National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 217 Four-star desperate dungeon, biohazard?

After Su Fan read this, he immediately clicked on the newly added combat power ranking list in the system. This time he believed that he would definitely be in the top twenty of the combat power list.

As long as the beast master has unlocked the combat power ranking list once in the park, he can view the ranking list anytime and anywhere on the newly added page of the system, which is a very user-friendly operation.

As expected, the name of the number one beast master on the list has changed. [Zhenwu Emperor] has been pushed to the second place, while the name [Su Buyu] has quietly climbed to the first place.

Su Fan shrugged his shoulders and did not show too much shock at this natural situation. With such a powerful golden finger, he could not become the number one in the Paradise (Blue Star Division) by crushing him. Really underestimate him.

But first and foremost, Su Fan didn't really want to be the target of public criticism and become a "star player" who would be recognized and shouted out by everyone when he went out to participate in a dungeon.

Therefore, Su Fan was shameless and irresponsible and changed his ranking information to "Anonymous".

Su Fan immediately carried out this operation as soon as he reached the first place. He didn't believe that anyone would keep an eye on the combat power rankings all the time.

[Su Buyu, level 40]

[Please select the game mode you want to join. 】

[You have chosen the multiplayer survival mode, please confirm. 】

[It has been confirmed that the random value of the team size has been generated: four people. 】

[You have entered the queue and are searching for other ready players. 】

[Matching completed, four-star desperate level copy is being generated...]

[Loading starts, please wait. 】

"Welcome to the starry sky." The voice this time was a voice that could not distinguish between male and female. It was spoken very softly, like a little devil whispering.

[This mode provides a copy introduction, and there is a chance that side lines/hidden tasks and special world views will appear. 】

[Dungeon clearance rewards: When settling rewards, rewards will be distributed based on each person’s performance. 】

[The script introduction will be played soon, and the game will start immediately after the playback is completed. 】

The picture Su Fan saw quickly turned into a real-time CG movie from a first-person perspective, just like the grand and majestic feeling at the beginning of many console games.

The footage showed that Su Fan was landing in the air while carrying a parachute jumper on his back. However, he was not wearing an ancient Taoist robe that was inconsistent with the world view. Instead, he was wearing a black long-sleeved T-shirt and trousers provided by the system.

In front of us was a cloudless and dark scene.

Turning the camera down, you can see a modern city with tall buildings at your feet. The slightly dim lights add a touch of life to the city, preventing it from looking dead.

The system voice starts playing along with the subtitles at the same time:

[You are a member of a search and rescue team, ordered to find Oswell E. Spencer, the founder of the Umbrella Company, in this city. 】

[However, due to an unexpected failure of the plane, you and your three other teammates unfortunately lost all communication equipment and heavy firepower weapons during the parachute jump, and were scattered throughout the city. 】

Su Fan didn't have time to sigh, "The number of people matched was actually 4", "I have bad luck sometimes", "It's a pity that I can't meet the loophole" and other such words.

I was immediately shocked by the voice broadcast by the system.

"Umbrella Company? Oswell E. Spencer?" Su Fan looked at the subtitles that appeared in front of his eyes and exclaimed: "Good guy, you haven't changed a word."

Umbrella Corporation, the business giant in the famous game and movie "Resident Evil" series, often appears as the biggest villain in the series.

On the surface, it is an international super monopoly enterprise, covering most high-tech industries such as drugs, medical hardware, and defense industry products.

But the real source of profits comes from unknown high-tech military technology and life engineering, biological weapons and other secret industries, including many top-secret projects that cannot be made public.

Oswell E. Spencer is the CEO and founder of the Umbrella Company and the instigator of all chaos. It is undeniable that he has made great contributions to that world, but compared with his bad behavior, It really doesn't explain anything.

When Su Fan saw this, he could almost guess what kind of dungeon he would experience, which was nothing more than searching and rescuing in a place full of zombies.

[An unknown virus is raging in Raccoon City. 】

"Ha, it really is like that." Su Fan shook his head slightly with satisfaction, showing an expression of "nothing more than that". "Then let me guess, will it be the 'T' virus or the 'G' virus?"

However, the system settings still exceeded Su Fan's expectations.

[This extremely biohazardous virus is codenamed "D". Its four most significant characteristics are: 100% contagious, 100% lethal, transmitted through exposed mucous membranes and all body fluids, and can be transmitted in water but Cannot spread in the air. 】

"Huh? Has the system settings been changed?" Su Fan was a little surprised, "Or is this a new virus studied by the Umbrella Company after I traveled through time?"

[D-Virus (T-Virus), also known as Dead waiter-Virus, is a mysterious ancient virus discovered early by James Marcus, one of the three veterans of the Umbrella Company - the ancestor virus and the dragon gene. The fragments were combined and a completely new virus was eventually isolated. 】

"What?!" When Su Fan saw the words Deadpool and Dragon Clan, he had a bad premonition in his heart, "Is it possible... No way?!"

[All infected individuals have turned into... Deadpools. 】

"Ah! Huh?" Su Fan's entire expression was distorted.

This Deadpool is not the immortal Deadpool in the Marvel Universe, but a Deadpool who was originally a hybrid in the Dragon Universe, and was later forcibly enhanced by the Dragon King to become an unconscious walking dead.

[The basic habits of this monster are no different from ordinary zombies, but on this basis, it inherits all the characteristics of Deadpool perfectly or even transcendently, and is called a Deadpool zombie. 】

"Don't tell me that even a Deadpool zombie can release the spirit of speech!"

The spirit of speech is a supernatural ability possessed by dragon blood descendants. Within its "domain", words spoken in dragon language will become a rule.

In fact, according to the settings of the dragon clan, only high-level deadpools with independent consciousness and certain intelligence can release the spirit of speech. However, the words "even beyond" really gave Su Fan a bad taste.

[This monster has the characteristics of a zombie, but at the same time, it also has the strong body of Deadpool and three forms. The three forms are human form, snake form and dragon form. 】

Seeing this, Su Fan breathed a sigh of relief. The most important spiritual ability was not mentioned, so the Deadpool zombies who only possess physical power are not that scary.

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