National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 80 Lightning Pea Assault Vehicle! Xiantao

Jiang Yang quickly entered the system space.

"Thunder Magic Stone": Epic magic material, a secret treasure stone containing all the thunder attribute secrets of the world. Legend has it that King Xiang Tian swallowed this magic stone and controlled its power.

It seems that it was something that exploded when Ah Yan beat that guy.

Jiang Yang muttered to himself.

The only plants that meet the inlay conditions are Tianshi Sunflower, Pea Assault Vehicle, and Fire Dragon Grass.

Jiang Yang thought for a moment. Even if Tianshi Sunflower is strengthened, it can only summon one, which has little effect on combat. And Fire Dragon Grass, with Prism Grass, the magic attack can even make a sensation of Dr. Zombie King's first-generation mecha.

Strengthening magic attack can only be icing on the cake.

Finally, Jiang Yang stuffed the Thunder Magic Stone into the Pea Assault Vehicle. Unlike plant modification, inlaying Thunder Magic Stone does not require the number of modification times, so there is no obstacle.

A flash of white light appeared, and the pea assault vehicle was surrounded by a burst of bright blue lightning. A lightning-shaped leaf also appeared on the back of the pea's head. Two cool lightning-shaped energy bodies appeared on both sides of the assault vehicle, and a "crackling" sound was heard in the air.

"Congratulations to the host's pea assault vehicle for advancing to the lightning pea assault vehicle! Learned a new talent: Thunder drive! Gained a new talent: Thunder storage! Gained a new skill: Thunderstorm motorcycle!"

Thunder drive: The lightning assault vehicle can use the power of thunder and lightning to increase speed, or slow down speed, and can use thunder energy to use various contingency tactics!

Thunder storage: Thunder attribute attacks are completely ineffective, and can enhance the performance of the lightning assault vehicle!

Thunderstorm motorcycle: The lightning pea assault vehicle can switch to the thunder explosion motorcycle mode. In motorcycle mode, the defense is greatly weakened, but the movement speed is greatly improved, the attack speed is moderately improved, the pea bullet can have a group attack effect with thunder and lightning, and the thunder electronic bullet will paralyze the enemy.

The lightning pea bullet can be superimposed with the effect of the torch stump!

This all-round attribute improvement... Although the lightning pea assault car is still AAA grade, this panel is already the top level in the AAA grade!

And the blue consumption is reduced again, and the intelligence of the assault cars is improved again. Not only can they use the driving skills of the old driver in Akina Mountain, but they can also switch forms skillfully to deal with various enemies!

Normal form, thunderstorm form, ice form!

With the seamless switching of these three forms, the overall strength has been greatly improved!

After completing the upgrade, Jiang Yang did not rush to exit the system, but ran to Dave's plant store.

Because the Zen Garden just now had a critical hit that had not been seen for a long time, it made him a little rich.

As his strength increased, Dave could buy more and more things here, but at present, the most suitable for his needs was only an expensive A-level plant.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the new plant-based A-level summoning spirit, Xiantao!"

The system prompt sound came, and Jiang Yang quickly opened the summoning book and checked the summoning spirit that cost him a lot of money.

Xiantao, plant system, rating A, one red and four purple on the panel, talent ability: skillful hand, encouragement, fragrance. Skills: healing, emergency repair, fairy protection.

Skillful hand: the release speed of all healing skills is increased by 30%!

Encouragement: the target being healed can get a certain degree of attack power increase!

Fragrance: can release a refreshing fragrance to purify the abnormal state below level 8 in the field!

Healing: can select up to eight friendly units for treatment.

Emergency repair: can give a unit that is about to die a second life, CD is 30 minutes.

Fairy protection: after releasing this skill, the friendly units in a certain area can get a huge barrier to resist enemy attacks. After using this skill, the fairy protection will wither because the fairy disappears.

Quite practical and stable attribute panel and skills.

Although not as exaggerated and fancy as the lightning pea assault car and the corn cannon, looking at the entire summoning world, there are quite few summoned spirits that can heal.

Therefore, even if the summoners had double magic rings, they did not dare to rush to the front of the formation and lead the summoned spirits to kill into the enemy camp.

After all, healing magic can only heal summoned spirits in most cases. If it is used on humans, the effect will be greatly reduced. Even if it is advanced treatment, it will only have the effect of a band-aid on humans.

Otherwise, he would not have been hospitalized twice.

Jiang Yang opened his eyes and returned to reality. Ah Yan had returned to the classics to rest because his magic power was exhausted.

He summoned the fairy peach. The pink and tender big eyes with a bit of intelligence stared at Jiang Yang for a while, and then it shook its leaves a few times. Jiang Yang felt a burst of nourishment in his fingers. After removing the bandage, he saw that his fingers grew out quickly!

First, the bones spread and formed, then the flesh and blood wrapped around the bones and condensed, and finally the skin wrapped around the flesh and blood.

This healing effect is too outrageous...

Jiang Yang took a breath of cold air. When he saw the fairy peach last time, he guessed that the healing effect of the fairy peach would be very strong, so he agreed to Qinghong's request.

But he didn't expect that the effect would take effect so quickly! Even a broken finger can be repaired in a few seconds!

This is bullshit medical skill, this is clearly a magic skill!

Jiang Yang was delighted when he noticed a look. He quickly slashed at the other party with his ink knife. The latter jumped out of the bushes in shock, and lay on the ground in fear, looking at Jiang Yang and said, "I, I, I just want to escape! I don't want to be your enemy!"

"Where is your treasure house?"

Jiang Yang asked in a low voice.

"In the deepest part of the bunker! There is a secret passage! But the two-faced king is there, I advise you not to go to trouble him!"

The monster shouted tremblingly.


"Yes, the two-faced king is one of the top three kings! At present, except for a new female king who ranks first, the second and third are almost the same! The two-faced king has two faces and two fighting modes!"

The monster said in a hollow voice: "I, I told you all this, can you let me go?"

"You go."

Jiang Yang frowned and ran towards the bunker quickly.

How could Ying Xiao possibly deal with the top three kings when she was so embarrassed that she wanted to call out Ah Yan after fighting a Xiang Tian Wang?

And that girl is so angry now, I hope nothing unexpected happens.

Jiang Yang had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Heh, you dare to rob the treasure house, so stupid! The two-faced king will definitely cut you into pieces! When the time comes, I will catch all the captives and kill them!"

The cadre watched Jiang Yang walk away, muttering viciously.

"Hey! Do you know? My real name is Explosion, and my brother is..."

The sound of Cherry Bomb came from behind it. It was stunned for a moment, turned its head and looked at the other party parasitic on its back, with a horrified expression on its face.



Author's words:

Recently, I saw readers asking whether to open a harem. In fact, the author can't write a love line... More plots are spent on adventures and monsters.

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