National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 67: Reading newspapers to advance! Human wave tactics to hammer the king

Since the cadres are not that good, then this king can't be that strong, right?

Although Jiang Yang thought so in his heart, he still sent the clown zombies to the forest to test the enemy's strength.

Not long after, the clown zombies encountered a magic attack in the forest, and the self-destruct button was triggered without even seeing the monster's figure!

Trap-type magic circle?

Jiang Yang noticed that a second before the clown zombie exploded, a light blue light appeared on the entire ground.

Obviously, the area where the magic circle exists is the territory of the king's power. I hope this does not attract the other party's attention.

The monsters that can set up magic circles, except for those races with special talents in magic, if converted to the level of summoners, should be the level of the hall of the world like Kong Qingyu.

If I fight one-on-one with the king, I am still very confident that I can kill the opponent alone, but the problem now is to break through the enemy's defense line and destroy the enemy's power.

What needs to be considered is not only the trap magic circle just now, but also the terrain, the strength of the enemy's army, the defense strength of the fortress, whether there are secret passages, whether there will be surprise attack troops...

I know nothing about the power of the king, and rash actions will inevitably lead to danger.

The most important thing is that the human wave tactics I often use are restrained by the trap magic circle. Unless it is a high-intensity zombie such as a gun array, a swordsman, or a Gatling, once you step on the trap magic circle, you will be killed.

Although plants can also form troops to attack, their containment and breakthrough capabilities are not as good as zombie troops. The strongest point of plants is large firepower coverage, which can give the opponent a devastating blow.

In other words, my army is now useless, and only artillery and assault troops can be used.

Jiang Yang thought for a moment and closed his eyes.

He ran to the Zen Garden and took all the sunlight he harvested to make an artificial brain. After harvesting thousands of dead soul coins, Jiang Yang came to Dr. Zombie King's store and bought all the wandering souls in one go.

Now I can only gamble.

Jiang Yang fed the wandering soul to the newspaper reading zombie, and the experience bar was soon full.

"Congratulations! The newspaper reading zombie has been updated to the pvz2 version! Gained a new ability: rampage!"

The system's prompt sound came. Although the level of the newspaper reading zombie has not changed, the value has increased a lot, and the magic power consumption is even lower.

Rampage: When the newspaper in its hand is knocked off by the enemy's attack, the newspaper reading zombie will fall into a rampage state, with a great increase in attack power and movement speed, and ignores trap damage.

Ignore traps?

Jiang Yang was delighted. This ability was unlocked just right. In the rampage state, a newspaper reading zombie can single out a demon king cadre, and his magic power can release more than a thousand newspaper reading zombies!

Ignore traps, extremely fast speed, and extremely high attack of the zombie tide attack!

In this way, the troops for the frontal breakthrough are enough!

Jiang Yang opened his eyes and returned to reality. He asked Ying Xiao to ambush in the woods, not far from the magic circle, and then summoned the corn cannon on the spot and multiplied two.

If you want to attack the city, the power of the corn cannon is indispensable.

Jiang Yang clapped his hands, and the reincarnation cemetery was released!

With the increase of the dead soul reading, the number of tombstones doubled!

Gun array zombies, swordsman zombies, and Gatling zombies crawled out of the tombstones, and standing in front of them were the mighty newspaper reading zombies!

They wore square-framed glasses and walked slowly towards the magic circle with a somewhat slow pace.

Jiang Yang knew very well that once the trap magic was triggered and their newspapers were knocked down, the real battle would begin.

At this moment, in the fortress where the king was stationed.

"Lord King! There is an enemy attack!"

The demon king cadres hurriedly ran into the council room and shouted.

"Tsk, another human adventurer? Last time, a fly was released to fly in, what kind of moth do you want to make this time?"

The king is a minotaur with huge horns like swords on his head. He carried a double-edged axe beside him, and a black light flashed in his eyes.

"Maybe it's the human army from Dolly City, sent to rescue their young lady?"

A demon king cadre let out a creepy low laugh.

"Isn't there a city near us? Maybe it's the army there?"

"Hahahaha! You mean Kyle City? That broken place can't even get together a few adventure groups, let alone an army! All the villages under his command have been occupied by us!"

The cadre laughed: "That city lord, we beat him so hard that he couldn't even fart! How could he attack us!"

"Okay, pack up and go back quickly!"

The Bull-Headed Heavenly King stood up with a snort and shouted: "Old rules, kill the men and capture the women! And that young lady, tell her that today is the last day to consider!"

"Either clean up and wait for me in the house tonight, or watch the people in her city being hacked into meat paste!"

The Heavenly King and the cadres came to the observation deck, and wherever they saw was a gray-black "tide of people".

Except for a few individuals with particularly strong power, the Bull-Headed Heavenly King did not feel any threat. However, it still asked the gunners on its fortress to prepare shells.

"Is this a zombie? Did Dolly City hire a necromancer?"

The Demon King's cadre laughed, "These zombies move slower than turtles. Do they expect to use this thing to break through our iron cannon defense line?"

"Don't be an iron cannon. It's not certain whether it can pass the spike magic array!"

"Wishful thinking!"

"Look at that, he's wearing glasses on the battlefield! What's he wearing? Beach pants?"

Everyone was laughing and joking, not panicking at all.

The Bull-Headed Heavenly King snorted and said, "I thought it was something else, boring."

Suddenly, the reporting Demon King cadre shouted, "Lord Heavenly King! When did our neighborhood become a cemetery?"

The Bull-Headed Heavenly King was stunned. He looked around and found that the lush forest had turned into a lifeless cemetery. The atmosphere in the air became weird.


Dozens of bungee zombies emerged from the tombstones near the fortress. With a "Hey Ha", their figures disappeared from the spot. When they reappeared, the iron cannons were pulled out of the pedestal!


While the Bull-Headed Heavenly King was still in a daze, the spike array was triggered. With a flash of blue light, the newspaper in the hands of the newspaper-reading zombie fell down.

The newspaper-reading zombie was stunned for a moment, then raised his head, his eyes glowed blood red, and his face was full of anger!

What happened... the momentum of this thing suddenly became several times stronger? !

The Bull-Headed Heavenly King was dumbfounded. If he felt that the other party was just a group of dogs a second ago, then the power displayed by the other party now was like a group of angry lions!

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