National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 257 The final boost that breaks out of the cocoon

"The King of Sky and Wind?" Zui Xiaoyao murmured to himself. He turned to look at the inconspicuous dragon cocoon, "Can it be done? If not, you can directly summon the beast or I can control the beast card."

"It's hard to say." Su Fan's eyes flashed with golden data streams, and he stood up suddenly. He sensed that the dragon cocoon was about to wake up, "Of course, the guy in my memory is just suspected of being the King of Sky and Wind. His true identity is even very... It may be an existence that rivals or even surpasses the White King.”

As if knowing that Zui Xiaoyao had many doubts, Su Fan sighed and explained: "White King Izanami is a powerful dragon second only to himself created by Black King Nidhogg. She is described as Black King The greatest creation, the only one who can challenge the Black King, has a higher status than the twins on the other four thrones."

"Nidhogg!" Zui Xiaoyao stood up suddenly, "No, he is third on the combat power list. Oh no, he should be fourth now. The ID name of the beast master who is fourth on the combat power list is Nedhogg. Hogg."

"I actually have some doubts about this." Su Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, "To be honest, although I have never met him, I feel that he has some kind of connection with this copy."

Zui Xiaoyao rubbed his brows, "There are more and more worrying things. There is no point in discussing them now. There is too much missing information. Let's talk about the four kings."

"The full name of this suspected dragon king is 'Odin'." Su Fan glanced at Zui Xiaoyao, whose eyes almost popped out, and smiled slightly: "You are right, he is the Odin who is third on the combat power list. "

"Of course, I'm not sure whether it's a person or not."

Su Fan pulled out Kungunir with great interest. "In Norse mythology, he is the one who wears a blue wind cloak, rides the eight-legged Pegasus "Sleibnir", and holds the spear "Kungunir". Lord God.”

"If the being born in this dragon cocoon will grow into a true king in an instant, then the one we are most likely to face is Odin." Su Fan thoughtfully tapped the soft protective shield on the body of the dragon cocoon.

Zui Xiaoyao opened his mouth slightly and was about to say something when a majestic and terrifying aura suddenly came from the dragon cocoon, permeating the entire laboratory and even making it difficult for him to breathe.

Immediately afterwards, disturbing cracks appeared on Dragon Cocoon's body. Su Fan tightened his grip on Kungunir, and Zui Xiaoyao also pulled out the Tiancongyun Sword from his waist.

But they did not act rashly, because the protective shield on the surface of the dragon cocoon had not disappeared, and the protection ability provided by the system was still there, which meant that it was not the time for them to take action yet.

Indescribable low roars echoed in the laboratory, anxious and manic.

"It looks like Infinite Yu is close to waking up, so who will be the enemy?" Zui Xiaoyao pinched the hilt of the Tian Congyun Sword nervously.

The blazing wind blew towards their faces through the protective shield, the bright light shone through their eyelids, causing severe pain in their eyes, and their noses were filled with a strong burning smell.

Su Fan's eyes brightened slightly. Based on this alone, he guessed that the dragon king bred in the dragon cocoon was the bronze and fire dragon king. However, apart from the fact that it took time to confirm, there were still many doubts.

For example, all the four kings in the dragon universe are twins, but there is only one vague figure in the dragon cocoon.

The two of them fell down in unison, because at that moment something was pressing down that made their hearts almost stop beating. The pressure was a hundred times stronger than before, making people gasp in horror.

The feeling of oppression was fleeting, but for just a short moment, they felt like they were in a burning hell.

"Most likely he is the King of Bronze and Fire." Su Fan shouted, "The King of Bronze and Fire has absolute power over the flames and metals in the domain, so metal bullets cannot kill him, including alchemy bullets. The approaching bullets are instantly melted and slowed down to zero.”

He continued to explain: "But he does not have the ability to manipulate non-metals, so unless his field collapses, we should not try to shoot him, which means we can only attack with scarce elemental bullets, or engage in close combat."

A dark shadow rushed out of the dragon cocoon with incredible speed. The moment he appeared, the incandescent lamps on the ceiling of the laboratory began to shake unconsciously. The power seemed to be turned off at this moment, and the laboratory was completely dark.

There was silence in the darkness, and Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao could even hear their own breathing clearly.

Su Fan held Kungunir tightly in his hand. The night vision ability of the Eye of Deception was still there. He could barely see the drunken and happy figures around him, and he could also guard against the first-generation dragon king who suddenly rushed out.

Zui Xiaoyao quickly took out a constant low-light lantern from his bag and tried to use it for lighting.

He knew that Su Fan was behind him. Even if the first-generation dragon king attacked, Su Fan could resist for a moment and prevent him from being killed instantly. In addition, he was still holding the Tiancong Yun Sword in one hand, so he was not without the power to resist, so he dared to Take some of your mind off to get something from your bag.

However, the incandescent lamp in the laboratory only flickered for a few seconds before resuming operation. The entire laboratory was plunged into light again. Zui Xiaoyao's move to hold the constant low-light lamp was in vain.

When the lights came on, the imagined first-generation dragon king did not appear. Only the corpses of dead zombies and broken dragon cocoons remained around.

"What's going on?" Even Su Fan was a little surprised, "Where's the Dragon King? Didn't they take advantage of the fact that we were in darkness to launch a sneak attack?"

"It's really strange. Could it be that we retreated strategically because we saw that we were well-equipped?" Zui Xiaoyao looked around, but couldn't find the Dragon King.

Well equipped? Strategic retreat?

Su Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. Zui Xiaoyao's unintentional words gave him a hint. He seemed to have grasped something, but he felt that it was almost meaningless.

"The power of this creature bred in the dragon cocoon is undoubtedly the final boost to the police station's mission. In this case, it is unlikely to turn around and leave regardless of us." Su Fan frowned, trying to deduce which one it was. Something went wrong somewhere.

"The intelligence of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie is very high. The intelligence of the first-generation dragon king is definitely not lower than that of most humans." Su Fan's eyes lit up, "It can make it, no, I should say 'him', an intelligent creature Qualifies to be called 'he'."

"What makes him give up on the prey that fell into the trap in front of him and turn around and leave must have a bigger conspiracy!" Su Fan turned to look at Dragon Cocoon and stepped forward quickly.

"And this plot must be helpful in killing us." Zui Xiaoyao was reminded by Su Fan and thought of why the unknown dragon king escaped. He followed Su Fan closely, "Now it thinks it is not sure. We won’t leave until we can eat it.”

Su Fan rose into the air and looked down along the dragon cocoon...

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