National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 219 The first encounter with Deadpool zombies, Yan Ling Yin Lei

And with Su Fan's appearance on the list, he also dropped from 19th to 20th on the strength list, located at the end of the entire strength list, truly at the bottom of the crane.

Of course, no matter how you say it, [Zui Xiaoyao] is also a beast master who is ahead of billions of people, and his actual level is definitely not much different.

"Ah -" Suddenly, an indistinct low growl sounded behind Su Fan. Although it was a little unclear, with his hearing, he could still tell that the sound was very much like the growl of a large reptile.

Su Fan raised his eyebrows, turned around and saw a Deadpool zombie approaching him at the extreme speed of an athlete sprinting 100 meters.

"What the fuck?" Su Fan's eyes widened. He said he was looking down upon an athlete sprinting 100 meters. This speed was countless times faster than Usain Bolt.

If Su Fan hadn't been upgraded to level 40 and his nerves react extremely quickly, he might not have been able to react.

Of course, in addition to Su Fan's very fast nervous reaction speed, the map is very large and the Deadpool zombies are still some distance away from him. This is also an extremely important reason.

Perhaps the physical fitness and abilities of the Deadpool zombies have been improved, causing the system to expand the map to an unknown number of times, otherwise it may not be enough for them to perform.

The appearance characteristics of this thing are roughly as follows: it has a human shape, its whole body is covered with black phosphorus, and there are jagged black bone spurs piercing the scales, and its golden pupils are like torches, shining brightly at night.

But in addition, there are some zombie characteristics on the body, such as some hideous wounds somewhere on the body, or a rotting body.

The moment he saw the Deadpool zombie, Su Fan opened the "Eye of Deception" to observe its hidden information. However, unfortunately, this strange species between zombies and Deadpool did not seem to be there. Within the identification range of "Destroying Eyes of Illusion".

In other words, when encountering most of the monsters next, it would be difficult for Su Fan to rely on the "Eye of Destruction of Delusion".

Ordinary people might feel uneasy if almost their biggest reliance failed, but Su Fan was different. He very calmly abandoned the "Destroying Eyes of Illusion" and turned to observe with naked eyes.

Sometimes what you can observe with the naked eye is actually no worse than a golden finger.

In just a moment, Su Fan observed a lot of things from some details.

"Distorted musculoskeletal system", "sclerosis of body surface bone", "enhanced five senses", "ability to control speech and spirit", "far larger than ordinary body"... These are the advantages of Deadpool zombies, which make them incarnate A bloodthirsty dog ​​that can hunt beast masters.

"Being stupid enough to make meaningless moans to reveal his whereabouts", "acting by animal instinct", "poor logical thinking ability", "low learning and imitation ability"... these are all the flaws of Deadpool zombies.

Su Fan quickly drew out the three-foot sword of time, the silver-white sword flashed, and the tip of the sword was accurately aimed at the eyebrows of the deadpool zombies running in the distance.

The extremely cold sword light came out, and Su Fan wanted to use long-range attacks to test the strength of the Deadpool zombie.

"Buzz buzz."

A series of strange sounds came out, and Su Fan's eyes narrowed slightly. He saw the void around Deadpool's zombies trembling in the distance.

"The sound caused by the vibration of the air during the process of compressing the air?" A confident smile appeared on Su Fan's face, "It turns out to be that Yanling... Yin Lei."

Su Fan's memory is very outstanding, but of course it doesn't reach photographic memory, which is the ability to remember all the words and spirits after reading a novel once.

In fact, the reason why he can accurately, quickly and clearly judge the types and functions of speech spirits is because he was very interested in these before traveling through time.

Su Fan looked at the interesting settings like the Periodic Table of Spiritual Spirits over and over again countless times.

The word spirit currently used by the deadpool zombie opposite is the Yin Lei with serial number 17, which has the effect of compressing air to produce a bomb-like effect.

The sound of energy accumulation in the air suddenly sounded.

Su Fan's face was solemn, "Here we come!"


I saw the Deadpool zombie stretching out his right hand covered with pitch black scales, tapping his index finger, and a ball of compressed air rushed out and flew towards the sword light thrust out by Su Fan.

This ball of air is black, with a ring of flowing current around it, really like thunder.

The sword was extremely sharp, cutting through the air and creating a sonic boom in mid-air. However, the power of the "yin thunder" fired by the Deadpool zombies should not be underestimated. It cut through the sky and made a crackling sound.


A deafening roar sounded from the contact between the two, causing waves of ups and downs.

Su Fan's eyes flashed with golden data flow, and his vision soared to its strongest state. He saw at a glance the sharp sword light and the bomb-like "yin thunder" in contact, and disappeared almost at the same time.

Su Fan frowned slightly. The "Yin Thunder" was more powerful than he thought. In his opinion, not only could his blow severely injure the Deadpool zombies, it could at least pass through the "Yin Thunder" and inflict damage to it. Just hurt.

However, in fact, both disappeared into nothingness.

At the same time, there were continuous roars all around the small supermarket, and Su Fan's face darkened. He knew that the explosions of thunder and sword light had attracted many Deadpool zombies.

"We can't delay, we must fight quickly!" Su Fan's eyes were cold and stern, and he directly summoned Hanhan. The speed of the Deadpool zombies was incredibly fast. Once the Deadpool zombies around him came over, he would be trapped in an endless circle. .

And by that time, you can’t just leave if you want.

Hanhan knew that his opponent was difficult to deal with, so he used his ultimate move as soon as he came up, directly opening the "Immortal World" and shrinking in size to about the same size as the Deadpool zombie opposite him.

The Deadpool zombie on the opposite side was not idle either. He took this opportunity to shoot three "Yin Thunders" "biubiubiu". At that moment, the air around the Deadpool zombie was even drained.

"How dare the glow of fireflies compete with the sun and moon!"

Hanhan opened his drooped eyelids angrily, his golden pupils emitting dazzling light. He was the Yantuo Dragon King, with the blood of an ancient dragon flowing in his body. Faced with the fact that this was just a hybrid between a human and a dragon, so what? Dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

Hanhan's speed soared, and in just the blink of an eye, he was in front of the three "yin thunders".

It's too fast, as fast as a bullet! A seemingly simple attack can explode into terrifying power when it reaches this level.

Hanhan was like a delicate machine. He moved his claws gently, cutting through the three Yin Thunders gracefully and calmly.

"Bang." "Bang." "Bang."

Three explosions rang in his ears, but a real man never looks back at fireworks.

Hanhan accelerated again and flashed in front of the Deadpool zombie at an incredible speed.

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