National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 253 Blooming with brilliance like daylight, Tian Cong Yun Sword!

The golden color in the eyes of the leader of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies became brighter and brighter, and a low chant began, and the rhythm became faster and faster, evolving into a high-pitched chant.

"It's really 'Junyan'!" Su Fan held Kungunil's hand and squeezed it subconsciously, "It's just a dead zombie, even if it's in the shape of a dragon, it shouldn't be able to use 'Junyan'. "

This result undoubtedly showed that the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie in front of him had a very superior bloodline. Suddenly, bright flames as sharp as electric welding shot at Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao at the same time.

This is the effect of "Junyan" summoning and controlling the fire elements in the field. Specifically, it can generate high heat in the field (within 5m from the body), and can briefly compress the generated heat in the field and then suddenly release it, producing an explosive effect. .

The leader of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies wants to know the lives of two people at the same time.

Zui Xiaoyao's hair was flying wildly, his eyes became extremely sharp at this moment, and his keen sense told him that the flames shooting out in front of him were extremely dangerous, and if he was not careful, he would very likely fall here.

Therefore, he did not dare to neglect, and waved his biggest trump card, the legendary artifact Tiancongyun Sword, slashing diagonally on the flames flying at an incredible speed.

On the other hand, Su Fan's expression was very comfortable. The flames came towards his face, but they were blocked by the invisible air barrier in mid-air and could not burn a single hair on his face.

It seems that at this stage, the damage of "Jun Yan" cannot break through the protection of "So close and far away".

Su Fan slowly lifted Kungunir again and pointed the tip of the gun at another dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie.


The leader, the dragon-shaped deadpool zombie, groaned in his throat and tried to stop Su Fan's actions, but how could he care.

Kungunir rolled and flew towards the second dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, like a purple-black stream of light. Its speed was not fast, and it was very quiet. Death is such a quiet thing.

Time stopped again. When they came to their senses, a dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie was falling weakly towards the ground. There was a huge hole in front of the chest, and large areas of blood could not stop flowing out from the wound. overflow.

This is already the second one. Inexplicably, only two of the three dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies are still standing. Even if they are monsters and loyal warriors who protect the emperor, it does not mean that they do not have fear. .

As long as there is a creature with independent consciousness, independent thinking, and intelligence, there will always be a moment of sincere fear, and the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies are no exception, and Zui Xiaoyao is no exception.

Yes, even his heart was trembling as a teammate of Su Fan. The moment Kungunil took action, time seemed to stand still. That situation was really terrible. He felt a trace of regret in his heart for handing over this world bug artifact. In Su Fan's hands.

If...if there was no exchange and this artifact was in his hands, would he do better than Su Fan?

Uncontrollable doubts arose from the bottom of my heart. However, at this moment, Tiancong Yunjian seemed to be aware of its master's thoughts, and its sword suddenly lit up with a brilliance like daylight.

Tiancong Yunjian took the initiative and swung his sword to kill the dragon-shaped deadpool zombie with the word spirit blazing, just like the previous master swung his sword to kill the Yamata no Orochi.

At this moment, Zui Xiaoyao felt that what he held in his palm was not a sword, not a legendary artifact, but a red-hot iron, which made his hand hurt.

He finally understood that the true power of the divine weapon was not simple, and it was not that simple to subdue or control the divine weapon.

Rather than just holding it in your hand, this legendary artifact will identify with its owner.


Large swaths of black-red mist spread from the dragon-shaped deadpool zombie that Tian Congyun Sword slashed at. It sensed the fatal crisis, so it had to use its proud word spirit.

The crisis comes so quickly, like God who is easily changed.

The sky was clear just a moment ago, and the man opposite him was fighting me hand to hand with a strange but sharp sword. Although it was extremely dangerous, with black dragon scales and bright blood splattering everywhere, the situation was still under control.

But the next moment, when the man holding the spear that killed his two companions stopped, the feeling brought by the strange sword in front of him was completely different.

A more dazzling light than its golden pupils emitted burst out from that strange sword.

The day-like divine light cut through the black-red mist without mercy, and then slashed at the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie.


It's as easy as cutting a tomato with a Nepalese army knife, and the scarlet juice splashes everywhere, but it doesn't have the sweet and sour fragrance like tomatoes, but has an extremely thick and rusty smell.

The sword that Zui Xiaoyao was forced to strike actually split the sturdy high-level dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie in front of him into two parts. The monster's two dragon legs were still in place, but its upper body and two mighty legs were severed. The dragon's claws flew up quietly.

In mid-air, the intelligent dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie looked at the two thick dragon legs on the ground with surprise on his face.

It suddenly felt that these two dragon legs were somewhat familiar, but it didn't think much about it. To the zombie, it was just the separation of its upper body and legs, which was not a fatal threat. It can still move for a while now.

"Pulled and stunned."

This is the sound of flapping bone wings. Even though it has no legs, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie still has wings that can fly. It is these two tattered bone wings that allow it to barely stabilize its figure.

Just when it wanted to retreat to avoid the sharp edge, Zui Xiaoyao's second sword had already arrived. It was still so fast, accurate, and ruthless. The sword edge swept across and the dragon's head rolled to the ground.

This was the result of Tiancong Yunjian not being willing to lose its edge to Kungunil and taking the initiative to attack. With just two swings of the sword, it killed a high-level dragon-shaped deadpool zombie without any resistance.

Compared with ordinary dragon-like zombies, high-level dragon-shaped deadpool zombies are larger and tougher, and the word spirits they control are more dangerous. Their bloodline is tantamount to a real dragon.

But even so, there is still no resistance in front of the legendary artifact "Tian Congyun Sword". This record is even more amazing than when Su Fan killed two dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies with two shots.

After all, high-level dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies have almost touched the ceiling of Deadpool zombies, and ordinary Dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies still have to grow some distance to compare with them.

The only two dragon-shaped deadpool zombies were frightened. Even the leader with the purest bloodline breathed out two white dragon-like breaths.

Although it seemed to be a demonstration, in fact it had already begun to tremble uncontrollably.

However, at this moment, the dragon cocoon in the center of the laboratory suddenly began to shake, and an extremely terrifying dragon power burst out from it.

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