National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 56 Heavenly Master Sunflower! Jiang Yang vs. Mr. Fu

Sunflower's body turned into black and white, which is a bit like Tai Chi. The most interesting thing is that there is a Tianshi hat on his head, and his eyes become deep and mysterious.

"Are you my host? My name is Celestial Master Xiangkui. I can help my master spy on the secrets of heaven, and I can also help in the battle."

Tianshi Sunflower's voice is relatively mature, and unlike the Pea Assault Truck, it can be distinguished from ordinary Sunflowers after it is activated.

Celestial Master Sunflower is an A-level plant type + thunder summoning spirit with two red and three purple values. It can release magic such as lightning arrays for combat. It is a disruptive mage character.

If combined with the Fire Dragon Grass, it can form a quite powerful mage lineup.

Jiang Yang thought for a while and asked, "What do you mean by spying on the secrets of heaven?"

"Well... to put it in layman's terms, it means that you can predict the future after a certain period of time, but there is not much you can tell the master at the moment."

Heavenly Master Xiangkui stared at Jiang Yang for a while and said, "And after casting a spell, you have to wait several months before you can spy on the secret of heaven again."

Spoiler ability? Sounds pretty fun.

"Then you can predict my future now and help me see what dangerous things will happen next so I can avoid them."


The Tianshi Sunflower emits black and white light all over its body, and these lights turn into Tai Chi and slowly rotate: "Misfortunes and blessings should be avoided..."


Tai Chi stopped, the Celestial Master raised his head, and said solemnly: "Host, Miss Yingxiao will encounter a bloody disaster in a few hours."


"No wonder you dare to cause such a big thing under the nose of Chi Guo. It turns out that the people from Black Fox are also involved."

Xia Li stopped.

The masked man stood in front of her with cold eyes, but Mr. Fu had already gone to who knows where.

"Ms. Xia, I hope you can understand the situation clearly. I don't want to involve the WCC."

Hundreds of bloody thorn vines grew out from behind the masked man, which looked very scary.

"I know very clearly that the land under my feet belongs to the Red Kingdom, not to you Black Fox."

Xia Li said coldly: "As one of the ancestral families of the Chi Kingdom, he actually did something to breed spirits and did not put the interests of the country in his eyes. His crime should be punished."

"Hmph, how can a person with such a narrow vision like you understand the great cause of the family!"

The masked man showed a fierce look in his eyes and ordered his thorn vines to kill him!

The ultimate magic: Blood Hell Kill! !

A terrifying power that can destroy a building in an instant! He believed that with his peak palace level, Xia Li would either die or be injured after taking this move!

Two minutes later.

A crowd of melon-eaters gathered around the entrance of the Donghai Provincial Arena. They kept taking photos of a masked man who was knocked unconscious and stuffed into a trash can. Their enthusiasm was even as intense as the previous Chu Linyuan rampage incident.

"What's going on with this guy?"

"Maybe I'm drunk because I'm heartbroken!"


Just as everyone was talking about it, Xia Li, who had already circled around Donghai Province and flew back, let out a light tut, scratched his head and said to himself: "Damn it, I lost you. Where did that guy in the tuxedo go?"

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang.

At this moment.

"Lost? Can this be lost? Find it for me! It's a huge search! If you can't find it, don't even think about opening your company!"

Mr. Fu hid in the barrier he had opened and shouted into his mobile phone in disbelief: "I can't even stand a grandmaster-level girl! It's better to raise a dog than to raise you!"

"Private Marseille! Private Marseille! But the information I have here says that she is following a Chiguo man named Jiang Yang. I'm afraid I can't find it here!"

The business owner held an earphone in one hand, bowed vigorously into the air and shouted.

"Jiang Yang? Why is it him again?"

Mr. Fu frowned in confusion, then hung up the phone abruptly, walked out of the air barrier, and rushed towards the hospital where Jiang Yang was staying.

He knew very well that if the other party dared to escape with Jiang Yang, it meant that she trusted Jiang Yang. If the latter was hospitalized, she would definitely be waiting in the hospital too!

Yingxiao was sitting on a rest chair in the hospital when suddenly something unusual appeared around her. When she looked up, she saw Mr. Fu walking towards her carrying a jar.

The jar is empty, with a purple-black eye suspended inside. There is no doubt that this is the Deathrattle Eye that has been upgraded to S level!

"Do you hope that boy can protect you? After so many years, you really haven't grown anything except your body."

Mr. Fu said coldly: "It's time for you to play your role. I opened the domain space, and no one can see the scene inside, and no one can come in."

"Are you going to make me the next spirit-incarnate?"

Ying Xiao did not panic. She stood up, sighed softly, and said, "Okay, but I have a condition. I am not allowed to take action against Jiang Yang."

"Hmph, although I have thought about getting rid of that brat, the trouble caused by doing something to him is too big at the moment. Even I won't do this."

Mr. Fu walked towards Yingxiao, handed the tube to her, and said, "It will be directly replaced on your body, just open it."

"How many organs are left? You must have succeeded in reproducing Pluto's limbs and head, right?"

Yingxiao took the jar and whispered: "In order to summon Hades, how many summoners did you kill?"

Soul colonization, this ancient forbidden technique can not only quickly improve the level of the summoned spirit itself, but also keep the summoned spirit in an ownerless state, making it easier to perform special summons.

Pluto, one of the ultimate life forms, the only way to summon it is to upgrade all the ownerless Pluto organs to the highest level and then perform special summons.

Its strength cannot be judged by S-level, and people know very little about it. It is just that in the summoning world, there is a rumor that the frontline exploration team of the World Summoning Union has seen the scene of Hades crushing a planet with one hand...

"Compared with that great power, what are those human lives?"

Mr. Fu sneered: "Ants are just ants all their lives."

"Then let you see how painful it is when ants bite people."

Ying Xiao twisted the jar of the Eye of Death suddenly, and the pupil instantly entered her body. Severe pain accompanied by purple light hit her eye socket. She reached for her waist, pulled out the demon sword, and shouted: "A Yan!"

"I told you not to call me by this name!!"

The figure of the female Hades rushed out of Ying Xiao's body. She drew a few spells casually, sealing the behavior of the Eye of Death wanting to parasitize Ying Xiao's magic source!

Mr. Fu stepped back subconsciously, and the cherry powder released by Ying Xiao directly shattered the space domain!

"Long time no see. Last time you wanted to kick my magic source to pieces."

Behind Jiang Yang, the pea assault vehicles lined up in a charging formation, said coldly, "It's time to settle the score."

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