National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 247 The absolute must-hit shot—Kungunir! The King of Snipers

"Budu Yuhun" and "Tianyu Yuzhan" are actually two weapons.

The former is the sword of the "Katemori God of Thunder", and the latter is the sword used by the Japanese god Susano'o to cut off the ancient mythical beast Yamata no Orochi. It has the glory of crimson and molten gold. It is an ancient sword with ten grips. Weapons that should be real.

However, these two legendary swords are now truly in the hands of Su Fan, which makes people lament that everything is so unpredictable.

As for the other alchemy sword "Tian Congyun", its origin is even more amazing.

In the legend, "Ama Cong Yun" is Susanoo's weapon. It is obtained from the Yamata-no-Orochi. The only amazing thing about the Yamata-no-Orochi is that it is a bone that protrudes beyond the scales and has a wonderful shape. Moon white, extremely sharp.

In Japanese mythology, it is the only weapon that can defeat the alchemical weapon "Tenha Yuzan" from ancient times.

In terms of quality and origin, this weapon is more terrifying than the previous two. In fact, Su Fan also confirmed this through the "Eye of Breaking the Illusion". The "Tiancongyun Sword" is the most powerful among the three divine swords.

And the weapon Zui Xiaoyao found - the sacred spear "Kungunir", was not simple either.

In mythology, this weapon was forged by dwarves, and the handle was a branch of the World Tree.

The most terrifying thing about this gun is its "absolute hit". The moment it is released, the target is already dead. Using it is like directly announcing the death of the enemy.

In the dragon universe, it is a legendary weapon alongside the "Tian Congyun Sword", the first of the three major artifacts.

These two weapons can be said to be their biggest discoveries so far. There is almost no existence that can compete with these two weapons in terms of alchemical swords.

Of course, this heaven-defying weapon system has also been weakened accordingly. Otherwise, with these two weapons alone, any snake-shaped Deadpool zombies would be bullshit, and even high-level dragon-shaped Deadpool zombies would not be enough to look at.

To say this, maybe only a Dragon King-level existence can come out and have an arm-wrestle.

"I'll give you this gun." Zui Xiaoyao handed the sacred gun "Kungunil" in his hand to Su Fan, "I'll just use the 'Tian Congyun Sword'. This gun has the attribute of being absolutely sure to hit, and the requirements for marksmanship are It’s relatively low, so it’s best for you.”

Su Fan had no objection. In fact, he thought so too, but "Kungunil" was in Zui Xiaoyao's hands after all, and he should not be made to speak in any case, otherwise it would inevitably leave a bad impression on others.

When Zui Xiaoyao opened his mouth, he no longer had such worries. On the contrary, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was just right.

Su Fan took a few steps forward, handed over the "Tian Cong Yun Sword" and took the sacred spear "Kungunir".

The shape of this gun is like a branch randomly cut off from an ancient tree, and then equipped with an extremely simple spear head. It is not much better than the spear dart used by primitive people to hunt buffalo, but it has some kind of terrifying... golden light.

The light on the surface of the dead branches rises and falls, rising slowly like breathing.

[Name: Sacred Spear "Kungunir\

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