National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 199 The Jedi Counterattack by Huntian Xiaopeng King

This is a feeling that Huntian Xiaopeng King has never experienced before. It is an extremely fresh feeling, and all the things he has experienced before... Without any deliberate effort, the memories poured into his mind on their own.

When he was born, his whole body was surrounded by magic light, like a young demon king. The whole country of monsters was in a state of change, and thunder surged in the sky.

Almost all the demon clan forces sent their clansmen to congratulate. The ancestor Peng Demon King, as a powerful man, broke through the barrier and was given the name "Huntian Xiaopeng King" as an exception.

It means that he has the potential to become a powerful person, that is, the next Great Saint Peng Demon King of Huntian.

King Xiaopeng of Huntian still remembers that at that time, many great saints of the demon clan sent their children to befriend him.

Niu Zhuangshi met him at that time, and he also had many good brothers, the Little Saint Jiao Lie and Monkey, known as the Fighting Saint Ape and the Little Saint Equaling Heaven.

Fighting all over the country of monsters, there are almost no opponents...

Looking beyond the territory of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters, Daxia Jiuzhou, to participate in a trial that shocked the world and was jointly organized by many powerful people...

Wreaking havoc all the way through the Divine Refining Tower, killing many genius-level figures, including Lei Qianlie, the first rank in the Immortal View...

Everything goes smoothly. If he wants, his slaves will fetch it for him. If he doesn't want, he can destroy it with his own strength without relying on others.

Everything, until... I met the eagle-like monster that used thunder and lightning, and his master!

The memories of the past were like running water. In just 0.01 second, King Hundian Xiaopeng recalled almost all the memories of his life, like a lantern for a dying person.

When time returned to the present, the speed of everything around him seemed to have slowed down a lot. The golden beam of light on the dome stimulated the scalp of Huntian Xiaopeng King with a faint pain. It was clear that it had not fallen yet, but he had no choice but to retreat and escape. A feeling of avoidance.

"No, you can't kill me!" King Huntian Xiaopeng began to struggle violently, and he roared, burning the golden blood in his body, making himself seem to be the most dazzling little sun in the world.

With this power, Huntian Xiaopeng King forced Tuntian away in an extremely short time. He shouted, "Void, break it for me!" ! ""


The void around him made an overwhelming sound, and countless cracks appeared at an extremely fast speed.

"Huntian Xiaopeng King! With your unruly, arrogant and domineering character, is it possible that you would do such a hasty escape? What an embarrassment!" Tuntian's eyes were as bright as lightning. He sneered and stimulated Huntian with his words. The keen nerves of King Tian Xiaopeng.

King Huntian Xiaopeng's body trembled slightly, as if something was touched in his heart. He remembered his arrogant attitude in the past, defying the sky and the earth, and not taking the vast majority of people and monsters into consideration.

Even for those seniors with advanced cultivation and age, he has no sense of awe, because he always firmly believes that he will trample them under his feet in a short time, and there is nothing to be awe-inspiring.

But look at Huntian Xiaopeng King now. Not only was his right arm chopped off by Swallowing Heaven, but even his left palm was destroyed in the previous collision.

Peng's blood was spilled in the sky, and he had to escape into the void in embarrassment like a bereaved dog.

It's just that these unnecessary thoughts, emotions and everything else were thrown away by Huntian Xiaopeng King in just an instant. Everything that was arrogant and domineering should go to hell.

At that moment, at that moment, my whole body was cold, my hair stood on end, and there was a shadow of nothingness above my head, as if the god of death was accompanying me.

The feeling of death made King Huntian Xiaopeng throw away everything he shouldn't think about at this moment. He didn't want to experience that feeling a second time.

The portal to the void is wide open, and even the lightning speed that swallows the sky is helpless in the face of higher-level power. It can only deal with the void with the power involving the void.

"Oh my God, Huntian Xiaopeng King has actually mastered the ability of the void across a whole realm with his cultivation level at the top of the Void Realm (Level 30)."

"This is really unimaginable. Even if you are a peerless genius, it is almost impossible to master this ability in this realm."

Even the descendants of many great sects, with their extraordinary knowledge, were shocked when they saw King Huntian Xiaopeng use the ability to escape into the void interlayer for the first time, expressing the unbelievable meaning to the extreme.

You must know that the great killing technique previously performed by Huntian Xiaopeng King - Demon King's Immortal Suppressing Technique, although rare in the world, still surprised them.

But in the final analysis, this supreme holy art was brought back from the ruins by his ancestor, King Peng, known as the Great Sage of Huntian, and then carefully taught to King Peng of Huntian.

All in all, these can only be said that he has excellent luck. Although luck is also a part of strength, many great sect disciples are still unconvinced by him.

They are all indomitable figures who suppress their peers and have almost no rivals. Naturally, it is impossible for them to be convinced just because Huntian Xiaopeng King has mastered the supreme magic.

However, at this moment, as soon as the ability to escape into the void mezzanine emerged, they were finally convinced. This was an ability that could only be acquired by relying on their own talent.

Even if Huntian Xiaopeng King is a descendant of the powerful Peng Demon King and has the blood of Tianpeng in his body, the difficulty of practicing this is beyond imagination. It can only be said that Huntian Xiaopeng King is indeed extremely talented.

"Now that eagle-like monster has no way to deal with Huntian Xiaopeng King." Xia Mang of the Great Xia Dynasty shook his head and declared the fact domineeringly.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you are defeated and run away. Peng Fei'er has realized the ability to escape into the void interlayer. As long as you haven't reached the Void Breaking Realm, you can't do anything to him." Niu Zhuangshi in the distance breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he sneered. A few times, he taunted wildly.

"Not only that, he can also calmly hide in the void mezzanine to heal his wounds, and then watch you quietly, just like the shadow under your feet." Niu Zhuangzhi became more and more addicted as he talked, and became more and more arrogant.

"In the end, all I have to do is wait for the opportunity for you to relax, and Peng Feier will be able to use a thunderous blow, and then escape far away, hehehehe." Niu Zhuangzhi stared at Su Fan and his group with malicious intent, his eyes disdainful. Said: "The result is that even if you win the battle, you can only live in his shadow forever."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many great sect disciples changed. Niu Zhuangshi was right. He had mastered the ability to escape into the interlayer of the void. Then Huntian Xiaopeng King was the most cunning and weird assassin under the almighty power.

If you take into account that its terrifying combat power exceeds that of many monks in the Out-of-Body Realm (level 31-40), adding the two together, it is a no-brainer that Huntian Xiaopeng Wang Jue is definitely the most terrifying person under the almighty power. assassin.

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