National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 201 Huntian Xiaopeng King in desperate situation

"You're kidding." Su Fan waved his hand nonchalantly, "How could I be that kind of person, torturing you to threaten King Huntian Xiaopeng."

Niu Zhuangzhi's eyes flashed, "Yes, what's the benefit of being such a shameless person? You will be tolerated by the world and cast aside by them."

Niu Zhuangshi tried to slow down his tone as much as possible. Judging from the mere few minutes of contact, Su Fan behaved like a moody person, so he did not want to further stimulate Su Fan to avoid causing irreparable things.

Although, deep down in his heart, he already thought that Su Fan was an uncontrollable madman.

While holding Su Fan steady, Niu Zhuangshi cursed in his heart and wanted him to look good after going out.

"Because it's not necessary, Tauren!" Su Fan smiled mysteriously, "Go ahead, Swallow the Sky!"

"What do you mean?" Niu Zhuangshi didn't understand what Su Fan was talking about, "What bad idea are you having."

But he was keenly aware that something bad was about to happen.

Xia Mang frowned slightly and thought to himself: "Isn't it necessary? Isn't it necessary to threaten King Huntian Xiaopeng with Niu Zhuangshou?"

Gu Changqing squinted his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "It's funny, how dare you say it's not necessary. Is there any way Brother Su can escape into the void?"

"Impossible." Tantai Xue shook her head after hearing this, "Unless you have a secret treasure at the level of Broken Second Realm (Level 5). Neither your sister nor I have such a treasure."

As soon as they spoke, Niu Zhuangshi finally understood what Su Fan wanted to express, and immediately shouted at the top of his lungs: "You should give up. Not everyone can master the ability to escape into the void, and only Peng Feier can master it." universally……"

Before he finished speaking, he was like a duck that had been strangled by the neck. He could no longer say a word. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were round.


The void in front of Tuntian trembled slightly, and his wings trembled, and overwhelming spiritual energy emerged. Under Niu Zhuangzhang's unbelievable eyes, he calmly escaped into the void mezzanine.

"No...impossible!" Niu Zhuangshi exclaimed, he couldn't believe that Tuntian could escape into the void interlayer.

"It's broken, Pengfei'er..." Niu Zhuangshi's heart skipped a beat. The enemy could escape into the void. After being seriously injured, what else could Pengfei'er use to fight against the enemy?

Niu Zhuangshi's expression was extremely ugly. He knew that Huntian Xiaopeng King might not be able to escape death.

In the void mezzanine, the space inside is topsy-turvy and bizarre, and even a few space-time turbulences are drawn from time to time.

The power of space-time turbulence is extremely terrifying. Even monks in the out-of-body realm (level 31-40) will be severely injured when encountering space-time turbulence. In serious cases, they may even be involved in it, leaving no trace of their corpses.

However, in this extremely dangerous place, there is a stalwart man with unstable aura who is meditating to heal his injuries. His aura is very weak, but he remains safe and sound in the void. He is the defeated Xiaopeng King of Huntian.

"Damn it, the Ancient Bronze Palace is so special, even the space is like this." King Xiaopeng of Huntian coughed twice, and a few wisps of blood could not stop flowing from the corner of his mouth. He was seriously injured, and his right arm was It was chopped down, his left fist was shattered, and there were severe wounds all over his body.

King Huntian Xiaopeng breathed for a while, and his physical condition improved. His eyes were full of fear, "I really don't know which indescribable being built the ancient bronze palace."

"The space mezzanine is in a mess, completely different from the outside world. Even I am forced to be trapped in this void, making it difficult to move to the outside world." King Xiaopeng of Huntian looked a little gloomy.

The space he was in now was actually still in the palace where he fought against Tuntian. As long as he came out of the void mezzanine, he would undoubtedly encounter Su Fan and the others.

Moreover, the space of the Ancient Bronze Palace is extremely special. King Huntian Xiaopeng moved in the void mezzanine and found that he could only walk in circles in this palace. He could not go anywhere, and naturally it was impossible to get out.

All in all, Huntian Xiaopeng King had no choice but to heal his wounds in the void mezzanine, and either wait for Su Fan and his party to leave, or regain his strength and compete with them again.

The Huntian Xiaopeng King suffered the biggest loss in his life this time. With his unruly character, how could he wait for Su Fan to leave safely.

He had already made up his mind that if Su Fan recovered from his injuries and he hadn't left yet, he would use his ability to escape into the void to assassinate them, and kill them in fear.

"Hmph, even if I am looked down upon by others, I can't care so much anymore." There was an evil spirit in the eyes of Huntian Xiaopeng King. He had never suffered such a big loss since he was a child.

"Birds, fox demons, lizards, and the most disgusting humans." King Xiaopeng of Huntian moved his arm slightly, and was about to pinch the bones of his hand a few times to match the atmosphere. However, when his mind moved, he recalled that his right hand was broken and his left fist was twisted. There are no moving hands at all.

"Damn it!" King Huntian Xiaopeng could only gnash his teeth instead, "When I am healed, you will all die!!"


The void made an overwhelming sound.

"It's a pity that you don't have that chance!"

"Who is it?" King Huntian Xiaopeng suddenly sat up from the stable surface of the void. He looked at the twisted void in front of him as if facing a formidable enemy.

Basically, those who can enter the void mezzanine can only be practitioners of the Second Broken Realm (level 41-50), and in his current state, even a random practitioner of the Void-Treading Realm (level 21-30) may cause it. Indelible consequences.

"No, the one who enters the Ancient Bronze Palace cannot be powerful." King Huntian Xiaopeng's eyes flashed, staring at the twisted void motionlessly, "Who could it be?"

"It's you?!" King Huntian Xiaopeng's pupils shrank, and the murderous intent deep in his eyes surged out like waves, as gripping as a knife out of his body.

However, in fact, Huntian Xiaopeng King was so anxious that his mind fell into a state of chaos. The sudden change made him completely panicked and unable to think effectively.

On the surface, he was filled with murderous intent, but in fact, he was just resisting because he smelled the threat of death, in order to dispel the fear deep in his heart.

"Hey, long time no see." Tuntian grinned. Because he was an eagle monster, he obviously had such a kind expression, but he looked very vicious.

"Bang bang, bang bang."

That was the beating sound of King Huntian Xiaopeng's heart. The sound was as clear as if it was in his ears.

The blood flow in Huntian Xiaopeng King's body increased countless times, and the strong sense of oppression made him breathless. This was not because of the power of Swallowing Heaven, but because the creature was shrouded in the shadow of death, stemming from instinctive fear.

"No!" He suddenly growled, "I, the Huntian Xiaopeng King, will never give up!!"

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