his command are rebellious. However, the opponent's power is weak and cannot cause any trouble. The Demon King's army is pressing down on the territory. Rather than starting internal strife, it is better to calm down external affairs first. Let’s talk later.

Unexpectedly, Chen Song, whom he treated with all his heart, was abducted by the nobles. Originally, he wanted to use it as a powerful means to suppress the nobles, but now it seems that he is committing suicide at the hands of his enemies!

Unless Jiang Yang is telling lies, the current situation is already in danger for him.

The problem is that Jiang Yang has no reason to lie.

He needs to trade with himself, so it is best to maintain the stability of Dolly City. Causing civil strife and bloodshed is obviously not conducive to development. The Demon King's army is approaching, and no matter how eager he is for quick success, he understands that fighting each other at this time will only give the other side an opportunity.

The answer is now obvious.

"Not only that, Ling Qianjin is his final goal."

Jiang Yang said softly: "He is conducting an evil sacrifice to a woman who needs special blood. In the end, there is still one missing, and that is Ling Qianjin."

"...My daughter was born to a noble woman. She died in childbirth, so she was the only one left in that family."

The city lord murmured in a low voice: "No wonder that guy insists on my daughter marrying him..."

"If the city lord can trust me, I can recommend an expert to protect your daughter."

Jiang Yang chuckled.

"Let him in."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qinghong walked into the hall dressed in Liuyun's gorgeous clothes and looked like an expert hermit. He bowed and said, "My name is Qinghong, and I am a boxer."

"Qinghong is my brother who grew up playing with me. When I grew up, I went to become a disciple of the reclusive Supreme Magician, and he was accepted as a close disciple by the former boxing emperor. His strength is on par with mine."

Jiangyang yelled at the scene: "With Qinghong's protection order, even Chen Song can't touch it."

"Well... you are quite strong, so if you trust City Lord Jiang, Mr. Qinghong, you will be responsible for my little girl's personal safety from now on."

The city lord looked at Qinghong and saw that there was indeed a mysterious power contained in the muscles on Qinghong's body, so he nodded and agreed with Jiang Yang's statement.

As a businessman, the most important thing is to know who is the enemy and who is the friend in a timely manner and weigh the pros and cons. At least for now, doing what Jiang Yang said is the best choice to maximize profits.

"Yes, I will definitely protect the eldest lady from the adulterer."

Qinghong nodded and spoke righteously.

As a young summoner who is qualified to participate in this otherworldly exploration, there is no doubt about his strength. Although he cannot defeat Chen Song, it is quite easy to lead a girl to escape from Chen Song's clutches.

The most important thing is that when Jiang Yang recommended Qinghong to the city lord, he first asked Qinghong to take the initiative to find Chen Song.

Qinghong said that she could be Chen Song's spy, enter the system of the city lord of Doli City, and get into the official position of the eldest lady's personal guard. While Chen Song had to deal with the nobles and Jiang Yang, someone suddenly came out to help him. Monitoring the actions of the city lord is naturally a dream.

He believed that Qinghong would be able to clearly stand on the team after seeing his own strength and power.

Therefore, Qinghong's current identity seems to be the escort of the eldest lady, hiding her identity as Chen Song's spy to contain the city lord, but in fact, she is Jiang Yang's spy used to monitor Chen Song.

It can be said to be the Infernal Affairs among Infernal Affairs.

In addition to supplies, Jiang Yang also asked the city for some human resources. After all, there are no outstanding industries in Kyle City except blacksmiths. This must be strengthened.

In this way, Jiang Yang and his party returned to Kyle City with large and small bags of human and material resources.

With swordsman zombies and a lot of plants guarding it, Kyle City was naturally calm. After Jiang Yang came back, except for the fact that there were too many political affairs to be dealt with by himself, and he had to go into battle on his own, there was nothing else.

In addition to all kinds of mineral materials, the most important resources obtained during this expedition were magic materials. The reason why the adventurers in Kyle City were so excited when they saw Jiang Yang at first was because there was a scarcity of magicians in the city.

An ordinary person who wants to be a magician needs at least ten years of education and study to be qualified. However, the current teachers in Kyle City are not allowed to open a magic academy to train magicians on a large scale.

So now we can only take the next step and drag all the magicians brought from Dolly City to the factory to make magic props, tools, and weapons.

Jiang Yang will also use magic rings to create some, but most of his time is spent on city-state construction.

Currently, the department specially organized to study mechas is tinkering with that black armor. It will probably take quite some time to understand the theory behind it.

In addition to the foundry industry, agriculture and livestock industry, and construction industry, which are the things that people just need in life, in order to stimulate consumption and improve the quality of life, the entertainment industry has gradually emerged, and the city-state has become more and more diversified and more like a city.

The adventurer industry, which had been dormant for a long time, has also improved. The Adventurer Association has been launched. Young people who cannot join the army but want to hunt monsters have begun to form gangs, form adventurer teams, and start accepting commissions.

Although their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the army, they are highly active, and because they are not part of the system, they only need to be given some benefits to stimulate their enthusiasm, and they may earn wandering souls faster than the army.

After all, the main task of the army is to protect the city-state and its citizens. It is unrealistic for them to stay outside killing monsters and wandering souls every day.

On this day, Jiang Yang was about to open his system data panel to see how high the rating of Kyle City was due to his hard work. Suddenly the messenger ran to the main hall, knelt down and shouted loudly:

"Lord City Lord, it's an emergency! A monster has appeared and built a nest near the city-state!"

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