Class B! Four purple and one white! These attributes and skills are incredible. Not only is he a priest, he is also a priest who can be used as a human shield! Even if the opponent wants to use the water element to restrain it, its second attribute plant restrains water. The attribute offset equals no restraint! Use the insect type to restrain the plant type, and then be restrained by the fire type! Extremely capable on the battlefield!

Jiang Yang was more surprised than happy. This torch tree stump could directly upgrade his lineup to a big level! It not only provides a wide range of debuff skills, but also attack enhancement, anti-restraint, and anti-debuff! It’s really comprehensive!

Double peas for output, Snowflake peas for containment, Torch Stump for added status, Potato Thunder Man, and Nut Wall for additional defense!

Perfect! As long as you cooperate properly, even a good professional summoner can defeat him! And it was defeated quite easily!

Jiang Yang turned to the page of twin sunflowers.

Twin Sunflowers: B-level plant summoning spirit.

Sacred system + plant system.

Attack power: white

Defense: blue

Magic Defense: Blue

Magic: Purple (reddish)

Physical strength: blue

Talent skills (passive): Accumulate the sun, accumulate strength from the moment you appear on the field, and you can use "Sun Beam" once after the accumulation is completed!

Talent Skill (Active): Solar Beam, a powerful plant-based attack magic! After use, the twin sunflowers will return directly to the summoning book and enter the recovery phase. Because it is very destructive, please use it with caution!

Got it, this thing is an extreme fort, one of those trump card plants. But its greatest use is not for fighting.

Jiang Yang returned to the garden and planted it in his garden space. The current income is 100 gold coins in half an hour. In less than half a month, everything in Dave's store can be bought!

At this moment.

Black Bear Firm is one of the best firms in Jianghai City. The only firms that can rival it are the established Mingzhu and the recently emerged Red Wolf.

"Why are you back? Didn't you say you would make a big deal today?"

Beixia poked her head out from the computer in confusion and looked at the gangster and the gang. Their faces were covered in dust, their clothes were in tatters, and they looked like they had been beaten badly.

In fact, they all did this themselves, and neither Jiang Yang nor Qing Xuanhua touched them.

"Stop talking! Don't you have a nickname called Jiang Yang? The one from our school! He interfered with the business today!"

The ruffian covered his face and shouted in dissatisfaction: "He even slept with Qing Xuanhua! He's a bastard of women!"

"It's good if you don't have any arms or legs."

Beixia shook her head and retracted her head. She knew very well what level the ruffian was, and she also knew what level Jiang Yang was. Based on the power of the pea bullets, if the ruffian was still alive, it meant that the other party was released.

The last time she uploaded the candid video to the Internet, she received a private message from Hongfeng Lingxue. Simply put, the identity of the "mysterious man" was not allowed to be exposed. If Sun Tianxing fought with an unknown mysterious boss, It would be hard to explain, but it would be better if a student who had just contracted to summon a spirit was forced to use magical powers. It would be a shame to lose face.

Hongfeng gave her some benefits to keep her quiet, and also gave her a few threats, which scared Beixia so much that she couldn't sleep that night.


Although the ruffian wanted to complain to Beixia, he immediately tolerated it when he thought that the other party was one of the deputy director's favorite summoners.

He winked at the gangsters next to him, who understood. Immediately, four mourning guys rushed into the deputy director's office, and the sound of wailing could not be heard.

If Fan Xue hadn't been used to it, she would have thought these people were here to beg for food.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Fan Xue frowned, stopped working on the keyboard, folded her legs, and looked at the ruffian and the others in confusion.

"Sister Fan! Someone is making trouble on your territory! Didn't you say that Haotiantong is under our control? We are doing business as before, but suddenly a young boy came and beat us up!"

The gangster had runny noses on his left side and tears on his right side, and continued to cry: "We wanted to fight back! But that woman Qing Xuanhua said that if we dared to touch her man, she would destroy us all! Sister Fan, what do you say? Isn’t this Pearl too overbearing?”

"Qing Xuanhua? That woman is really arrogant. If not her brother, who is she?"

Sister Fan squeezed the mug tightly. Although she was a little annoyed, she didn't intend to help the gangster. After all, this guy had exaggerated the truth not once or twice. If he was the one who brought trouble to others, it would be wrong for him to mobilize troops himself. Reasonable.

Besides, a beating is a good thing.

The ruffian also knew this very well. He knew that Fan Xue would not be able to teach him a lesson for this matter, but since he came to beg Fan Xue, he must be sure.

"Also, the brat who beat us up is Jiang Yang! The Jiang Yang that Xia Mei mentioned before!"

The gangster cried and shouted again: "Why does this country boy sit on our heads and dominate us! Sister Fan, you have to make the decision for us!"

"Jiang Yang?"

Fan Xue was stunned for a moment, and a fierce look flashed in her eyes. She had heard from Beixia's parents before that a guy named Jiang Yang had caused Beixia a lot of suffering. Although she didn't say anything, she still remembered it. In my mind, I was thinking about doing something to him one day.

Now he actually came to the door!

Beixia is considered as his heir. If this guy dares to hit Beixia in the face, he is hitting himself in the face!

This time, he has to deal with it!

Fan Xue put the mug on the table and said coldly: "Stand up, don't cry, I will take people to block the gate of Tiantong School tomorrow. After all, he is just a gigolo of Qing Yili's sister. Mingzhu can't protect him. He dared to sit on our black bear's head and act wild. He rebelled!"

"Sister Fan is awesome!"

The gangster got up from the ground and flattered.

"Okay, is there any progress on the 'mysterious person' I asked you to investigate?"

Fan Xue waved her hand and asked.

"This... the news we got is all unfounded, there is no progress..."

The gangster was stunned and scratched his head.

"Tsk, what a good-for-nothing. It's fine that Sun Tianxing wasn't recruited, but that 'mysterious man' is obviously a summoner with no background. If we don't recruit him quickly, he may be snatched away by other firms!"

Fan Xue slammed the table and said angrily, "It's fine that you guys are idle and have no fighting power, but you can't even find a single person! Sun Tianxing is willing to compete with him, so it must be related to Sun Tianxing! Go find him for me quickly!"

"Yes! Yes!"

The hooligans left the firm in a tumbling manner.

Bei Xia swallowed her saliva after hearing Fan Xue's lecture and continued to work as if she knew nothing.

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