National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 261 Constantine with full firepower

An indescribable shock wave came from the two weapons. The two were in a stalemate for several seconds. In the end, Zui Xiaoyao lost to Constantine and was forced to take a few steps back to release the power.

The metal buzzed, which was the rapid vibration of Zui Xiaoyao's Tian Congyun sword.

Although it only touched the fury used by Constantine for a moment, the huge force it received caused the long sword made of the exoskeleton of scales spitted out by the Yamata no Orochi to shake violently, like a piece of copper being stirred. reed.

The force on Constantine's sword was too great, and Zui Xiaoyao's sword was absorbing the huge force through vibration.

Su Fan was distracted by this earth-shattering collision, but he was only stunned for a second before he quickly filled the elemental bullet into the magazine and loaded it with a "click".

On the other side, Konstantin's hand suddenly started to tremble uncontrollably. Zui Xiaoyao on the opposite side was slightly startled. Even though he was very confident, he would not think that the sword he just struck was more powerful than the angry Kontan. Sting is even stronger.

It was the knife that started the heartbeat!

Su Fan's eyes were solemn. The shaking of the knife was not his or Zui Xiaoyao's illusion, and the vibration coming from the blade was not a metallic buzzing, but something like... like there was a heart beating inside.

The golden light on "Rage" flows faster and faster, and the vibrations become more and more powerful. The corners of Constantine's mouth are slightly raised. He has reason to suspect that what he is holding is not a knife, but a dragon king, his brother Norton. Helping him!

The dragon scales on Constantine's arm holding "Rage" stood up. He used unimaginable power to forcefully hold the increasingly crazier "Rage" firmly in his hand.

Constantine activated his furious golden eyes and looked down at Zui Xiaoyao on the ground. At this moment, he seemed to be bent over by Norton, with violent emotions exuding all over his body.

"Rage" pressed down with a terrifying hurricane and extremely strong force. Before the blade came to Zui Xiaoyao's body, he felt his bones vibrating unconsciously.

Suddenly, a purple-black line that seemed to be able to cut through the sky appeared, separating the terrifying pressure that enveloped Constantine and Zui Xiaoyao.

It was Kungunir tumbling and flying towards Konstantin. Facing Konstantin who had a vaguely invincible posture, Su Fan had to stand up and throw this legendary artifact.

Zui Xiaoyao took a few steps back, put down the Tiancong Yun Sword, then turned over and pulled out the alchemy shotgun he had been carrying behind his back. A thunderous sound erupted from his hands, and several alchemy shotguns carried powerful kinetic energy from another direction. Shoot at Konstantin to coordinate Kungunir's attack.

However, Constantine seemed to be carrying extremely high heat, and those warheads melted into molten iron before they even touched him. Even if some of the molten iron splashed onto his thin body or the dark dragon scales, it only added some iron color. pattern.

Completely ignoring the attack of alchemy shotgun and alchemy shotgun, if you think about it, it is something that a high-level dragon-shaped deadpool zombie can do, let alone a strong man at the level of Dragon King.

Zui Xiaoyao thought that shooting might disturb Constantine's rhythm, but it turned out to be contrary to expectations. Even Constantine's breathing remained stable and was not affected in any way.

"If you can ignore the alchemy bullets, you can't ignore the sacred spear Kungunir." Zui Xiaoyao thought angrily, and he was really looking forward to Konstantin showing a troublesome look.

However, contrary to anyone's expectations, when faced with the artifact that killed three dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies, Constantine calmly stretched out his left hand, holding out the one that was not holding "Rage". White palms!

"What is he doing?" Zui Xiaoyao looked in disbelief, "Is it possible that he wants to use his flesh and blood to defeat the sacred spear Kungunil?! This is... too crazy."

Even Su Fan frowned slightly. Kungunir supposedly could easily pierce the scales on the leader's dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, but it was hard to judge how effective it would be against the first-generation Dragon King.

No matter what they were thinking in their hearts, in just a blink of an eye, Constantine's left hand came into contact with Kungunir.

I saw Konstantin holding the tip of Kungunir's gun with his left hand with a calm face. The moment they met, large areas of fresh dragon blood spilled out, and a series of sparks splashed out, and then Konstantin The dark armor-like scales on Ding's body also fell off piece by piece, and fell to the ground helplessly.

This is the first time Kungunil has been intercepted in the face of something other than the power of the system, and the opponent is not an artifact of the same level, nor is it a terrifying-looking rage, one of the seven deadly sins, but a creature that looks even Slightly thin arms.

Kungunir's speed slowed down, and he showed a rare struggle. He could only drill in millimeter by millimeter. The gun twisted like a living snake in Konstantin's hand, making a helpless sound. bray.

The place where the palm and the gun head came into contact was bloody and bloody, but Constantine's expression remained calm and calm, and the arm holding Kungunir was as steady as a straight stick.

He gently shook his molten vertical pupils and pointed them at Zui Xiaoyao not far away.

At this moment, all the momentum of Zui Xiaoyao was overwhelmed by this devil-like figure. He only felt as if his heart was held by an invisible big hand. Then, he quickly grabbed the sky on the ground. Cong Yunjian seems to want to rely on this artifact to bring some emotional stability to his heart.

However, the moment he held the Tiancongyun Sword, Zui Xiaoyao's heart sank, and his expression became increasingly ugly, because the blade of the Tiancongyun Sword was shaking uneasily.

This unruly artifact, which had always been compared to Kungunir, actually became fearful because of Constantine.

Constantine looked indifferent, holding the struggling Kungunir in his left hand, and holding the breathtaking Fury in his right hand. The bloody bone wings on his back flapped, and he approached Zui Xiaoyao step by step in mid-air.

Zui Xiaoyao's pupils contracted. At this moment, even though he was holding the artifact in his hand, he did not feel any sense of security, and the feeling of isolation and helplessness continued to grow deep in his heart.

"Asura's Wrath, Level 2, Fury Mode!!" A loud shout suddenly sounded behind Zui Xiaoyao. This voice seemed to contain incomparable mysterious power, which directly dispelled the haze in his heart and aroused it for no reason. The anger in his heart.

I saw that Zui Xiaoyao's eyes were igniting with real flames, his muscles were bulging, and his whole temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes.

But at the same time, Zui Xiaoyao felt as if he had lost something important. He only felt that his thoughts had slowed down. If the speed of his thoughts before was like a rushing stream, then the current flow speed is more like it is about to be scrapped. tap water flowing from an old faucet.

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