National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 41: Soul-burning Lantern

"Soul-burning lantern!"

Jiang Yang was quite surprised as he watched the host remove the curtain of the goods from his eyes. Inside was a strange green and black lantern, with a faint fire swaying in the lantern.

"It seems to be a famous immortal treasure that can add the souls of the dead to make the hell fire immortal."

Sakura Xiao was obviously shocked. The technology of reverse summoning from another world is not yet mature, and treasures like this are quite rare.

It seems that they all came to the auction just for this thing.

Jiang Yang saw the eyes of those rich men shining brightly, and raised his brows slightly. For him, his mission had been completed, and he could just watch the show next.

Maybe you can learn something.

Yingxiao acted very decisively. She cooperated tacitly with several financial groups around her and successfully controlled the rhythm of the audience. Everyone was weighing the value of this thing.

You know, sometimes the hot potato is more terrifying than a simple crisis.

The old man from Chiguo had been holding back and not taking action. He and the blond man were confronting each other. It was obvious that the real center of this ranking was these two people.

"Please be aware that the soul in the soul-burning lantern is about to go berserk."

The system suddenly emits a warning sound.

"What's the meaning?"

Jiang Yang asked in surprise.

"The soul-burning lantern is the cornerstone of the underworld in World No. 2044. It will lose its effectiveness after leaving World No. 2044, and the souls in it will go berserk."

"How is the strength of the soul?"

"The number of souls in the soul-burning lantern is calculated in trillions. The strength varies, ranging from S-level to E-level."

"System, can you convert them like the undead?"

"Although this is only a self-protection function provided by the system, it is somewhat illegal for the host to use it this way. But it is theoretically possible, but it cannot be converted entirely."

"That's really exciting..."

Jiang Yang's face showed excitement.

According to the predictions of the system, the souls will start to go berserk in less than three minutes. Those who rush to take pictures of the soul-burning lanterns are buying shit!

"Why doesn't the one billion guy move?"

"He must have no money, this guy must be a fool! He spent so much money to buy a summoning object, and now the real treasure has come out, and he has no money and can only sit here!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are young!"

Seeing that they could no longer keep up with the bids of those big guys, some wealthy people had no choice but to start talking.

"Little friend Jiang, why don't you bid?"

A rich man sitting next to Jiang Yang asked in confusion: "This soul-burning lantern is of great benefit to you, right? I remember, little friend, you are also training the undead system to summon spirits."

Do even foreigners know about my affairs?

Jiang Yang complained silently in his heart, then put on a smile on his face and replied: "Everyone only looks at the surface. This soul-burning lantern is a big trap."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Ying Xiao, who was about to hold up the sign, was stunned, looked at Jiang Yang and asked.

"The soul-burning lantern is a thing from another world. It loses its effectiveness when it comes to this world. If it weren't of high enough quality, it might not be able to be put on the auction block until now."

Jiang Yang thought for a while, and quickly spoke without any need to hide anything.

"You mean the soul-burning lantern will break?"

A man with slicked back hair showed a disdainful look and said, "Don't be kidding me! This thing has gone through various screening tests! It has been put up for auction, how could something go wrong!"

After he sat next to Jiang Yang from Ying Xiao, he was very unhappy with the latter. He originally thought he was just a pretty boy and wouldn't pose much of a threat to him, but now he's fine, he's worth a billion if he opens his mouth!

From this point of view, this guy is still a rich pretty boy!

If Yingxiao, who has been chasing her for two years, is really snatched away by such a thing that appears halfway, he will doubt his life.

You are very angry.

Jiang Yang raised his eyebrows, snorted softly, and said, "There are still three minutes left, we'll just watch."

"Are you a fortune teller? What kind of thing is the soul-burning lantern? It will break if it is bad? Do you think it is some kind of vase?"

The man with the back of his head became even more excited when he heard this determined tone.

"Okay, shut up."

Yingxiao looked at the other party with cold eyes.

The latter suddenly looked like he was eating a fly and closed his mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Since Xiaoyou Jiang has said so, then I will believe you for once."

The rich man nodded, dialed the phone, and ordered the servant on standby on the ship to immediately notify the captain to dock.

If something happened later, he didn't want to risk his life by jumping into the sea.

But to be honest, he was still mostly suspicious of Jiang Yang's words. After all, as the man with the back head said, a treasure of this level must have gone through various inspections before being put up for auction.

Although there are not many big names in this auction, there are still heavyweights. If something happens, the Great Eagle Country will be embarrassed!

Ying Xiao hesitated for a while and finally gave up the bid, but at this time Jiang Yang suddenly became excited.

He kept raising the price, and his entry directly turned the stable situation upside down again.

The blond man and the old man from Chiguo were both very shocked. They had already prepared to target each other, and now Jiang Yang suddenly ran out and slapped each of them. It was really weird!

What does he want to do?

The old man from Chiguo knew that Jiang Yang was willing to spend a lot of money to buy national cultural relics. He must not be a fool who only makes trouble. There must be some intention for him to enter like this.

He looked at Jiang Yang, who made a few mouth shapes to him.

The old man tried to do it himself, and then he found that it was the Chinese word "let go".

Let go? You want me to let go of the Soul-burning Lantern?

The doubts in the old man's heart were like the sea. Every time this strange boy did something, he was incomprehensible.

Is there something wrong with it?

The old man thought for a moment, and he found that Jiang Yang kept raising the price, which meant that the blond man would not let go of the Soul-burning Lantern.

If he really guessed right, the Soul-burning Lantern was a problematic thing, then the boy's behavior could be explained.

He was raising the price of the Soul-burning Lantern in the same way as the blond man raised the price of the cultural relics just now!

Give him a taste of his own medicine!

His learning ability is very strong, but can he really be trusted? The Soul-Burning Lantern has gone through various inspections after all...

The old man hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to let it go.

He has lived to such an old age, and he knows when to gamble and when not to gamble.

He wants to bet on Jiang Yang!

The other party spent 1 billion to buy back the national cultural relics, so he must be one of his own, and it is unlikely that he will cheat him.

He is now secretly thinking about the blond man's expression when he buys a scrap.

"Three billion! Three times! Congratulations to Mr. Kukri for taking the Soul-Burning Lantern!"

The host dropped the hammer excitedly.

The blond man smiled proudly.

Jiang Yang smiled sinisterly.

Three minutes, it's up!

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