National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 82 Poisonous Milk Peach

Yingxiao felt a crisis, an uneasy feeling like death knocking on her door.

Although she possesses the "Love of Death", this skill is not unsolvable. One is to wait for the blink of an eye to attack like Jiang Yang did before, and the other is to carry out a large-scale fatal attack that lasts for about five seconds. In this way, death The large amount of magic power consumed by this favorite will make the user unable to fight.

The former is unlikely for the other party to know this, but for the latter, she fully believes that the other party is capable of doing it.

If the ability of a black armor was 10 before, then after adding Yogi, the ability is not just as simple as 10+10, but 10X10!

She quickly summoned her guardian spirit. After the demon sword evolved, her guardian spirit also turned into a ghost holding two swords and wearing an evil ghost mask!

The guardian spirit took the lead and rushed towards the Double-Faced Heavenly King. The latter just raised his hand, and an invisible force knocked the guardian spirit away. Yingxiao, who was following behind, leaned closer to the Double-Faced Heavenly King. The moment she used her sword move, her body froze as if it had turned to stone!

Is this... the magic of gravity control?

Yingxiao watched in disbelief as her body glowed with silver-blue light, and then floated in the air. A violent tearing sensation came, and her pupils trembled suddenly, realizing what the other party was doing.

It wants to use gravity to tear itself into pieces! !

There was a sound of broken bones, and she felt as if her limbs were being pulled in different directions by four giants. It was an indescribable and heartbreaking pain!

Just as the guardian spirit wanted to help in the battle, it was split open by the green flame sword and lost its ability to fight!

I can only use this trick...

Yingxiao knew that she could use the love of death to resurrect, so she gritted her teeth and held back the pain, and looked at the Two-Faced King with a sadistic smile on her face. Purple light flashed in her Deathrattle pupils!

This is the divine power skill that forced Jiang Yang to run into the Forest of Death and was almost hunted by the Red Ghost Clan, the Death Seal!

Forcibly shorten the enemy's lifespan!

Just when the skill was about to be activated and her body was about to be torn apart, the entire treasure house grew green flowers and plants. This vitality blocked the sight of the Double-Faced King. Sakura Xiao only felt a warmth, like It's like being held in someone's arms.

"Leave it to me next."

Jiang Yang hugged Ying Xiao and leaned her against a tree. His cheeks were slightly red and he nodded: "Well..."

"Another human?"

"He still looks like a magician."

Two voices came out of the body of the Double-Faced King, which sounded quite terrifying.

"I said, aren't you curious where King Xiang Tian went?"

Jiang Yang walked out with a cold voice. Behind him were the corn zombies and prism grass. The pea assault vehicle had been hidden in the dark places of the terrain created by Senluo. As long as he gave an order, these summoned spirits would burst into terror. With the firepower, enemies with the agility of Xiangtianwang may be defeated nine times out of ten, but it is very good to defeat such a big guy.

"You don't want to say that you killed that guy yourself, do you?"

The Two-Faced King sneered.

"Absolutely. I accidentally let it escape."

Jiang Yang shrugged.

"Humph, don't be ridiculous. Although that guy is not as good as us, how can he lose to a human brat like you!"

"Wait, it seems like I really can't contact that guy Xiang?"

Two voices sounded from the body of the Double-Faced King at the same time, and two emotions shouted: "What happened?!"

"what happened?"

Jiang Yang suddenly stepped on the ground and said coldly: "You will experience it again soon!"

The Golden Crow appeared, and the corn cannon shells exploded! Lightning Pea charged out from both wings! The combination of lightning pea bullets and ice blast bombs not only restricted the movements of the Double King, but also produced high output! Fire Dragon Grass appears from the sky and roasts the Double-Faced King's head!

The prism grasses condensed the sunlight while taking root to absorb magic power and provide it to Jiang Yang. The corn zombies roared and rushed towards the Double-faced King. Their sizes were almost the same as each other, and they were evenly matched when fighting. Tianshi Xiangkui muttered something, and then released Thunder Punishment. Auxiliary output!

Miner zombies and balloon zombies continuously threw exploding nuts and cherry bombs onto the head of Double-Faced King. Some of the seeds formed after the cherry bombs exploded parasitized on Double-Faced King's body, proliferated again, and exploded!

Even though the Two-Faced King used a superpower barrier to block some of the attacks, this heavy fire bombing could not be completely defended. Within a few rounds, they were driven crazy by this almost endless offensive. With the addition of Qingyan's big The sword kept waving, but with the blessing of the torch stump, the fire attribute attacks were useless.

"Asshole! If you're like this, don't blame me!"

The Double-Faced King shouted angrily, inserting the sword blade into the ground, and the runes on the sword blade formed a huge circle, turning into a magic circle full of strange aura!

The magic circle failed to withstand any attacks, whether it was Jiang Yang's corn cannonballs, the big sticks of the corn zombies, or the rounds of magic bombings from Fire Dragon Grass and Prism Grass, they still hit the Two-Faced King fully. However, the strange thing is that not only did the Double-Faced King not suffer any damage, his injuries actually healed!

The offensive lasted for a few seconds, and Jiang Yang felt more and more that something was wrong. He ordered the plants and zombies to stop the offensive. The two-faced king stretched out his right hand with a smug look on his face, and then clenched it suddenly. The invisible superpower burst out, directly causing the lightning pea assault cars to explode!

This guy can't find a chance to counterattack... The spell pattern of the magic circle seems to be the opposite of the normal magic circle. From the performance just now, could it be that the effect is to turn the attack into healing?

Jiang Yang thought of an idea. He quickly multiplied the fairy peaches near the two-faced king. The magic power required to multiply the fairy peaches is quite small, and the CD is also very fast. It only takes a blink of an eye to plant a large group!

Looking at this group of things that look a little silly, the two-faced king didn't know what to do for a while.

The fairy peaches looked at the two-faced king gently. Although they didn't like to treat the enemy, since it was the master's order, there was nothing they could do.

Dozens of healing waves rushed out of their bodies. Originally, they should have had a high healing effect, but because of the effect of the magic circle, when they fell on the two-faced king, they became high damage!

And it was the kind of real damage that ignored any armor!

The health of the two-faced king continued to decrease, and the amount of healing from the fairy peach scared them so much that they immediately stopped the magic circle. However, as soon as they lifted the magic circle, they were greeted by a second round of heavy firepower offensive!

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