National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 259 The so-called fate of abandoning the clan...

"My name is Constantine." The skinny boy's eyes suddenly became extremely deep, and his gaze seemed to fall on Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao across endless time and space.

"He is my brother, Norton..."

"Constantine! Norton!" Su Fan's eyes shot out two rays of light, like two eternal torches, "Twins, the King of Bronze and Fire."

"Why...why did you eat your brother?" Su Fan was silent for a few seconds, and then asked a question that had nothing to do with the Raccoon City copy.

Zui Xiaoyao's eyes kept scanning Konstantin and Su Fan. His mouth opened slightly as if he wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

"" Constantine's eyes were empty, as if he was caught in some kind of memory.

"Brother, there are many people outside."

"We are going to die, Constantine, but don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid. I'm with my brother. I'm not afraid...but why...don't you eat me? If you eat me, I can break through any kind of cage."

"You are good food, but that would be too lonely. For thousands of years, you and I are the only ones together."

"But death is really sad, forever and ever, pitch black... It's like groping in the dark, but you can never touch anything with your outstretched hands..."

"The so-called fate of abandoning one's family is to cross the wilderness, raise the battle flag again, and return to the hometown. Death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep. Before I can swallow this world, it is better to sleep peacefully than to trek alone. We will still wake up Come."

"Brother...if one day we raise a battle flag and can devour the world, will you eat me?"

"Yes, then you will join me and rule the world!"

" have you been lying to me all this time?" Constantine stroked Norton's pale cheek, his face seemed to be pregnant with great sadness, "I raced against time and overcame many obstacles to come to you, just to let you You control the world."

"As long as you devour me, none of the three enemies in Raccoon City will be your opponent." Constantine suddenly stood up holding Norton's body, his eyes bursting with dazzling golden light, even in the hazy water vapor It is also extremely dazzling and difficult to extinguish.

Three enemies? !

Constantine's unintentional words set off a storm in the hearts of Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao.

They looked at each other and could see the shock, suspicion and even fear in each other's eyes.

"What do you mean by the three enemies...?" Su Fan planned to ask this question directly. Otherwise, whether they were killed by Constantine or they shot Constantine to death, This secret will never be known.

The nutrient solution in the swimming pool had long been evaporated by the high temperature contained in Constantine's body. At this moment, he held his brother Norton's body across his body, walked firmly to the side of the swimming pool, and gently put it down.

"I have no obligation to tell you." Constantine settled Norton, then turned to look at Su Fan and the others, and responded to Su Fan's previous question.

Constantine was still very thin, as if he would be blown down by a strong wind at any moment, but the moment he turned around, the hearts of Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao seemed to be grasped by a pair of invisible hands at the same time.

They even felt it was difficult to breathe, and the blood flow in their bodies became extremely slow at this moment. Fortunately, this strange feeling only lasted for about a second.

Su Fan's face was expressionless, but there was deep fear hidden in his eyes, "Is this the Dragon King? The pressure of the higher races is clearly visible. The moment I saw him, I knew that there was an insurmountable gap in the biological level."

At the same time, Zui Xiaoyao's thoughts spread at an alarming speed, and he was immersed in the information revealed by Constantine.

There are three enemies, and there are obviously four beast masters who can participate in the Raccoon City dungeon.

If Constantine is not lying, then there is no doubt that one of the four beast masters is not on their side, either from the dragon camp or the neutral camp.

Who could it be?

Zui Xiaoyao swallowed, Zhenwu Emperor? Nidhogg? Or... Su Buyu who acted with him!

Thinking that he might be communicating with hidden enemies along the way, exchanging resources, or even handing over his unsuspecting back to him, Zui Xiaoyao felt a chill rise up his spine.

"Hoo, ho." Zui Xiaoyao took a few deep breaths to calm down the complicated emotions in his heart, "Calm down, calm down, Su Buyu may not be the undercover agent, and what's more, what Konstantin said may not be true. He might say this The purpose is to disturb the morale of the army."

"What are you thinking?" Su Fan raised his brows slightly, "I can't be an undercover agent, otherwise there would be so many opportunities to attack you along the way, and I might even kill you instantly without any bloodshed, so why not do it?"

Zui Xiaoyao was startled for a moment, stopped his unconscious movements, and secretly sighed in his heart that what Su Buyu said made sense.

"This is the same reason for you, so I won't suspect that you may be an undercover agent." Su Fan's beard and hair were flying, and his body was filled with spiritual energy. "The most important thing now is to kill Constantine in front of us. We will consider the undercover matter later."

"Indeed." Zui Xiaoyao pulled up a mess of hair with one hand, and then pulled out the legendary artifact-Tiancongyun Sword. He pointed the dazzling sword tip at the Dragon King opposite with an astonishing aura, "If I can't get it in the hands of this kid, If you want to save your life, there is no point in thinking about being an undercover agent.”

Su Fan tapped his toes, using the footwork given by the immortal Taoist, and retreated towards the rear lightly. At the same time, he took off the suitcase he had been carrying behind him, and assembled the large-caliber alchemy sniper rifle Barrett together again from inside. .

"Perhaps the levels of life are completely incomparable." Su Fan's eyes lit up, "But this will make it more challenging. Let me be a dragon slayer today."

"Hey." Su Fan laughed at himself, "The first real dragon clan I came into contact with was the King of Bronze and Fire, one of the four kings. It is also unprecedented."

"Uncle Drunk, help me hold down Constantine. I will distract you and throw Kungunir to assist you. As long as you can create opportunities, I am sure to hit him hard!"

While describing the plan, Su Fan quickly took out a slender bullet. The bullet was dark red, like a simply polished red crystal. There was a blood-like luster inside that was flowing and changing. It was the fifth element - Xian. The stone of the beholder.

This rare bullet, combined with an ordinary alchemy gun, can kill the Dragon King in its infancy. However, what Su Fan has in hand now is an alchemy sniper rifle, and Barrett is also known as the "King of Snipers".

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