National Beast Survival: I can see hidden messages

Chapter 156 The Realm of Wuxin Monk

Wuxin squinted his eyes, as if thinking about the possibility of Su Fan's proposal.

Indeed, with Huntian Xiaopeng Wang's character, he would not look down upon Lei Qianlie even if he would not attack him directly.

And just needing such a little stimulation, Lei Qianliejue, who has a bad temper and desperately wants to compete with monsters physically, will take action.


"It's not impossible." Monk Wuxin glanced at Su Fan coldly, "But for me, the price to pay is relatively high, and I will be in a weak state for a period of time."

"You should know the consequences of falling into a weak state in the God Refining Tower, so why do you let me do this?" Monk Wuxin put his hands behind his back and looked at Su Fan provocatively.

"Weak state?" Su Fan raised his eyebrows, "Maybe... I have a way to help you get rid of this state."

He thought of the left foot of the person who was sealed. What this card actually sealed was the human path of the Lord of Samsara.

It has the unparalleled power of self-healing, regeneration, and treatment of all diseases. I believe it is only a small matter to use it on Wuxin monk and avoid his side effects.

The only thing to note is that the cost of consumption is lifespan.

Su Fan looked slightly cold, but it was nothing. His current upper limit of lifespan was 700, and it would not cost much to treat a medium-sized wound.

"I'm not willing to try it without being completely sure." Monk Wuxin denied it directly, leaving no room for error.

Su Fan sighed softly, "I am 90% sure that I can cure you, and even if it cannot be cured, my pets and I are willing to protect you in the following layers."

"You have also seen my pets. All three of them are at the First Saint Son level. Plus myself, I believe it is more than enough to protect you for a while."

Su Fan saw that Monk Wuxin was a little moved, and immediately added a few more chips, "No matter whether it can be cured or not, I will give you some spiritual treasures to compensate. I will swear all the above conditions."

Su Fan learned about Tao Oath from the information given by Tantai Yue.

It is a bond and an oath, and if you don't keep it, you will be punished.

The Dao Oath has an impact on practitioners of any realm. On the contrary, the higher the realm, the greater the binding power of the Dao Oath.

Because they enjoy too many benefits, they have to bear the corresponding price. This is also an important reason why high-level practitioners are unwilling to make Taoist vows.

If they violate it, even they will most likely die.

This is the most sincerity Su Fan can give. If the unintentional monk is still unwilling to accept it, that's okay. Anyway, the God Refining Tower has seven floors, and the future is long.

"Haha, interesting." Monk Wuxin smiled evilly, "Happy cooperation!"

The two people who had achieved a common goal quickly arrived at their destination this time - where the "Crying Soul Beast" was.

After walking for several miles, they arrived here. This was the end of the underground palace. The scene was completely different from the places they had passed before.

The terrifying Yin Qi was swept away, and the light ahead was bright and extremely bright.

It was a piece of Qionglou Yuyu, located at the end of the underground palace. It was very holy, with streaks of auspicious colors blooming and streaks of rays of light shining in all directions.

The surroundings are lush and green, and it turns out that many exotic flowers and plants grow in this underground world.

"This soul-crying beast really likes to enjoy himself. He is obviously the King of Ghosts, but he lives in a magnificent palace." Su Fan complained calmly.

Monk Wuxin had a serious look on his face, and he recited intermittent Buddhist words in his mouth, but something strange was that the Buddhist words he was clearly reciting were extremely holy, but when they came out of his mouth, there was a sense of solemnity.

Soon, a Buddha appeared behind him. The Buddha obviously had a smiling face, but was extremely sinister.

I saw the golden light behind the Buddha, and around him, countless shadows of small Buddhas rushed out, flying and spinning, chanting constantly from their mouths.

The sound waves seemed to have substance, flying out in all directions, as if detecting something.


The ground shook violently, and dozens of palaces shook one after another, as if the "Crying Soul Beast" was trying its best to resist.

"Found it!" Monk Wuxin opened his eyes, licked his lips, and looked evil.


The terrifying spiritual energy circulated in Wu Xin's body, rushing and roaring like wide rivers.

All the Buddhas behind Wu Xin disappeared. He spread his hands, and a bloody shock wave was brewing in his palms.


Monk Wu Xin casually threw out the shock wave in his hand, and the bloody aura exploded, blowing a palace into pieces.

A figure tumbled out of the broken palace in embarrassment. Su Fan took a closer look. He looked like a monkey and had a green body. He must have been the so-called "soul-crying beast".

Before Su Fan could react, Monk Wuxin stepped on the ball of his foot and rushed out.

"Huhuhu, what an interesting prey." Monk Wuxin laughed evilly a few times, and then stepped on the head of the soul-crying beast.

With a bang, the sand and gravel on the ground shattered, and the Soul Crying Beast let out a miserable wail.

"What's wrong? You won't die so soon, will you?" Monk Wuxin looked pitiful and bent down to look down at the ferocious-looking soul-crying beast.

"Zhizhizhi!" The Soul Crying Beast's mouth was trembling, and it made a shrill and harsh sound.

"That's right, try harder." Monk Wuxin smiled arrogantly, and kicked again, fiercely and accurately stepping on the head of the Soul Crying Beast.

A bloody light flashed across the eyes of the Soul Crying Beast, and the next moment, its whole body was surrounded by an extremely rich black energy.


The gloomy water-like black energy flashed past, and the soul-crying beast dodged Monk Wuxin's attack and disappeared from his sight.

There was golden light in Su Fan's eyes. He kept staring at the movements of the Soul Crying Beast. Even if the situation changed, he still spotted the Soul Crying Beast immediately.

However, Su Fan did not remind him aloud. After all, Monk Wuxin's strength was at the level of the Void Realm (Level 30), which was comparable to that of Huntian Xiaopeng King. How could he be easily attacked?

As expected, Monk Wuxin sneered, turned around and slashed behind him with a knife.


Purple blood splashed everywhere, and with a sound, the limbs chopped off by the Wuxin monk fell weakly to the ground.

"Master Wuxin, stop playing around and hurry up. The illusion cannot hinder Huntian Xiaopeng King for too long and let him find the passage to the second floor. It will all be in vain!" Su Fan reminded him appropriately.

Monk Wuxin waved his hand lazily, and then looked at the Soul Crying Beast, "As a prop for warm-up, you are very qualified, so... bring it to you!"

He struck out like lightning and plucked down a round and attractive purple orb under the belly button of the Soul Crying Beast.

"Look." Monk Wuxin shook the bead in his hand proudly, "With this thing, you can rewrite the scene in the fantasy realm."

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