National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 47 Trial Mode, Corn Cannon

There are many ways to rescue Ying Xiao from the hands of the company boss, but the safest way at present is to continue acting. The other party does not know the information in his hand. It is not good for both parties to expose his relationship with Ying Xiao too early.

In the final analysis, it is still necessary to develop one's own power and improve one's own strength!

Jiang Yang closed his eyes and re-entered the garden system. The Golden Flower lowered its head and looked like it was asleep. He sat down next to the Golden Flower with his legs crossed.

Senluo, which had not changed much, suddenly loosened, the bottleneck broke, and even the whole garden was covered by the newly appeared forest!

A towering tree appeared in the garden, and the tree body swayed slightly, as if stretching.

Several birds landed on the branches and Jiang Yang's shoulders, and the crisp bird calls echoed in the garden, full of vitality.

"Congratulations to the host's domain magic 'Senluo' for upgrading to the middle stage! Get the new effect 'Excellent Seed', all the plant-based summoned spirits belonging to the host on the field will be upgraded by one level!"

Upgrade by one level? !

Jiang Yang was shocked by the effect. It was too absurd to upgrade a level. Once an A-level machine gun in his hand was planted in Senluo, it would be upgraded to AA level?

Damn, as long as I opened Senluo, almost all the plants in the field would be A-level!

Combined with the rapid proliferation, fierce and numerous machine gun peas and torch stumps, even if I let my warrior zombies stand on the opposite side, it is estimated that they can't run to my face!

This Senluo is too fucking awesome!

Jiang Yang was delighted. He originally thought that Senluo could not compare with the effect of the reincarnation cemetery except for adding some buffs. Now it seems that he is still too young!

The plant system is also very fragrant!

"Congratulations to the host for unlocking the wisdom tree function!"

The system spoke again, attracting Jiang Yang's attention. He turned his head to look at the towering tree with outstanding growth and walked towards it.

"Hey! Did you wake me up? I think I'm in your garden, um... I have to do some work, right?"

The voice of the Wisdom Tree came from all directions, but Jiang Yang felt that it was speaking directly in his mind.

"Let's be straightforward. What's your use?"

Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Well, in your terms, I can use reverse summoning to send you to a designated other world."

The Wisdom Tree thought for a while and said, "That other world is a trial ground specially designed for your system. You can get rewards every time you pass the level."

"Seeing is believing. How about I take you to see it first?"


Jiang Yang's interest was aroused. He has only experienced reverse summoning once so far, but that time was a great harvest. Not only did he get the warrior zombie, a capable general, but he also became a master summoner of the undead system! Now the Wisdom Tree can open reverse summoning for itself at will, which is equivalent to...

This thing is a copy entrance!

A strong light flashed by, and Jiang Yang opened his eyes to see an endless plain. He was confused when suddenly several zombies rushed towards him with their fangs and claws bared. He was so scared that he immediately summoned the machine gun pea to "shoot" them to death.

"This is the trial mode. There are a total of 100 levels. You can get rewards for each level you pass. The higher the level of the level, the better the reward."

The voice of the wisdom tree echoed in his mind: "If you die here, you will just be resurrected from the garden. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the trial mode is different from the garden. The latter will not consume your mental energy. You stay in it and it's almost like sleeping. But the trial mode is like playing a game. If you stay too long, it will have a certain impact."

"I understand."

When he heard that there was a reward, Jiang Yang was eager to try it immediately. He summoned his own plants and started to hammer the zombies.

Although he couldn't use the undead summoning spirit, relying on the special effects of Senluo and the cooperation between the plant summoning spirits, Jiang Yang was still very easy to pass the level.

The rewards he got were not satisfactory.

Jiang Yang gritted his teeth and brushed to the 19th level, and the only thing he was given was a spirit flower cream that increased a little magic source.

"No, I have to spend several hours brushing for this little thing?"

Jiang Yang impatiently summoned the ghost knife and rushed to a zombie's face and slashed it!

Very annoying! What else can't I do with this time?

The last zombie disappeared, and a light flashed in front of his eyes, indicating that he had cleared the level. Jiang Yang took the clearance reward with the mentality of taking a useless thing.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the AA-level summoning spirit, corn cannon!!"

"I knew it was this kind of useless garbage again... Wait, what cannon?"

Jiang Yang's complaint blurted out, and before he finished speaking, his brain suddenly reacted.

Corn cannon? AA level?

Jiang Yang quickly opened his summoning book, and there was an AA-level logo inside. The green leaf barrel and the huge corn cannonball made him gasp.

Corn cannon, AA level! The attack power reached the terrifying orange! Four red and one orange, this data is very exaggerated even among AA-level summons!

Talent ability: Popcorn, after the explosion, it will produce an outer circle splash effect, and the splash damage is 30% of the damage caused.

The ace appears. After the appearance, the plant attack within a certain range is greatly improved! Including the corn cannon itself.

Cannonball Improvement (1): The cannonball can be converted into a grenade form before it is fired, and it can turn into an explosive barrage to cover the enemy! (Popcorn can take effect)

The corn cannon itself has a whiteboard attribute of four red and one orange. With such powerful skills and various buffs, how terrifying it is! !

Real suppressive fire!

I also have the field magic of Senluo in my hand, which can easily upgrade the level of the corn cannon to AAA level!

This time, the combat effectiveness of my plant system has been greatly improved! The immortality system is already flat!

As for transcending the undead system, that is still a bit uncertain. After all, there is a King of Hell locked up in the undead system. S-level is no joke.

"How about this reward?"

Wisdom Tree, who noticed Jiang Yang's joy, said proudly: "But I want to remind you that every time you pass ten levels, the difficulty of the level increases by a big level."

"Let me try the next enemy!"

Jiang Yangan couldn't bear his excitement and said.

A white light flashed before his eyes, the level was refreshed, and the first enemy he had to face was...

Five AAA-level giant zombies, ten AA-level snowman zombies, and a hundred A-level dancing king zombies.

"excuse me!"

Jiang Yang ran away immediately when he saw something was wrong. This was just the first wave and it was so exciting. He would definitely not be able to beat him later. He didn't bother to persist in the impossible and ran away!

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