National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 52: New and old grudges are settled together

The next day.

Donghai Arena.

There is a battle area the size of two football fields. The auditorium is already packed even before the players enter. The bustling scene is even more majestic than the last time Pearl fought against Red Wolf. Special drones are flying in the sky for filming. Above, a neatly dressed man looked at the camera and said clearly:

"Welcome to watch the live broadcast of the Hundred Schools League! I am the host Ajie!"

"I am Kong Qingyu, the special commentator this time."

"I am Xia Li."

The two beautiful women next to A Jie followed closely and spoke.

Kong Qingyu silently kicked Xia Li in the audience, and the latter finally put away his laziness and at least looked serious on the surface.

Although Jiang Yang's appearance yesterday really shocked her, she really wasn't interested in this kind of competition between students, and in her eyes, the "no liability clause" was no different than a fight between two children. It's like making a contract not to sue the teacher after being beaten for crying.

After Ah Jie finished his usual introduction, Jiang Yang and Chu Linyuan walked out of the doors on the left and right. They were all wearing fiber clothes specially made for the competition. This kind of clothes also has a certain defensive effect against magic and can reduce the risk of magic. The probability of "accidental killing".

"What appears before us now is Jiang Yang, a young genius who was very popular a while ago! He was initially dubbed a mysterious man on the Internet for his superb plant-based skills!"

"Later, he relied on his powerful domain magic to resist the attack of the Maoye organization! Later, he shocked the world with his rapid progress and became a grandmaster summoner! It can be said that he is a person with stories written all over his body!"

"Now the Grand Master."

Kong Qingyu added, her face was quite proud, after all, the other party was also her student.

"Yes! I almost forgot about this! But Jiang Yang's opponent should not be underestimated. A dark horse in Jianghai City swept across the enemy's weapon spirit summoner with a mighty attitude! Although there are not as many stories as Jiang Yang, his strength is Also not to be underestimated, they are truly powerful!”

Ah Jie nodded, looked at Xia Li and asked with a smile: "What do you think of Miss Xia Li?"

"Is it my turn?"

Xia Li finally came to her senses from her sleepy eyes. She scratched her head and said casually, "I think Jiang Yang has a better chance of winning."

"Oh? Why?"

Ajie asked in surprise: "There are quite a few people on the Internet who think Chu Linyuan is more skilled?"

"Ah? Then, then Chu Linyuan has a better chance of winning."

Xia Li replied with a "why is it so troublesome" expression.

You can choose your feelings at will!

The corner of Ah Jie's mouth twitched helplessly.

"Little carp."

Kong Qingyu maintained a smile and whispered through gritted teeth.


Xia Li looked away guiltily, stuck out his tongue, and whispered.

At this moment, Jiang Yang and Chu Linyuan on the court were also in a state of tension.

All the old and new grudges were accumulated in this game. If the countdown hadn't ended, the two of them would have fought across the lounge.

"Mr. Fu, you should know that Jiang Yang was the guy who beat Hess into a vegetative state, right?"

A man in red clothes and half a white gold-patterned mask appeared in the audience. He approached the swallow-tailed man and asked in a low voice: "If you let Chu Linyuan fight him, wouldn't you be sending yourself to death?"

"Anyway, his mission has been completed. There is no difference between living and dead."

Mr. Fu lowered his voice and answered without even looking at the visitor.

"Beixiong is really cruel and ruthless. Although he raised the other party as a sacrifice from the beginning, has it been so long that he doesn't have any feelings at all?"

"Would you refuse to use a pen because sooner or later the ink will run out?"

"That's a real person, right?"

"Who can sit in your position and dare to talk about human rights?"

The two were silent for a moment, and finally they both chuckled at the same time, with numbness and coldness in their eyes.

"Come on..."

Ying Xiao clenched her hands, bit her lower lip nervously, and stared at the arena.


Jiang Yang snapped his fingers, and the summoning book appeared in his hand.


Chu Linyuan stretched out his right hand, and the Xuan Mo Sword formed in his hand.


When the countdown ended, Chu Linyuan's body transformed into a bolt of lightning and the magic ring suddenly appeared!

The moment he moved, Senluo was formed instantly! The lush forest blocked Chu Linyuan's offensive. The forest changed in countless ways, forming a mysterious maze!

Dozens of trap peas emerged from the trees, and they aimed at Chu Linyuan's figure to unleash their firepower. However, the latter's swordsmanship was quite sharp, and he quickly killed the pea bullets and blocked them!

The fog filled the field, and Chu Linyuan felt powerless. He looked at the source of the fog, and the torch stump was burning!

The flaming pea bullets pushed Chu Linyuan further back. He took a deep breath and transformed into three people to break out of the barrage encirclement. The zombies in the gun formation quickly climbed out and stopped one clone, while the other clone went straight. Kill Jiang Yang directly!


Jiang Yang summoned the You Dao to block the clone's slashing attack, and the Sun-Scorching Demonic Ring erupted behind him!

The reason why he didn't let the samurai zombies go into battle was because he lacked magic power. He had to support so many honeysuckles. He released Senluo, multiplied dozens of machine peas, and then called out gun array zombies and torch tree stumps. This consumption Not too big.

However, as the tactical heart, Jiang Yang had already considered this.

The situation was deadlocked for only half a minute before a huge change occurred. Jiang Yang's plants used the special effect of "taking root" to absorb the magic of the land to fill Jiang Yang's magic. He used withering to recycle another wave of magic for free and summoned the warrior zombie again!

Not only the warrior zombie, but also the double-gun zombie, the clown zombie, the twin sunflower and the corn cannon!

"This summoning speed is too fast!!"

"Sure enough, Jiang Yang came prepared."

Ajie and Kong Qingyu were surprised.


Xia Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes were all on Jiang Yang, who summoned the Golden Crow to apply the buff after handing over the ghost knife.

Red knife!

Firepower overload!

The two main single combat forces instantly activated their strongest state and rushed towards Chu Linyuan. Although the latter quickly let all the clones come back and used the heroic badge to help, he was still beaten all over. The potato mines and cherry bombs blocked his retreat. The mechanical peas came out again and fired flaming pea bullets with the momentum of killing the opponent!

Bang! !

Chu Linyuan had no time to defend at all, and the corn shells bombed down. There is no doubt that this shell will send him directly to the road!

The undead system hits the single unit to contain and protect the host, and the plant system plays output assistance to block the enemy's movement!

The perfect cooperation of the two systems kills the enemy!

Everyone was surprised by this smooth fighting method and couldn't close their mouths!

"Something's wrong."

Xia Li frowned and whispered: "His vitality has not decreased at all. Even if he was penetrated by so many bullets, his vitality is still not lost. It's like... he was dead?"


Author's words:

The author is a student and writes books part-time, so the update may be a little slow. Thank you for your support!

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