National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 251: Unparalleled cutting of grass, soldiers falling from the sky!

The dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies formed a circle in mid-air, guarding their king, the dragon cocoon in the center, like absolutely loyal warriors.

Since they are basically very large in size, this also leads to the awkward situation of two dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies overlapping one another when standing in a circle.

Normally it would be nothing, but in front of Su Fan who has the alchemy sniper rifle Barrett, it is a perfect living target. As long as you find the right angle and timing, it is not a problem to shoot two at once.

Like... now.

Although they have some characteristics of zombies, the power of the alchemical sniper rifle Barrett combined with the alchemical sniper bullets is too terrifying, leaving a large hole in the two dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies, almost splitting the two monsters in half.

After all, the power of such a combination is only slightly worse than that of an ordinary sniper rifle combined with elemental bullets. However, the simple and clear configuration of a sniper rifle combined with elemental bullets can kill the weaker first-generation dragon king and is a veritable dragon-slaying weapon.

The two pitiful dragon-shaped deadpool zombies, one of which was even a high-level one, fell into Su Fan's hands before they could even use their speech spirits.

"Bang." "Bang."

The two corpses that had lost their vitality fell weakly downwards, making two sounds.

The remaining five dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies were pulled by the air machine, and they all turned to look at Su Fan. The previous alchemy rocket launcher posed no threat to them, so they could not care less about the hundreds of snake-shaped and humanoid Deadpool zombies that had killed or injured hundreds. , but now, the situation is completely different.

I saw a man wearing a black long-sleeved T-shirt and trousers lying flat on the ground holding a sniper rifle. Green smoke was coming out of the black hole of the gun. It was Su Fan.

A shell casing whirled out of the barrel of the Sniper King's gun and landed on the ground. Su Fan stood up and blew into the barrel of the gun, his face cold and expressionless.

The dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies flapped their bone wings and rolled up bursts of air. They looked at Su Fan from a distance, their golden pupils seeming to reflect the light of fire.

Without verbal communication, the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies could not start, but they just raised their heads slightly, and the snake-shaped and humanoid Deadpool zombies under them swept towards the two uninvited guests like a wave.

These monsters will tear into pieces any enemy who dares to interfere with their king's awakening.

"How should I put it?" Zui Xiaoyao's decadent eyes showed a sharp edge, "This overwhelming enemy reminds me of the grass-cutting Wushuang when I was young."

"Then let's compete with who can cut more grass." Su Fan carried the alchemy shotgun Barrett behind his back while laughing and talking, and at the same time drew the alchemy sword Tian Yu Yu Zhan from his waist. "Compared to games, mowing grass in real life is undoubtedly more refreshing!"

At this moment, his pupils suddenly turned golden, shining like two torches under the dim light.

At this time, Tianyu Yuzhan is undoubtedly more useful than Kungunir. The alchemy sword is a fatal threat to these ordinary deadpool zombies. Although Kungunir has powerful attack power and a sure-hit special effect, it is too slow to kill zombies. .

Su Fan rushed out suddenly. He had completely pulled out the knife from his waist. The crimson red light glowed with molten gold, and Tian Yu Yu slashed through the air and screamed.

Tian Yu Yu Zhan, with red-gold light and shadow, cut through the air again and again, leaving behind transparent knife marks, criss-crossing like a calligraphy book carved with a pen.

One after another, ink-black shadows rushed forward, and were swung into a splash of thick ink on the blade of the knife, which shattered into millions of ink threads in the thick fog.

When the blade of "Tian Yu Yu Zhan" was covered with black blood, a layer of dazzling divine light condensed on the blade, washing away the ink color.

No matter what kind of word spirit it is, no matter what techniques the snake-shaped and humanoid Deadpool zombies use, the final result is just to be cut open by the glowing knife in a meaningless manner.

Zui Xiaoyao from behind was not to be outdone, and rushed out like a sharp arrow. An invisible air pressure followed his attack, which made the silent hearts of the Deadpool zombies beat slightly.

Although his physical fitness is one level weaker than that of Su Fan, after all, he is an expert at using swords and swords, and he also uses legendary artifacts, so the level is not far different.

Zui Xiaoyao's eyes were cold and stern. The sword in his hand was meant to kill everyone. To put it in a cliche, it means killing people when someone blocks them and killing Buddha when they block Buddhas. He was tough, chill, and majestic like a peerless master.

With such a sword strike, even a piece of alloy in front of him will be cut open, so the Deadpool zombies who have come into contact with his sword have no chance of surviving this murderous sword.

The eyes of the dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies were solemn, and their subordinates were really like weeds, falling at an incredible speed. They even saw fear in each other's shining golden eyes.

It was as if they were going to die personally, and there was no guarantee that they would survive the two attacks.

However, they cannot retreat. Behind them is the territory, the supreme king. They always have only two choices. One is to wait quietly by the king's side, quietly waiting for him to rule the world.

And the other option is to charge! Use your own life to offer the final fireworks for the king's resurrection.

Just as they were hesitating, the dragon cocoon behind them swayed gently, as if it was conveying some kind of message or giving some kind of order.

The eyes of the leader, the most terrifying dragon-shaped Deadpool zombie, erupted with frightening golden light. At a certain moment, its eyes were filled with human determination.

Just like the loyal soldiers in ancient times who voluntarily stayed behind to protect the king.

Five dark shadows rushed out. As if they were feeling something, Zui Xiaoyao and Su Fan simultaneously restrained the knives and swords in their hands and placed them across their chests to deal with emergencies.

Just after such a short period of mowing, the number of humanoid Deadpool zombies dropped from the initial two hundred or so to twenty or thirty. The snake-shaped Deadpool zombies were not much better, and there were not many left.

In front of two people holding such terrifying weapons, there is actually no difference between the human form and the snake form to them. No matter who the enemy is, they only need to swing their arms to chop it off.

Su Fan and Zui Xiaoyao sheathed their swords and stood quietly, facing the Deadpool zombies who were almost reaching them with their claws and teeth. The expressions on their faces did not change at all, like the most cold-blooded killers.

Just when the Deadpool zombies were about to touch the enemy with their claws, several deafening sounds were heard, and five dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies fell from the sky.

They surrounded the two men with ferocious expressions, and their huge bodies pressed their companions down without any mercy. Groups of black blood spattered out, playing a gorgeous movement for the soldiers' appearance.

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