National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 75 Mission Impossible

On the street, a gold-absorbing flower swayed its body. There were several linen bags in front of it, and there were weights next to the bags.

The conversion price is written in pen on the scale, one pound of waste crystal is exchanged for five pounds of peas!

Waste crystal, this is the name given to iron core crystal by the aboriginal people of this world. Because of the harsh processing conditions, people have always thought that this kind of thing is an associated mine of other minerals. Over the years, the number of iron core crystal accumulated in the mine is also Quite an exaggeration.

For people in Peak Town, exchanging one pound of scrap crystal for five pounds of peas is the same as exchanging a stainless steel washbasin for a new mobile phone!

With giant zombies standing guard, even if someone had evil intentions, they wouldn't dare to snatch away the gold-sucking peas directly. After all, the former's body was not inflated, and even if he smashed it into meat patties with his fist, it would be a waste of his strength.

Soon the golden flower stall was crowded with people. It made some calculations and decided to buy some magic materials after selling these bags, and then see if it could pick up a few buried talents or something.

Jiang Yang didn't sell it together, after all, he had more important things to do now.

"Who is it? Do you have permission to enter the city?"

The soldiers guarding the gate of the city-state quickly raised their weapons and blocked Jiang Yang from outside. Their eyes stared at the giant zombie behind the former with some fear.

"Mr. Jiang Yang is the lord of Kyle City, don't be rude!"

The blond girl quickly jumped out from behind the giant zombie and said, "It was Mr. Jiang Yang who saved me from the Bull-Headed King. Go and inform your father. Don't treat you two badly."


The soldiers nodded, then changed the guards and ran towards the city lord's mansion.

At this moment, the city lord's residence.

"What? My daughter was rescued?!"

The city lord dressed in rich clothes slammed the armchair, jumped up excitedly, and said with gleaming eyes: "Please hurry up and invite that warrior in!"

"They have arrived at the gate of the mansion."

"Okay! I'll go greet them personally! Speaking of which...where is Mr. Song?"

"Back to the city lord, Master Song went out with a young man in blue this morning. It is said that he is an old friend!"

"Really? Then don't disturb them and go see the warrior first."

The city lord came to the mansion surrounded by a group of soldiers. He looked at the tall giant zombie and the young but somewhat mysterious Jiang Yang in surprise, and said, "Are you the warrior who saved my daughter? Come on in first! Ask me for any reward you want!"

"Sir, reward is not a good word to use."

Jiang Yang smiled and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "After all, we are at the same level in terms of status."

The city lord was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what the other party meant. Although he couldn't believe it, judging from his daughter's expression, it was obvious that he was not lying.

This young man who is so young that he may not even be twenty years old is actually the lord of a city-state? !


In the middle of a lush forest.

"Qinghong, Black Fox treats you well, why were you ungrateful and ran away from the family in the first place?"

Chen Song held the summoning book in his hand, and Qing Hong walked steadily in front of him.

"If the beast doesn't pull out its teeth, it will try to bite through the cage just by looking at the sky."

Qinghong shook his head and said softly: "When you come to this other world this time, in addition to training, you also have a top priority task assigned by the elders, right?"

"Hunting Jiang Yang."

Chen Song knew that pretending to be deaf and dumb at this time was also a cover-up. The family's style was familiar to the people in front of him: "Where are you standing?"

"You know I hate the family, but in the face of interests, I can put these things aside for the time being."

Qinghong turned around, looked at Chen Song and said, "I tricked Jiang Yang into cooperating with him. I first used a strategy to force you to cooperate with the monster army, and then used the forces you provoked to create public opinion and turn you into a target. Finally, with the cheers of everyone, I'll kill you."

"But for me, the benefits I get from cooperating with Jiang Yang are too few. On the contrary, I can get more by killing Jiang Yang."

Qinghong smiled coldly: "You also want to know the secret of how he became so powerful in a short period of time, right?"

"The forces that I provoke? Are you talking about the nobles who are trying their best to give me women?"

Chen Song laughed as if he heard a joke: "What do people in the city talk about me now? I'm tired of playing with those women, so I steal their concubines and live a life of debauchery every day? It's ridiculous."

"It was those nobles who quietly found me, gave me the Demonic Secret Array, and asked me to help them get Dolly City. The Demonic Secret Array requires a woman with special blood as a sacrifice to be activated."

Chen Song continued to smile and said: "And these special blood are the blood of nobles, so they sent their daughter to me without blinking an eye! As for the concubine, she was actually the illegitimate daughter of a nobleman. Because she was missing Blood for one person, so he gave it to me."

"They're going to help you kill me? You're kidding!"

"...So, the reason why you want that city lord's daughter to be your wife is..."

Qinghong swallowed and murmured softly.

"Yes, she is the last person in the evil secret formation. As long as she is thrown into the evil formation, I can summon the ninth king to become my summoning spirit!"

Chen Song raised his eyebrows and continued: "Do you understand? I don't have to cooperate with you at all! I can kill Jiang Yang myself, and I can kill you too."

Qinghong clenched his teeth and tensed up after sensing the threat in his tone.

"But since you know Jiang Yang's location, it's not impossible to use you as an informant. You're still useful."

Chen Song waved his hand, and the scar beside his eye twisted like a living venomous snake: "I still have things to deal with, so I'll leave. See you next time, Mr. Stray Dog."

Qinghong didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Chen Song disappeared from her sight, and murmured in a low voice: "Did you hear it clearly, Mr. Jiang Yang?"

"Yes, it's clear."

At this moment, Jiang Yang, who was staying in the living room, showed a sinister smile on his face.

That forest was his Senluo. All the words in Senluo would be heard by the plants and transmitted to Jiang Yang's brain. Qinghong deliberately led the way so that Jiang Yang could hear the conversation in real time.

Originally, his plan was to let Qinghong pretend to surrender, and then gradually eliminate Chen Song through various tricks such as sowing discord, slandering and spreading rumors, and spreading panic, but now it seems that he has heard something even more incredible.

From what I see now, this city-state can be divided into at least two factions.

The rebel faction, and the city lord faction.

With the intelligence advantage, I will be the decisive factor in the fight between these two factions.

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