National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 255 Kungunir vs Dragon Cocoon

Breaking through five black flames in succession, Kungunir's forward speed was indeed affected, but it still firmly passed through the black flames containing extremely terrifying temperatures. Even though the air around the gun body was burned and distorted, it did not Signs of changing trajectory.

It only took a moment for the sixth black flame to be broken, and the seventh black flame was broken through without the ability to resist. However, the leader, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, took advantage of the short opportunity and spent his last effort to condense the eighth black flame. , the ninth black flame.

However, as soon as the sound of the eighth black flame burning sounded, it was suppressed by Kungunil. As for the ninth black flame, it was not sure whether the leader of the dragon-shaped deadpool zombies really took action. In short, a light flashed. Gone.

The golden pupils of the leader of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies were frighteningly bright. He suddenly stretched out his hand, blended the dragon claws into the black flames, and grabbed Kungunir's gun head!

Dragon blood spattered on the hands of the leader, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, staining the black scales and tattered bone wings red, but its face was expressionless, and the zombie could not feel pain.

At this moment, the passage of time slowed down again. This was the first time Kungunir stopped in the true sense. Even though the leader's dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie posture was very miserable, there was no need to stop the body with the tip of the gun. Doubtful facts.

Kungunir's jet-black gun body actually began to tremble violently, as if the leader of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies could stop its progress, making it feel that its dignity had been insulted.

In this tug-of-war that only lasted a second, Kungunir finally won. Kungunir screamed and penetrated straight into the chest of the leader, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie.

The head of the gun came out from the back of the leader's dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie. The huge force caused its body to retreat continuously. Although it tried its best to grasp the still exposed tail of the gun, its heart was still This sacred gun penetrated inch by inch.


The power coming from Kungunil was so strong that the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies with the leader flew out, and the alloy floor that had been strengthened by the system was dragged out with a horrible mark.

The roar of the dragon echoed throughout the laboratory. The moment the leader, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, flew out, all the Deadpool zombies went crazy. It was not because they had any worries or other emotions towards their companions.

But... the sacred spear Kungunil, which pierced the heart of the leader of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies and flew out with his body, was flying straight towards the dragon cocoon located in the center of the laboratory at an incredible speed. He is their king!

That's right, Su Fan's target from the beginning was the dragon cocoon whose body surface undulated as if it was breathing, and the leader, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, was just an enemy along the way.

The remaining Deadpool zombies, whether in the form of snakes or humans, all went crazy and approached the flying Kungunir at an unimaginable speed.

Including the leader dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie who was pierced by Kungunir, they were all overdrawing their lives to condense the black flames, just to slow down Kungunir's flight speed or change the direction of its attack.

But these methods were useless. The terrifyingly hot monarch flame covered the gun body, but went out for no reason. The branches of the World Tree would not simply be burned.

The dead zombies who tried to block Kungunir's flight path were also shaken to powder by the extremely terrifying and violent force.

This is an attack that can even pierce through the leader's dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie armor, and it's not the primary target. It's enough to imagine how terrifying the power contained in the tip of the spear is.

Kungunir was like a stream of light carrying the aura of death. After destroying all creatures in its path, it finally came to the breathing dragon cocoon.

The impaled leader, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, also burned away its last vitality during the flight. When Kungunir came to the front of the dragon cocoon, it also lost all its vitality.


The Deadpool zombies let out meaningless groans. This gun can easily pierce even the leader of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies. Even the Yan Lingjun Yan with serial number 89 cannot stop it, not to mention it is too fragile to be hit. Dragon cocoon?

You must know that if it were not for the constant protection of the Deadpool zombies, the dragon cocoon would have been affected by the attack, and the first generation dragon king conceived in it would have been forced to be born.

Perhaps Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao did not understand the strength of the surface of the dragon cocoon, but as soldiers and the most loyal warriors, they knew very well that the surface hardness of the dragon cocoon was not high and could not even be attacked by the humanoid Deadpool zombies. withstand.

However, just when Kungunil was about to stab Dragon Cocoon, a sudden change occurred. Dragon Cocoon's body jumped up and down, and a nearly transparent protective shield suddenly appeared.

Kungunir has always maintained an invincible momentum. However, at this moment, the moment Kungunir came into contact with the defensive shield, it actually slowed down, showing a rare struggle, trying to move inch by inch. Drill inside.

Kungunir was angry. He didn't expect that he would be stopped one day.

It was seen retreating silently, throwing away the body of the leader's dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie hanging on it, showing an even more terrifying speed, turning into a ray of purple light and once again attacking the protective shield in front of the dragon cocoon.


The invisible protective shield is like plasticine. It does not use brute force to resist Kungunir's impact, but is gently wrapped in a loving palm coat to disperse the unrivaled power.

The gun twisted like a living snake and hissed helplessly.

Kungunir burst out his final strength in an attempt to break through the protective shield released by the dragon cocoon, but its unparalleled power only pushed the dragon cocoon away from the center of the laboratory, without piercing the transparent barrier.

A huge sigh echoed in the laboratory, and the white silk thread connecting the gun tip to the center of the dragon cocoon, probably at the heart, gradually faded and disappeared, like a withered plant.

The sigh was made by Kungunir, and this living gun tiredly chose to give up.

Su Fan's eyes were deep and there was no expression of surprise or surprise, as if everything was expected.

He had previously guessed what kind of trouble the system would cause on the dragon cocoon, which would prevent them from destroying the birth of the first generation dragon king early.

Now this guess has taken effect. The system has indeed done some tricks on Dragon Cocoon, and it's not just any ordinary tricks. Even the sacred spear Kungunil sighed helplessly after looking at it.

This undoubtedly shows that Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao currently have no way to prevent the birth of the first generation dragon king, unless they use beast control cards or pets, there may be a chance.

Otherwise, they can only welcome the king's birth honestly.

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