National call: I contract the Pea Shooter!

Chapter 25 Balloon, the counterattack begins

In the Tomb of Ten Thousand Bones, Jiang Yang sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed. The magic power in his body was boiling, and the temperature of his blood gradually rose. The undead around him seemed to resonate and kneeled down to Jiang Yang.

He had been practicing in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Bones for a long time. The magic power in his body had been integrated with the breath of the dead spirits, and the cold atmosphere he felt before had disappeared.

I don’t know if it’s because he has been there for too long, but his eyes always have a bit of sharp murderous aura.

Jiang Yang stood up and began to wave the soul-calling flag. The wandering souls were different this time. Although the speed of influx was the same, they no longer had that kind of fierce hostility. They were more like obeying orders to enter Jiang Yang’s body and were finally transformed into materials.

Soon, the ten soul-calling flags were used up. What made Jiang Yang a little uncomfortable was that the quality of the wandering souls he summoned was not high, and there was not a single red quality like the "Warrior Wandering Soul"!

"Do you think I am a cheap guy?"

As if he had noticed Jiang Yang's thoughts, the warrior wandering soul spoke with dissatisfaction.

Jiang Yang used wandering souls to feed the double-gun zombies. The number of wandering souls summoned by the ten soul-calling banners fell down all at once. The ability value of the double-gun zombies was visibly increased. The most important thing was that the firing rate value reached the red level! Now the value of the double-gun zombie is four purple and one red, which is also a very good value in the A level.

And the effect of firepower overload has also changed from "firing rate increased to red" to "firing rate increased to orange".

The most important thing is that the double-gun zombies have also unlocked two special abilities, "spell bullets" and "lightning chain". The former can add 60% of the physical value of magic damage to the pea bullets, and the latter can make the bullets cause 20% of the magic value of the spell aoe!

If facing those red-skinned monsters again, relying on the shooting speed and magic attack ability of the double-gun zombies is enough to fight with the opponent!

But just one battle is not enough, Jiang Yang wants a sure win.

The revenge of the two arrows will be avenged today!

After entering the system, Jiang Yang used sunlight to create an artificial brain to feed the zombies and wandering souls. Soon, the dead soul coins were produced. Because of the addition of wandering souls, the number of dead soul coins harvested this time was more than doubled than before!

When he came to Dr. Zombie King's shop, Jiang Yang bought a balloon zombie, who suddenly pulled out the table and put three new goods on it, namely "Dead Soul Reading Book", "Newspaper Reading Zombie", and "Sled Car Zombie". Compared with the goods on the previous floor, these are not only of higher quality, but also more expensive. It is estimated that they cannot be bought in a short time.

The plant system wins in quantity and variety, while the dead soul system wins in that each level is very high.

"Congratulations to the host for contracting a B-level dead soul summoning spirit, balloon zombie!"

Balloon zombie, B-level dead soul system, ability value three blue and two purple, the characteristic is that it can move freely in the air with the help of the balloon on the waist. Although the speed is relatively slow, the vision is extremely good and can ignore the fog and other obstacles for reconnaissance!

The most important thing is that the balloon zombie moves almost silently. Even the red-skinned monsters can't hear the movement of the balloon zombie. The fog makes those monsters invisible. The balloon zombie is like invisible in the foggy field!

Jiang Yang drew a spell on the balloon zombie with blood. This is a visual sharing spell. He took out paper and pen from the system space and made the balloon zombie fly into the air and fly all the way to the red tree.

As long as he closed his eyes, Jiang Yang could enter the vision state of the balloon zombie. In order to distract the attention of the red-skinned monsters, he released dozens of clown zombies on the ground to follow the balloon zombie to the position of the red tree to ensure that there was no risk.

In his vision, he saw dozens of simple tents made of animal skins. In addition to the wandering red monsters like before, there were also some tall giant red monsters holding big knives. The leader of the red monsters lived in the center. The tent in the center was also the most luxurious and sturdy. There were spells written on the skin, which could resist some attribute magic attacks.

What aroused Jiang Yang's interest was an altar.

This altar was placed at the back of the entire tribe, guarded by two teams of roving red monsters and three giant red monsters. In the center of the altar was a black coffin made of black iron, and purple light shone through the tiny gap at the opening of the coffin.


Jiang Yang thought for a moment and began to draw on the notebook. He let the balloon zombie stop over the tribe and kept drawing the map.

The clown zombie also arrived at the tribe at this time. At first, the red-skinned monster, who didn't know the ability of the clown zombie, attacked in close combat to save bows and arrows, and was blown up half-crippled. Although it changed to bow and arrow shooting later, the clown zombie had already reached the side wall of the tribe. Even if it was shot to death with a bow and arrow, its explosion would damage the wall.

Relying on the time gained by the clown zombie, Jiang Yang successfully drew the terrain of the entire red-skinned monster's tribe on the notebook.

The damage to the wall caused by the clown zombie will allow some troops to concentrate in the front to fill the gap in the wall. This will cause loopholes in the defense of the rear of the tribe, which will be exploited. The commander's tent is located in the core area. The central area is heavily populated. If you want to break through, the best way is to sneak to the rear.

Jiang Yang thought for a moment, and a light bulb suddenly lit up in his head, and he had an idea.

He summoned the miner zombies and ordered them to dig a tunnel to the safe area behind according to the route he drew on the map. The latter immediately picked up the tools and started working. In order to speed up the tunnel digging, Jiang Yang summoned two more to work together.

This time he asked the miner zombies to dig a tunnel deeper and deeper, so as to effectively avoid being heard by the red-skinned monsters.

Jiang Yang summoned the balloon zombies back, then multiplied the cherry bombs on the balloon zombies, and summoned three balloon zombies to fly over the tribe to wait.

During this period of time, he not only obtained powerful contract spirits and domain magic, but also the source of magic power was increasing day by day. He would not lose his combat ability after planting dozens of double peas like before.

Counterattack and revenge are just around the corner.

A cold light flashed in Jiang Yang's eyes.

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