National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 209 Su Fan shows his cards, this is what he got from the Ancient Bronze Palace

The atmosphere froze at this moment. This was an extremely important issue. As long as there was nothing behind Su Fan that the powerful men were afraid of, they could take action against Su Fan as they should.

"Why are you asking such a unnecessary question?" Peng Demon King Ying Gu Langpan said, "Even if there are people behind him, would he dare to compete with a bunch of powerful people like us?"

"Isn't it better to just torture this kid with sinister means." The blood corpse said in a gloomy tone, "If that doesn't work, if we imprison his soul and forcefully search it, we will definitely learn what kind of opportunities exist in the Ancient Bronze Palace!"

The rest of the powerful people were busy and did not say anything. It was better to be on the safe side.

"Judging from Changqing's short-term contact with him, he did not say which powerful disciple he is, and what an extraordinary and powerful existence you are standing behind you." Gu Changqing paused slightly, "But are there any masters to look after you? , not sure yet.”

Elder Chen waved his sleeves and everything became clear to him, "Then everyone, come with me to meet this kid for a while."

All the powerful men walked towards Su Fan. They all valued the Ancient Bronze Palace very much, and no one was willing to miss this opportunity.

"Welcome to you all, great masters." Hundreds of practitioners around Su Fan paid homage, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

This was the first time for many people to see so many powerful people. Normally, they would be lucky to see one in the sect. This resulted in hundreds of practitioners who did not dare to show their anger for fear of being affected by Su Fan. It is no joke that the mighty one can lay down a million corpses in a rage.

The powerful men said nothing and ignored the greetings from the practitioners. The practitioners were not shy and stepped back a few steps wisely, letting Su Fan out of the center.

"Su Fan, I have met all of you seniors." Su Fan smiled lightly and bowed in a polite manner. In any case, these powerful men are much older than him. They are still elders after all. Basic etiquette must be observed. of.

"No courtesy." Elder Chen replied in a calm tone, with no hint of emotion or anger.

"Young man, you are quite courageous. You are still calm and calm when you see several powerful people." Tianjizi stroked his gray beard. In fact, he quite admired Su Fan. He was both talented and unfazed. He has the fighting power of a king, and even his mind is excellent.

It's just a pity that when it comes to the Ancient Bronze Palace, even high talents are of no use and cannot stop the wrath of other powerful people.

"Thank you for your support, senior." Su Fan slightly cupped his hands, but his attitude didn't change much because of Tianjizi.

"No need to say polite words, tell me everything you experienced in the ancient bronze palace, and what the relationship between the purple furnace and you is." Demon King Peng waved his golden sleeves gently.

Su Fan suddenly noticed that there was invisible murderous intent coming from all directions, which was very pressing.

"That's right. Speak up obediently. You have no other choice." The blood corpse's voice was cold and merciless.

The other powerful men did not speak, but their meaning was already obvious. Su Fan had to tell him everything he had experienced in the ancient bronze palace.

But how could Su Fan say it, not to mention that the Void Furnace was quietly floating in his sea of ​​consciousness at this moment, involving beast masters, the wilderness, and the ancient races? It can't be said simply.

These things are far-reaching, and if they are spoken out, they are likely to lead to catastrophic disasters.

"Everyone, although the Ancient Bronze Palace is mysterious, I really didn't get anything related to immortals from it." Su Fan said sincerely, "Because I don't know what immortals mean."

Of course, he only dared to mutter the last sentence in his heart.

"You don't have to worry about it. Just tell us what you experienced or gained in the Ancient Bronze Palace, and we will judge it naturally." The thunder god general's roar shook the sky, and his breath was so powerful that it was terrifying.

"My patience is limited!" Demon King Peng uttered these five words, which were like divine sounds. Beside the clouds, many practitioners were unsteady and almost fell to their knees on the clouds.

This kind of scene surrounded by several great powers would probably make the average practitioner laugh out loud. A few words of flattery, and the things the great powers would throw out from between their fingernails would be enough to benefit them for the rest of their lives.

However, Su Fan didn't feel this way. He looked calm and composed on the surface, but in fact, his whole body was tense. The energy released by the powerful force was too terrifying, and he might be torn apart if he slacked even a little bit.

"Are you sure you want me to hand over everything I obtained in the Ancient Bronze Palace?" Su Fan suddenly showed a meaningful smile.

Elder Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. He felt something was not right, but as a powerful man, he was fearless, "Of course!"

Su Fan chuckled lightly and glanced around the powerful men with great arrogance. "Don't think that if you powerful men and old monsters unite together, no one can compete with you. I dare say, if I really Show that thing and you will definitely be shocked.”

As soon as these words came out, several powerful people frowned in unison. What on earth did Su Fan mean by these words? Will it make them afraid if he displays them?

Yes, although the mighty ones have a respected status and are true overlords, they can never reach the point of being invincible in the world. There are countless masters in the world, and there are many extremely powerful people who can rival the mighty ones.

But for an ancient bronze temple that only opens once a thousand years, even if the ancient temple itself makes the powerful people fearful, what qualifications do the items brought out of it have to make them fearful?

"That's ridiculous." Demon King Peng sneered and dismissed what Su Fan said.

"Okay!" Su Fan didn't hesitate, "Look what this is?"

With a smile on his face, Su Fan drew a series of afterimages in the sky, performing the mysterious footwork taught by the immortal Taoist.

Su Fan just wanted to pull the banner of the Immortal Taoist into a tiger skin. Not only the Immortal Taoist, but if possible, Su Fan even wanted to bring Huang, a taboo existence in the Mogu Forbidden Land, with him.

In order to avoid being the enemy of the whole world in the future, he will use actions to tell these supreme sects that he is not without background, so that they will be wary and will not take action rashly for some unclear things.

Even if he came secretly, Su Fan recognized it. As long as he took action without knowing it and searched for all information about him without hesitation, everything would still have time and a turn for the better.

Elder Chen stood there quietly, without speaking, but his eyes narrowed silently.

"What a mysterious footwork!" Demon King Peng has a majestic figure but looks like a young man. His fair face is full of shock at this moment, "It's even faster than Tian Peng's top speed."

Tianjizi's aura was as deep as the sea, and hundreds of thousands of stars lit up around his body. He was like a god, and he asked calmly: "Young man, who taught you this footwork?"

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