National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 167 Detecting wax corpses and searching for exotic treasures

Su Fan looked at the wax corpses, trying to find some clues about the ancient bronze palace, or to see if there were any remaining treasures.

"Well, Master." Xiao Huo's eyes dodge, "Do you really want to touch these unknown corpses?"

"What if, I mean what if." Xiaohuo swallowed, "What if the corpse changes and the ancient race inside is resurrected?"

"When the corpse changes, just kill them again." Su Fan shrugged indifferently, squatting down and looking at the wax corpse closest to him.

Su Fan had some expectations in his heart. If they were ancient races that disappeared in the long river of history, maybe they could find rare treasures that didn't exist in this world.

Su Fan peeled off the grease on a wax corpse, and immediately revealed a lifelike half-human race. This was a human with a dragon head, a ferocious appearance, and no wounds on his body.

"Did he die after his spiritual consciousness was strangled?" Su Fan looked at the dragon man's body and said to himself.

As soon as he finished speaking, the wax statue-like dragon shriveled up, and then his flesh and blood withered, turning into a golden skeleton. In the end, the golden light rippled, the bones shattered, and nothing was left.

"It seems that the mysterious power contained in the layer of wax on the surface has kept the bodies of these monsters intact." Tun Tian's eyes were as bright as lightning and he analyzed calmly.

"It's really strange. Who could Huang be?" Xiaohuo muttered with her lips pouted. She now believed that these ancient corpses and the ancient bronze temple were all the masterpieces of Huang.

And since Huang has the means to leave behind the corpses of ancient races, it can only be those old guys who had dealings with her in her previous life.

Su Fan peeled off more than a dozen wax corpses one after another, including a hundred-foot-tall giant. This giant was terrifying in size. Su Fan and three pets worked together to peel it apart.

But whether it is a humanoid creature with wings on its back and silver skin, a hundred-foot giant, or a weird race that looks like it is spliced ​​together by multiple creatures, after the layer of wax on the epidermis is peeled off, It turned into ashes, leaving nothing behind, let alone rare treasures.

"The power of time is really terrifying. These races that have suppressed an era cannot escape the end of being wiped out. Even these rare treasures..." Su Fan shook his head slightly and kicked aside the few pieces of scrap metal he just found.

These are all rare treasures that ancient races once carried close to their bodies. They were much more powerful than ordinary spiritual weapons, but after being tempered for a long time, they were completely reduced to waste.

"Little Huo." Su Fan's eyes flashed with a strange light. He looked at the Ancient Bronze Palace, "Do you think there is a living ancient race here?"

"How is it possible? It's unbelievable that the corpses of ancient races appear alive..." Xiao Huo shook his head crazily, unable to believe this statement at all.

"It's really interesting if there is one, but I don't know if it can be adopted as a pet." Su Fan's pupils reflected a dangerous look.

"Boss, why do you want to keep whoever you catch as your pet?" Hanhan complained in a depressed tone.

"Tsk, that's really crazy." Xiao Huo was a little dissatisfied and muttered: "To conquer the ancient races, we are not afraid of being slapped to death by others."

"Haha, since Huang can set a test for the beast control master, then I believe that this behavior is tacitly approved by the starry sky." Su Fan spread his hands, "Since it is allowed, then there will be no such thing as ten-death incompetence." The test of life.”

"In other words, even if there is an ancient race in the Ancient Bronze Palace, its strength is still within the category of being able to defeat it. There is no need to worry about being slapped to death by it." Su Fan raised his head slightly. He looked at the bronze door in front of him, his brows filled with emotion. gained confidence.

"So..." Su Fan took a few steps forward and placed his hand on the bronze palace door under the awed eyes of the pets. "There is no need to be afraid."

After the words fell, Su Fan used his palms hard and tried to handsomely push open the door in front of the ancient bronze palace.

"Ah, you can't push it?"

Su Fan's brows jumped. Did he make a mistake? He allowed himself to be tested and then shut himself out. What kind of thoughts did this "Huang" have?

Su Fan put down his hand a little depressed.

The pets also saw the fact that Su Fan was refused entry to the Ancient Bronze Palace, but they had no clue.

"Is it possible?" Su Fan raised his eyes and thought of a possibility.

I saw that Su Fan took out the Nether Immortal Refining Token that was given by the immortal Taoist and was said to be comparable to a level 4 spiritual weapon.

Before he could use the "Eye of Destruction" to observe the effect of the token, he saw thousands of lights suddenly reflected on the token.

The token rose into the air, rushed straight towards the mysterious ancient bronze palace opposite, and then escaped into it.

Su Fan sighed secretly: "As expected."

This token, which is comparable to a level 4 spiritual weapon, is probably the key to opening the ancient bronze palace.

In the end, he was crying and selling himself hard to get money from the immortal Taoist, but in the end, they didn't give him any treasure at all.

Instead, the key to the ancient bronze palace that should have been given to him was rewarded as a treasure.

"It's really good." Su Fan felt a little outrageous, "As a senior who has lived for thousands of years, this veteran must have countless treasures on his body, but he turns out to be quite stingy."

"Even if you don't want to give it, just say it. And you made such a fuss in a roundabout way."

Su Fan shook his head slightly. This veteran really didn't have the airs of his predecessors, but he was actually an interesting guy.

He didn't take it to heart. Anyway, he still learned footwork that was as fast as Tianpeng. This alone was enough to thank the veteran.

"Let's go, you can enter the Ancient Bronze Palace."

Su Fan pushed open the heavy and simple bronze door and stepped into the hall with his pets.

Suddenly, a huge force pulled towards them. Su Fan felt a little shocked in his heart. He gathered his mind and used the power in his body to try to resist this pull.

However, it was impossible to resist, this force was as fierce as a mountain.

"There's no need to struggle, I'm afraid it's just a waste of time." Su Fan comforted softly.

The pets immediately stopped talking and waited quietly to see where this irresistible force would transport them.

With a few bangs, they fell heavily to the ground. The surrounding environment was empty and very quiet, which always gave people a feeling of hairiness inside.

"What will the test be?" Su Fan squinted at the surrounding scene and found that there was a faint mist surrounding it, which was very hazy and difficult to see the true appearance.

His eyes flashed with golden light, and he opened the "Destroying Eyes of Illusion" to try to detect something, and swallowing the sky beside him also had lightning-like eyes.

They saw it almost at the same time. There seemed to be a protective shield emitting divine light in the far distance.

"That's it?" Su Fan's pupils shrank, as if he saw something incredible in the fog.

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