National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 49 Grandmaster, Scorching Sun Magic Ring

According to the information given by the intelligence team, that guy should live here.

The man wearing a red outer and black inner and animal pattern mask landed on the branch. He looked at the villa not far away with a head exposed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He was ordered by the Black Fox Family to investigate Jiang Yang. If the other party's identity is really as weak as he found out before, he will first use coercion and inducement to surrender. If that doesn't work, he will kill him to eliminate future troubles!

Just as the masked man was about to set off to continue to Jiang Yang's mansion, a sudden violent explosion sounded in his eardrums, and the dust clouds stirred up by several explosions were very dazzling.

The masked man felt a strong fluctuation of magic power, which was obviously caused by the attack magic shattering the defense magic. What made him feel most outrageous was that the aftermath of the explosion actually interfered with himself a hundred miles away! The trees under his feet were blown off and collapsed directly to the ground!

Is he fighting with others?

The masked man trembled all over. He had heard before that this guy was just a master-level summoner. This battle is already at the S-level level, right? All the trees within a hundred miles were flattened by this guy!

Originally, I was planning to rush to his face, but now I'd better wait a little longer. Maybe his background is so deep that even I haven't investigated it. If I really offend a big Buddha, it will be a big problem!

The masked man found a place to hide, and not long after, he sensed other magical fluctuations coming towards him.


The masked man was surprised to see the man with broken silver armor and a half-broken shield, and called out to him: "Did the Beixiong family send you here?"

"Chen Feng? Are you looking for that guy too?"

The silver-armored man was stunned, stopped his embarrassed figure and turned his head to look at the other party.


"Then forget it, this guy is simply not a human!"

Hes gritted his teeth and shook his head violently.

Although he and Chen Feng were nominally in opposition, they had the same interests at this time, and they had some friendship in the past, so he didn't have any bad thoughts.

For these behind-the-scenes families, interests come first.

"I can see that."

Chen Feng looked at Hess for a few times and replied.

He knew the opponent's level very well. Even if he was a guy who barely touched the threshold of the Hall of Fame, he was still a Hall of Fame. He could be beaten into such a tattered state. The opponent's combat power is self-evident.

"However, if we really have to fight to the death, that guy is definitely not my opponent! The main thing is that I am afraid that if I drag him for too long, it will attract the attention of the Zhao Association!"

Hess seemed to see Chen Feng's thoughts, and hurriedly shouted: "Besides, he has a little girl who is also at the peak of the Grandmaster level, so he retreated strategically!"

"Grandmaster level?"

Chen Feng was quite surprised. As far as he knew, there should be no women at the peak of the Grandmaster level around Jiang Yang. Could it be that his real life experience assigned him a secret bodyguard?

Just as Hess wanted to answer, his eyes saw the black shadow covering the ground, and he felt bad.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Feng lowered his head in confusion, then tilted his head back slightly, with a look of despair on his face.

The two looked up at the same time and saw six huge corn shells falling towards them. They couldn't escape from the coverage area and could only bear it!

The two instantly released their strongest defensive magic. In the crackling sound like popcorn explosion, the protective shield only resisted for a few seconds before it completely collapsed into pieces! The two were injured and fainted in the flames!

They are really two idiots. They dared to chat in my field.

Jiang Yang clapped his hands, put his hands on his hips and looked at the razed ground not far away, showing an arrogant smile.

After the advancement, Sen Luo not only has the special ability to upgrade the plant system in the field, but also can make the plants in the field become telegraph operators to transmit information to himself.

With this ability, his corn cannon can be turned into a missile. The only drawback is that the firing rate is too slow. If it is caught in the output gap, there may be problems.

But it's not a big problem. This output gap can be completely compensated by his own mechanical peas!

What is certain now is that the power of the corn cannon can make it difficult for a hall-level summoner to defend, which is a great asset for him to challenge his opponent across levels!

"No, where did you contract this kind of thing?"

Ying Xiaoren was dumbfounded. It has only been a short time since they last met, and he is almost at the peak of the Grandmaster's strength, but the other party directly blew away the hall-level summoner?

Didn't they say that the summoning spirit contract depends on luck and fate? Why did this guy take out his awesome summoning spirits one after another?

Do you sell your summoning spirits wholesale?

"Grow them."

"You might as well say you picked them up on the roadside!"

Ying Xiao rolled her eyes.

In the next few days, Jiang Yang hid in the mansion to absorb magic treasures and did not go out. All kinds of small and large sundries were handed over to Ying Xiao to deal with. The latter originally thought that Jiang Yang wanted to have a golden house to hide his beauty, but he ended up becoming a housekeeper, nanny and vegetable farmer!

As for the two assassins, they were secretly transported back to their respective families for treatment. Because of their serious injuries, they could only be vegetative for at least a month.

"Jiang Yang! Eat!"

Ying Xiao finished her housework and made lunch as usual, and knocked on Jiang Yang's door. As a result, a strong magical wave rushed out from the crack of the door, which scared her a little.

This aura...has he reached the level of a grandmaster?

Ying Xiao was more surprised than happy, even happier than if she had made a breakthrough herself.

Grandmaster... No wonder it was so hard for me to fight against that bastard Chu Linyuan. Grandmaster and Grandmaster are really not in the same class.

Jiang Yang sighed in his heart as he felt the abundant magic power and the condensed magic ring in his body.

Today's magic ring is no longer a prop that simply strengthens oneself. It can even be used as a weapon, just like Ying Xiao's guardian spirit. The magic ring has its own unique magic skills and can assist in combat or directly fight.

Scorching Sun Magic Ring: The magic ring with the blood of the Golden Crow can create the Golden Crow, increase the damage of our fire attribute, reduce the damage by 50% when attacked by the fire attribute, and the opponent's fire attribute damage will definitely not be a critical hit.

The Golden Crow can act on the solar beam, reducing the charging time of the solar beam by 60%!

If the system enhances the offensive ability of the plant system, then the magic ring enhances the defensive ability of the plant system! 50% fire immunity, reduced charging time of the solar beam, each item makes your lineup more meticulous!

And the means of winning are not just the corn cannon!

The magic damage of the solar beam is also the key to turning the tables in desperate situations!

Jiang Yang was in joy, and his phone suddenly vibrated. A text message from Kong Qingyu appeared on the interface:

"Registration for the Hundred Schools League has begun, come to the arena!"

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