National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 215 Those Existences on the Combat Power List

Yes, you read that right. With Su Fan's combat prowess and the three pets that can almost overwhelm other Saint-level figures of the same realm in the main world, they are not included in the list.

Perhaps it sounds a bit unbelievable on the surface, but in fact, with so many people in Blue Star, it is quite normal for a few geniuses to appear occasionally. In addition, Su Fan was trapped in the Ancient Bronze Palace for a while, giving others a chance to develop calmly.

The most important thing is that Su Fan still has more than 5,000 danger points that have not been used. Once all of them are used to increase combat power, it will probably be a different situation.

Su Fan took a closer look and found that almost half of the top twenty people had the word "Anonymous" in their names. It seemed that these half of them didn't want to be too famous and wanted to make a fortune in silence.

The other half of the Yin Beast Masters did not have such scruples. They leaked their names openly and seemed to have absolute confidence in their own strength.

Calling him stupid, Su Fanna didn't believe it. To be on the combat power list and stand out from billions of people, he must have talents that are difficult for ordinary people to reach.

Perhaps these people whose names were revealed are actually accumulating fame and preparing for the "Creation Team" that starts at level 40.

They may really have great ambitions and want to command all the beast masters in the Blue Star Realm.

But these have nothing to do with Su Fan.

Su Fan looked at the top of the combat power rankings. The first one was a beast master named [Zhenwu Emperor].

This beast master's name is quite domineering, and he is nicknamed after the famous god in Taoism. He also did not choose to remain anonymous. He is obviously quite confident in his own strength.

Su Fan clicked on the information provided by the system and found that the beast master named [Zhenwu Emperor] had reached level 37, which was a full 7 levels higher than the current Su Fan. His true combat power was estimated Terribly strong.

Su Fan continued to pull the light screen in front of him and found that [Emperor Zhenwu] had three beasts like him. However, the ranking did not reveal the types, qualifications, names, attributes and other information of the beasts. It only showed the level. .

There are three beasts, one is level 38, and two are level 37. Although their qualifications are unknown, but combined with the ranking of [Zhenwu Emperor], it is known that they are a very terrifying force.

Just as Su Fan nodded slightly, he said to himself: "With such a level under his command, it's no wonder that the beast master named [Zhenwu Emperor] can crush everyone and directly occupy the first place in the combat power list."

The second to third names on the list are [Odin], [Nidhogg], and [Ymir]. Why are they mentioned together?

Because the system shows that the three of them are from the same team, and the name of this team is "Twilight of the Gods".

The system once said that only those who reached level 40 were eligible to create a team, and these three were obviously in the same team.

Excluding the extremely unlikely option of "there is a bug in the system", it undoubtedly means that one of the three has reached level 40.

Why should we emphasize this point?

Because the level of [Zhenwu Emperor] is only level 37, which is enough to explain everything.

To put it simply, even though [Zhenwu Emperor] is 3 levels lower, he still dominates the rankings with a crushing tendency, which is enough to illustrate his terrifying strength.

Su Fan was very curious and immediately opened the detailed data of the second-ranked player in the combat power list with the ID name [Odin]. As expected, the system showed that his level had reached level 40.

There is only one pet at hand, but its level is a full 42, which is very outrageous.

The third-placed [Nidhogg] is also level 40, which is beyond Su Fan's expectation. The overall strength of this team is very strong, and currently there are two level 40 players.

[Nidhogg] has four beasts under his control, all of which are around level 40. Their strength is very extraordinary.

The fourth [Ymir] is a little lower in level, only level 39. However, he has a lot of beasts in his hands, nine in total. The levels are uneven, but they are all hovering around level 37. The overall strength is pretty good. good.

However, these three beast masters from "Twilight of the Gods", three beast masters whose apparent combat power surpassed [Zhenwu Emperor], were judged by the system to be inferior to him in combat power.

Based on this alone, Su Fan was very curious about [Zhenwu Emperor] and wanted to know why this person ranked first in the combat power list and crushed the "Twilight of the Gods" trio.

There are two other beast masters on the combat power list that Su Fan is interested in. Their names are [Tsukiyomi] and [Amaterasu]. Although their current level is not enough to form a team, anyone with a discerning eye can guess that these two are Know each other.

Su Fan simply read the information, returned to his personal login space, and spent all the risk points.

With a danger value of more than 5,000, Su Fan first purchased the materials needed for the evolution of three pets, including rock crystals, complete Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame, and Thunder Meteor Mine.

The first one is the material that Hanhan needs to evolve from the Sand Armored Dragon to the Yantuo Dragon King. The second one is the material that Xiaohuo needs to evolve from the six-tailed Golden Flame Fox to the nine-tailed Burning Sky Fox. As for the third one, naturally This is the material needed for Tuntian to evolve from the Thunder Eagle to the Cangming Thunder Eagle.

After spending so much danger value, Su Fan raised the levels of the three pets to level 40. Unfortunately, by this time, the danger value had bottomed out, otherwise Su Fan would have wanted to directly evolve the three pets in one go. For the ultimate form.

After three pets in succession, Su Fan himself reached level 40.

Now, as long as Su Fan and his three pets take one step forward, they can be called "mighty" in the main world. They are veritable experts in the Void Breaking Realm and can truly break the void.

But in fact, the combat prowess of Su Fan and the three pets cannot be taken at face value. The real level of the four of them has already reached a powerful level.

At this time, if they were to face the five great powers of Tianjizi, Chen Zhou, Jiuyou King, Thunder God General and Peng Demon King, not to mention that they could easily defeat these great powers, at least they would have no problem competing against one or two.

It will not be like before, with no ability to resist, and almost losing life just by looking at it.

Of course, the cost of such great progress is also staggering, and the originally abundant risk value is directly consumed.

But these were also within Su Fan's expectations. Anyway, he was about to participate in the multiplayer survival mode, and it was also at the desperate level.

That's right, Su Fan just wanted to try to see if he could encounter a vulnerable person from the 2% chance.

Su Fan is still very confident about this. His luck has always been good. He believes that even if there is only a 2% chance, he will definitely encounter a loophole.

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