The next morning.

Jiang Yang headed towards the back mountain as always, but what he didn't notice was that this time there was a figure with a complicated expression behind him.

Beixia had been scolded by her family since the last incident, and her mind was clearer. She wanted to show off her face and apologize to Jiang Yang, but she couldn't say it out loud, so she had to follow him all the way.

Jiang Yang felt a chill on his back, but he thought it might be the cold weather in the morning, so he didn't pay much attention. He went all the way to the bamboo forest in the back mountain. Different from usual, he saw a strange figure.

"Are you Jiang Yang from Jiangjiacun?"

Sun Tianxing, who was meditating cross-legged a second ago, bent his legs and stood up from the ground without even using his hands. He looked at Jiang Yang and said, "Are all the withered plants in the bamboo forest your work?"

"Sun Tianxing? Are you really from Sunjia Village?"

Jiang Yang was a little surprised. He had only seen this face on the Internet a few days ago, and now it was in front of him in real life.

"It seems that I am somewhat famous. Your Excellency seems to be older than me, so I will call you Brother Jiang. If you don't suggest it, Brother Jiang can just call me Tianxing."

Sun Tianxing cupped his hands without any intention of showing off: "Yesterday, I accompanied my grandfather to reminisce in the bamboo forest. I happened to see gravel and a withered plant on the ground. I was surprised and thought it might be the work of a plant summoner. So I got up early and waited here, hoping to see it with my own eyes.”

"I have a strong rival who has similar techniques to Brother Jiang. If Brother Jiang is willing to accompany me to learn from each other and gain experience, I would be very grateful!"

Similar techniques? Does it mean "rapid proliferation"? There is indeed a master-level operation among plant summoners called "Split". The effect is the same as "Rapid Proliferation", but the efficiency is completely destroyed by "Rapid Proliferation". That's why Sun Tianxing became interested.

Although I have quite powerful contract spirits and skills, I have no actual combat experience. If Sun Tianxing becomes my opponent, it will indeed make me more familiar with combat. It can be said that this kind of sparring partner is difficult to find even with a lantern!

"I'm just a half-baked Summoner who just signed a contract. There's nothing surprising. Brother Tianxing doesn't mind my poor skills and is willing to teach me. It's an honor for me."

Jiang Yang spread his right hand, the summoning book flashed out, and he smiled with full of fighting spirit.

"Brother Jiang is joking."

Sun Tianxing's hand flashed with yellow light, and the summoning book appeared in his hand. Like Jiang Yang, he did not need to chant a spell or put his hand on the book, and the summoning spirit appeared behind him.

It was a nearly two-meter-long monkey, strong and tangible, with hair that was swaying like a golden light. It was wearing a close-fitting gold and silver armor, and a pair of green eyes filled with fighting intent. The green grass all around seemed to feel this pressure, and their tall and straight bodies bent down! This is the pressure of higher beings on lower beings!

A-level contract spirit! Six-eared macaque!

This is the first time I have seen an A-level contracted spirit with my own eyes. With this aura, even a guy like Beixia can guess the level.

Jiang Yang snapped his fingers, and double pea shooters grew out. A pair of cute bean eyes stared at the six-eared macaque without any fear!

"Brother Jiang's summoned spirit is probably at the peak of C-level, right?"

Sun Tianxing glanced at the double pea shooter and said in surprise.

Sure enough, he was quite capable. Both he and Beixia went to the city to study from the village, but on the contrary, he not only achieved success in his studies, but also did not develop any squeamishness.

This kind of person is much harder to deal with than that kind of spoiled genius with no brains!

"He's just the tallest of the dwarfs."

Jiang Yang's eyes became more serious.

At this moment, a figure was quietly hiding in the bamboo forest.

Bei Xia would never have imagined that she would actually meet the rising star in the summoning world. The major summoner offices are rushing to book the genius Sun Tianxing!

There are many talents in this world, but only people like Sun Tianxing are qualified to be called geniuses. Not only because he can contract A-level summoned spirits, but his execution ability is also very good. Not long after he contracted Liu Er, he helped the police solve a bad case. In the bank robbery incident, one man remained calm in the face of three gangsters summoning masters. He not only protected the people, but also defeated the gangsters!

Beixia also heard that her senior sister worked so hard to win Sun Tianxing into the firm where she worked!

Now this big star is less than a hundred meters away from me!

Beixia quickly took out her mobile phone, turned off the flash, and took several pictures of Sun Tianxing.

Suddenly she remembered something and turned the camera to the opposite side of Sun Tianxing. Because it was blocked by dense bamboos, the figure of the other person was very blurry, and his voice could not be heard due to the distance, but Beixia was almost certain that he was Jiang Yang.

Sun fighting Jiang Yang? !

Beixia was so shocked that she almost dropped her phone to the ground. The scene now was like a king looking for a bronze solo!

If you post it online, you will definitely earn a lot of views! !

Beixia quickly switched to screen recording mode, stretched the phone screen, and found a size where she could clearly see the battle between the two sides. Although it is blocked by bamboo, the general situation can still be seen clearly.

She had already begun to guess how long Jiang Yang could hold on in Sun Tianxing's hands.

"I'm going to fuck you! Be careful, Brother Jiang!"

Sun Tianxing let out a sharp shout, Liu Er kicked off a bamboo next to him, held the middle end, and struck Jiang Yang like a thunderbolt!

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