This ability brought out from the void furnace can interfere with matter at the atomic level and dominate space.

This ability is not proactively aggressive, but its performance is that the closer the object is to Su Fan, the slower it will become, and in the end it will seem to have stopped.

In this state, no attack can hit Su Fan. Unless the enemy's attack can break the upper limit of this ability, the effect of this technique can be eliminated.

Obviously, Shangguan Nebula's vision "Blood Moon Rising from the Sea" cannot break through this limit, and naturally it cannot cause harm to Su Fan himself.

Based on the characteristics of this ability, Su Fan decided to name it "So close to the end of the world."

Shangguan Xingyun's body was full of blood. As if he didn't believe in evil, he once again used the vision "Blood Moon Rising from the Sea" to suppress the strange human beings in front of him.

The moon disk vibrated, as if large areas of bright red blood were falling down, and there were strange drops, and there was a vague sonorous sound.

However, it was still the same, the bloody moonlight was fixed there, unable to press down, and was imprisoned in front by invisible force.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang."

The blood moon shook again, and the blood blade filled with evil nature shot out like a ray of light. The various magic weapons of many practitioners in the God Refining Tower were vulnerable to this blade and were twisted into powder. At this moment, Shangguan Xingyun directly used it Cut off.

Li Ange, the master of the sword, had a strange look on his face. He had fought with Shangguan Xingyun several times, so he naturally knew the power of this blade, but what happened now left everyone speechless.

The bloody blade was like light and electricity, but as it approached Su Fan, its speed couldn't help but become slower and slower, until finally, it stopped completely in front of Su Fan.

Although it traveled farther than the simple vision of "Blood Moon Rising on the Sea", it was obviously not enough, and it still failed to touch Su Fan's body.

By now, many saints had solemn expressions on their faces.

They all understood that the vision of the "Blood Moon Rising from the Sea" was not unfounded. It was created by the ancient powers and had extraordinary power. Even the powerful elders would find it difficult to compete with it, and would even be easily shaken to pieces.

However, the scene at this moment is really amazing.

The existence that can appear in the ancient bronze palace is indeed not simple. He calls himself a human being and looks young. I am afraid that he is probably the descendant of a master of the level of the reclusive saint.

This is the thought in the hearts of all great religious disciples.

However, they didn't pay too much attention to it. All the forces present united, and even if the ancient saint was still alive, they would give him some bad treatment. What's more, it was still an undetermined fact whether there was a saint behind Su Fan.

At the moment, what the heirs of the major sects are most concerned about is the relationship between the furnace and Su Fan. He jumped out of the purple furnace. Could it be that this rare treasure has been conquered by him?

While the saints were observing Su Fan, Su Fan was naturally not idle either. Instead, he used the "Eye of Destruction" to examine his opponent's detailed information.

Being sucked into the void furnace for no reason, his realm was improved and he gained new abilities.

The most important thing is that after going out, he happened to meet many saints exploring the ancient bronze palace?

Where did such a coincidence come from? Su Fan had a pair of dead fish eyes. He didn't even need to think about it. He knew that there was something wrong with this situation. It was most likely a certain powerful person. No, the powerful person's strength was probably difficult to solve. Manipulate them.

It is very likely that there is a being above the powerful, secretly fueling their actions, like moving the pieces on a chessboard.

Su Fan squinted his eyes. This statement was actually not very accurate. The control of the chess pieces required the player to move them personally after the game.

But the being behind the scenes didn't come forward, so the successors of the great religions thought they were doing things according to their own ideas, but in fact they fell into the trap completely.

It can be said that the means are more superb.

The first step is to improve the strength of Su Fan's team. Otherwise, Su Fan and others will not be the opponents of many holy sons if their level remains unchanged.

One or two can be said to be okay, but now that there are 10, Su Fan from before will definitely lose.

Then he attracted the Holy Son and quietly waited for himself to be born, waiting for himself to become the target of public criticism.

"Perhaps this is Huang's second test." Su Fan's thoughts wandered as he gave himself and his pets so many benefits, including abilities and cards.

Therefore, Su Fan did not believe that Huang had no agenda of his own and was receiving no reward for his merits. In the future, he would probably have an unclear relationship with Huang because of these.

With his thoughts scattered, Su Fan decided not to delve into the reasons behind this, but focused on the present.

His level has also reached level 30, so at a glance, the strength of the descendants of the Supreme Sect can be distinguished without showing their aura.

Among them, there are two people at level 27, one is Xia Mang from the Great Xia Dynasty, and the other is Jiang Cha from the Immortality View.

The Daxia Dynasty basically did not participate in such trials between supreme sects, so the characters sent this time were relatively weak.

There is nothing to say about the concept of immortality. The first and second sequences are dead, and only Jiang Cha, who is the third sequence, can make up for it.

However, it is worth mentioning that Su Fan observed that Jiang Cha has a secret treasure with immeasurable power. This secret treasure does not have a specific level, but it can be seen from the hidden information that the real power is probably not weaker than a level 5 spirit. device.

Fortunately, this secret treasure did not have the ability to actively attack and could only passively protect Jiang Cha's safety, which made Su Fan feel more at ease.

This means that Su Fan does not know the restrictions on entering the Ancient Bronze Palace. If the disciples of the various sects present knew that Jiang Cha had this secret treasure, they would be extremely surprised.

The Ancient Bronze Palace clearly stipulates that spiritual weapons above level 4 are not allowed to enter, but it is incredible that this secret treasure in Jiang Cha's body is comparable to a level 5 spiritual weapon.

With the current methods of the powerful men, it is impossible to interfere with the rules of the Ancient Bronze Palace. In other words, the secret treasure worn by Jiang Cha cannot exceed level 4.

And since the power of level 4 is comparable to level 5, it can only be said that General Lei Shen spent a lot of money. The real price of this secret treasure is probably at least equivalent to two level 5 spiritual weapons.

Level 5 spiritual weapons are weapons commonly used by powerful people. Normal powerful people cannot refine secret treasures of this level. Only powerful people who are good at refining weapons can do so.

All in all, the secret treasure on Jiang Cha's body in the Immortal View sequence is of extraordinary value. Even if it is not as good as the purple void furnace, it will definitely make the disciples of the great sects salivate.

If they knew that Jiang Cha had a secret treasure of this level, they might have other thoughts.

For example, the mean-spirited Niu Zhuangchang might give up trying to steal food from the disciples of the great religions, and instead compete for the secret treasure in Jiang Cha's body.

The moment Su Fan observed Jiang Cha's information, he thought of a brilliant plan.

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