National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 194 Golden Thunder Stops the Evil Soldiers

Tuntian spit out golden lightning from his mouth to fight, and the golden light suddenly appeared, blocking the invasion of the peerless fierce soldiers. It made a clanging sound like the intersection of gold and iron. The arc of electricity shot out in all directions, shattering the fog that filled the ancient bronze palace.

The Huntian Xiaopeng King's eyes were cold, and he jumped into the air with slight steps, holding the black Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd and slashing downwards continuously. This was not a simple attack and kill, because the Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd contained the evil soul that absorbed the soul.


The Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd turned into a black demonic dragon, as huge as a mountain. It shattered the golden arc fired from Tuntian on the spot, opened its mouth with blood, and swallowed the main body of Tuntian.

Sure enough, it is not an ordinary weapon, it is a fierce weapon used by the great master when he was young. Holding it in his hand, it can display endless fierce power. It can attack and kill on its own, and it is unparalleled in power.


Swallowing Sky ejected countless golden arcs, hitting the terrifying demonic dragon continuously, causing sparks to fly from the black scales of the demonic dragon, and the sky became a place of chaos.

However, the Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd is too perverted, adhering to the immortal killing intent, sweeping all killing intent, swallowing the sky's ferocious aura, like a black true dragon controlled by the divine roc, piercing through the heaven and earth and killing everything.

Even the golden thunder, which is full of awe-inspiring righteousness and restrains evil and evil spirits, cannot have much substantive restraint effect on evil spirits or evil spirits.


The sky-swallowing eagle shot out an incandescent light from its eyes, and the feathers on its pitch-black wings stood upright, and they were wrapped with golden arcs that made the air tremble.

All the electric arcs instantly covered Tuntian's whole body, causing a bright and mighty golden armor to appear on his body.

Then Tun Tian used his lightning speed and flashed in front of the black evil dragon filled with murderous intent.

"Dang." "Dang." "Dang."

Swallowing the sky opens and closes like a god of war, dancing its eagle wings wrapped in golden "mysterious thunder armor", making the sky tremble.

He used his wings as the toughest sword and slashed all the way. Although the black dragon's evil aura was overwhelming, it couldn't stop him at all.

The fierce dragon's pitch-black scales were shattered into pieces, flying all over the sky, and purple blood as real as the flesh overflowed. This is the super defense of the golden "Xuan Lei Armor", which is tougher than the black dragon transformed from the Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd. , can easily shatter scales.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang..."

The two of them fought, from mid-air to the ground in the Ancient Bronze Palace. A lot of the fog was dispersed, and even the entire Ancient Bronze Palace had to emit a magical halo to maintain the overall stability of the palace.

"This is something unimaginable. Just now, when they fought against Brother Su's pets, Li Mu, the Holy Son of Tianji, and Shangguan Xingyun, the Holy Son of the Blood God Sect, they didn't even let the Ancient Bronze Palace react at all."

Gu Changqing, the Holy Son of Wangchen, was actually standing with his hands behind his back, turning his head slightly and chatting with Su Fan beside him.

It's really weird, the two who should be enemies actually sit cross-legged and chat like friends they haven't seen for many years.

"That's right, Tuntian's combat power has always been the strongest among my three pets." Su Fan raised the corners of his mouth and took out two bottles filled with unknown dark liquid from the storage ring as he spoke. , "Here."

Su Fan took advantage of the situation and threw one of the bottles at Gu Changqing.

"Huh?" Gu Changqing was watching the wonderful scene and almost didn't react for a moment. However, he was a figure of the First Saint Son level after all, so he easily held the bottle in his hand.

"What is this?" Gu Changqing shook the unknown liquid in his hand, somewhat confused.

With his knowledge, it was strange that he didn't recognize what kind of liquid it was.

You must know that as the holy son of the Wangchen Sect, he is extremely good at conducting experiments and is very proficient in various heaven and earth spiritual plants, rare spiritual waters, and even various poisons, but he found that he could not see through the black liquid in the palm of his hand.

"Drink, it has a different flavor." Su Fan smiled, opened another bottle, raised his head and put it in his mouth.


Gu Changqing smiled slightly, "It's interesting."

He also followed Su Fan's example, unscrewing the top bottle cap and gently pouring it into his mouth.

"But let me tell you something, the strength of Huntian Xiaopeng King is indeed beyond my expectation." A golden data stream flashed in Su Fan's eyes, and he instantly decoded all the information about Huntian Xiaopeng King's strength. Knowing this The battle was a tough one for Tuntian.

"Ahem." Gu Changqing choked and hiccupped a few times, "It really has a different flavor, but there are some wonderful bubbles in it."

"What's the name of this drink?" Gu Changqing was a little curious, "Can you share a few more glasses with me and take them back to the junior brothers and sisters to try."

"Coke, don't look at things as simple. The craftsmanship used in making them is very complicated. You need to use high-level spiritual weapons or supreme secret techniques to replace them."

"Forget it then, I can be more economical. Having said that, Brother Su, as the master, aren't you a little too disdainful?"

"How to say?"

"You just sit here and watch your pets being beaten to death? And you're drinking weird drinks with me?"

"It's okay, Tuntian won't lose."

Gu Changqing was slightly startled and raised his eyebrows, "Brother Su is so confident? Then I'll take a closer look."

The eyes of Huntian Xiaopeng King were filled with astonishing murderous intent. He originally wanted to use the Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd to consume Tuntian's combat power. After all, to deal with this level of attack, he must use extraordinary means.

But who knew that his opponent had the magical golden thunder and could fight against the Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd with just this move.

"It's a pity that I can't control this fierce weapon freely." King Huntian Xiaopeng shook his head slightly, and raised his hand to take back the black dragon that was fighting with Swallowing Sky in the distance.

The reason why the Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd is called a fierce weapon is that, in addition to containing earth-shattering murderous intent, murderous intent, and fierceness, it also tortures the user's mind all the time. Once the torture lasts too long, it will even corrode the will to control.

The final result is likely to be that Huntian Xiaopeng King himself was in turn controlled by the Great Wilderness Ancient Halberd, and became a killing tool without independent consciousness.

"I, the Little Peng King of Huntian, will fly over the world and point my sword at all the saints in the world."

Astonishing murderous intent erupted from the eyes of Huntian Xiaopeng King, as sharp as a knife, "Why do you stand in front of me?!"

"The Demon King's Immortal Suppression Technique No. 1!" King Huntian Xiaopeng shouted, his dark hair dancing wildly, as if he had turned into a real Demon King, and a dim light rose into the sky.

A demonic roc with ferocious flames burning the sky appeared between his eyebrows, lifelike. With a flick of his hand, golden thunder shot out from the sky and suddenly collapsed, its combat power was astonishing!


Tuntian was threatened by death that he had never felt before. He quickly backed away with a solemn look in his eyes. The opponent's combat power suddenly became many times stronger.

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