National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 73 Heading to Dolly City

After the preliminary conditions are met, what is needed is a transmission conduit that can flow energy. If you want to run such a huge mecha, the material of the energy conduit is naturally not ordinary. The requirements for compatibility and toughness alone are ridiculously high. Currently, None of the materials Jiang Yang had seen met this requirement.

It seems that mecha won't be achieved for a while, but let's do the basics first.

Jiang Yang returned to reality. He allocated additional operating expenses to the foundry industry, and then ordered it to manufacture mecha components according to the drawings he gave. Because the drawings he gave were degraded versions, even if someone leaked them, they lacked the core. Technology can only be a waste of resources.

What's more, with the residents' high level of loyalty, the probability of leaks is approximately zero.

As time goes by, Kyle City becomes more and more powerful, and skilled craftsmen are added one after another. The village takes advantage of the situation to expand its power. More steel plants, pastures, farmland, and military camps appear. Not to mention the eldest lady, just Even Jiang Yang himself was shocked.

It seems that as long as the needs of the people can be met, they can volunteer to start expansion and expand the area as long as they hang up, and there is no need for them to direct it at all!

Under the guidance of Sakura Xiao, the strength of the army has reached a level that can stably kill monster nests. Jiang Yang plans to purchase a batch of magic materials when he goes to Dolly City, and starts making magic props for the army to go out to fight monsters to earn money for himself. Wandering souls go, maybe one day you can still pick up treasures or something.

Three months later, the giant zombies carried the food from the three warehouses and followed Jiang Yang and others towards Dolly City. There were Gatling zombies, Jianhao zombies, and Ayan who was in charge of Kyle City. Jiang Yang I believe there won't be any big problems during the time when I go to trade.

As for Dolly City's Black Fox Summoner, after breaking through to the Great God level, Jiang Yang is also sure of a fight. Moreover, as long as the Lord of Dolly City is in his right mind, he will not let himself and the opponent fight openly.

The most important thing is that Jiang Yang learned from the conversation with the blonde girl in the past few days that "Mr. Song" used his identity as a summoner to dominate Doli City, and even the city lord was somewhat unable to suppress him. This has become a trend. If it weren't for the fact that he had conquered the demon army, the people would have started to denounce him long ago.

Moreover, he also asked the city lord's daughter, a blond girl, to marry him as his wife. However, long before making this request, he had already played with the women of the nobles in the city, and even snatched away their concubines in public and kept them as honey. condition of the room. Nobles dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

This is quite normal. After all, in this world, it is possible to destroy a city-state with palace-level strength, but it is easy to be seriously injured and missed. After all, not everyone has the composure of two lifetimes. If a max-level player comes to the novice village, anyone else would be in high spirits.

And this kind of wandering is Jiang Yang's best opportunity to put the opponent to death.

"This is a coming-of-age gift from my father. Mr. Jiang not only saved me from danger, but also provided me with free food and accommodation for three months. Please accept this thank you gift."

The blond girl took off her hairpin and handed it to Jiang Yang, smiling softly.

"Then I won't refuse."

Jiang Yang thought for a while, but it seemed boring to be too coquettish at this time, so he took away the hairpin and smiled: "You look good with your hair."

"Yes, yes..."

The blonde girl's cheeks were slightly red and she lowered her head.

"My hair looks good too!"

Yingxiao put her hair down and pursed her lips.

"You are still suitable for short hair or a single ponytail."

"How suitable is it?"

"Like a peashooter and a torch stump fit together."

"Your metaphor is as unexpected and logical as ever..."

Not long after the two of them chatted, the system's voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yang's mind: "The detection host has obtained advanced casting materials, and its information is being entered."

Jiang Yang was stunned and quickly entered the system space. Ying Xiao was amazed at how good his sleep quality was. He could fall asleep even while chatting!

Jiang Yang opened his backpack in the system space, and the system quickly put the analyzed material information in front of him.

Jadeite soft stone, an advanced casting material, has wood properties and is extremely tough, making it suitable as an energy transmission tool.

At the same time, the condition bar of the first-generation mecha popped up. The "conduit material" option that was originally in red has now turned into "yellow", which means that the material is already available, but the quantity is insufficient.

I came to the pillow when I was really sleepy, and I was thinking about where to find high-level guidance materials, but I didn't expect that there were clues in Dolly City.

Jiang Yang chuckled, a hint of cunning flashing in his eyes.

It seems that I have to make a lot of money!

Dolly City is close to the river bank. Under the guidance of the blond girl, Jiang Yang and others took many detours. It didn't take long for the outline of the city-state to appear in their field of vision. On the way, they passed several villages to which Dolly City belongs, as a commercial center. The power it has developed cannot even be matched by the rapidly growing city of Kyle.

I should be able to borrow some technology back, these magic buildings are quite interesting.

On the way, Jiang Yang saw the "Physical Conductor Stone", a magic prop that can detect individual data, a "heating stove" that can store sunlight, and even a magic potion that can be equipped on horses to instantly strengthen the horse's body.

No matter what it is, it will be of great help to Kyle City, which is lacking everything.

As the sky darkened, Jiang Yang and Jinhua discussed for a while and decided to rest in Peak Town for one night. He and Ying Xiao could accept long-term wandering, but the pampered young lady didn't say anything, but her condition gradually deteriorated.

He didn't want to go to the city to return the young lady, and the city lord saw his daughter's expression of being abused.

Everyone decided to rent a five-star hotel in Peak Town, but the front desk looked at everyone apologetically and said, "Sorry, we only have two rooms left."

What kind of old-fashioned ambiguous development is this? Don't tell me that the next one is a single man and a widow forced to live alone in a room and take a shower, etc., which are the plots that urban novels in the last century have played out?

Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows and complained in his heart without any expression.

"Well, there's no way! Jiang Yang can only squeeze in with me!"

Ying Xiao was tangled on the surface, but ecstatic in her heart.

Why can't the two of us sleep together?

Although the blonde girl wanted to ask this, she knew that she could only say it in her heart.

"Open two rooms, one for each of the two girls."

"What about you, Jiang Yang?"

"Sleep on the street."

Under the surprised eyes of the receptionist, Jiang Yang turned around and left the hotel, leaving Ying Xiao, who was confused, and the blonde girl who had no idea what was going on.

It was a question that could get points no matter which option he chose, but Jiang Yang chose to leave it blank!

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