"Executive officer! You are finally here! This student wants to kill us!"

Seeing the executive officer from the General Administration of the Ministry of Affairs driving over, Fan Xue immediately played the victim and flirted with the executive officer.

"What's wrong with this door!"

When the executive officer saw that the other party was the deputy director of Black Bear, he weighed it in his heart for a while, coughed a few times, looked at the school gate and shouted.

It was obvious that he was going to make a fuss.

"I blew it up."

Jiang Yang turned his head to look at the executive officer and answered calmly.

"No! He fought with these people to protect me! That's why the door was broken!"

The boy quickly stopped in front of Jiang Yang and explained incoherently.

"We just heard that our subordinates were bullied in school, so we came to discuss with this student. Thinking that he was still young and talented, we showed mercy. I didn't expect him to be so fierce and want to kill me!"

Fan Xue's face changed faster than a facial mask.

The executive officer obviously knew that this guy was talking nonsense, but the other party's status was there, so he gave her a punishment, locked the student up for a few days, and let the family redeem the child after the storm calmed down.

Right or wrong is not important. For people in their profession, as long as they can pretend to be calm when the leader investigates the matter, it is enough.

As for whether Fan Xue would use her connections to make Jiang Yang's days in prison worse than death, he was too lazy to care.

"Get out of the way, kid."

The executive officer pushed the boy away. Fan Xue showed a gloating expression beside him, and Jiang Yang's eyes showed coldness.

He saw that the other party didn't want to solve the problem at all, but just wanted to smooth things over and end the work.

Just as the executive officer was about to speak, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Qing Yili said with a fake smile: "Mr. Executive, this kid is on my side, please understand."

"Mr. Yili, he gathered a crowd to fight and damaged public property..."

The executive officer frowned, and before he finished speaking, Qing Yili lowered his voice and whispered in his ear: "You bought a batch of black drugs in the underground market recently? Black drugs that can anesthetize other people's summoning spirits, what do you want to do with them?"

The executive officer trembled all over, as if struck by lightning. He gritted his teeth, turned around and grabbed Fan Xue's wrist, and shouted loudly: "Buying the weak with the big, fighting in a crowd regardless of public image, suspected of black eating black! Please come with me!"

"Good! You are worthy of being a fair executive!"

Qing Yili clapped his hands and smiled. Everyone also clapped, and the flash lights kept clicking. This scene will probably be seen on major media websites soon.

This person has a heart as deep as mine.

Jiang Yang looked at Qing Yili's smiling expression and thought silently.

Afterwards, the school knew that it was in the wrong and did not hold Jiang Yang responsible. It just asked him to rest at home for a few days. After the mysterious man's identity was exposed and he beat up Fan Xue, Jiang Yang knew that he was in danger, so he agreed to Qing Yili's invitation and joined Mingzhu Firm.

At least when he couldn't go back to school, the learning environment of the firm was still good. Occasionally, there would be a few summoners who would come to him to ask questions, and there were many women who would secretly flirt with him under the pretext of asking questions and leave their contact information.

In the end, these women were driven away by Qing Xuanhua.

With his eyes closed, Jiang Yang entered the garden space.

A new letter was added to the garden that had been idle for a long time. Jiang Yang picked it up curiously. There were a few neat words written on it:

I will also move next door to you soon. I will open a small shop to sell some things. I guarantee that it will be much better than that fool with an iron pot on his head. This is a meeting gift from the neighbor. Signed by Dr. Zombie King.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a D-level summoning spirit, ordinary zombie!"

The system prompt came, but Jiang Yang was a little uninterested. After all, it was only D-level. Excluding those functional plants, the weakest ones were all C-level peak.

Suddenly, he thought of something, collected the gold coins and ran to Crazy Dave to buy the biological parasitism technology.

Suddenly, all the biological parasitism technologies flooded into his mind! The drowsy brain suddenly became clear, like the sun illuminating the fog!

Jiang Yang summoned the double peas and ordinary zombies, and then used the biological parasitism technology to parasitize the double peas on the latter. With several green seedlings emerging from the zombies, the zombies' whole bodies changed!

The change lasted for a few minutes before it stopped. Now the zombies' hands have become double peas, and vines have extended from their backs, like tails and wings.

"Congratulations to the host for evolving ordinary zombies into A-level peak dead spirit summoning spirits, double-gun zombies!!"

The system's voice sounded more excited than usual, and Jiang Yang was also very excited.

He just sewed it casually, and he actually sewed out an A-level? !

Five purple ability value! Built-in martial arts gun fighting! Passive skills "Photosynthesis", "Magazine Replacement", "Predator Instinct" and a lot of other skills! There is even a talent active skill "Firepower Overload"!

Firepower Overload: After it is turned on, the attack speed reaches red, and the power of each bullet must be doubled! The bullet will produce a splash effect after attacking, causing 30% of the physical damage of the bullet itself!

Jiang Yang was very satisfied with the panel of the double-gun zombie. In the previous battle, he was often in a passive state of battle because of the characteristics of the plant system. The defense was solid, but if he wanted to chase and kill, he needed to rely on the one-time risky solar beam.

Obviously, not every summoner will give himself the opportunity to charge like Fan Xue.

Now with the double-gun zombie, the shortcomings in offense are made up.

It is that the double-gun zombies cannot multiply quickly, and the magic power required to summon them is also large.

"The garden level has been upgraded to level 3, providing Zen functions. The host can meditate in the garden to improve the level of plant magic!"

The system's voice came again, Jiang Yang sat on the ground, his consciousness completely immersed in the garden. He could feel himself moving along with the breathing of the plants, and what he saw in his eyes was superimposed together, and finally turned into a towering tree!

"Congratulations to the host for "taking root" and becoming proficient! "Taking root" has a new effect 'After taking root, the plant can obtain energy from the ground to provide magic power to the host'!"

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